This international workshop was organised by the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of the Balearic Islands University (UIB), Mallorca within the framework of the national project "Success and dropout pathways in vocational education and training in Spain" carried out by the universities of the Balearic Islands, Autonomous of Barcelona and Quebec (Canada) and the Federal Institute for Vocational Training from Switzerland.

Regional and local stakeholders from VET institutions, labour market, guidance centres, chambers, teachers, counsellors and management teams of VET centres, regional and local VET policy makers and researchers attended the event.

Cedefop expert Irene Psifidou's presentation focused on the following main points:

  • the role of VET in addressing early leaving;
  • the size of the phenomenon in VET;
  • key characteristics of successful measures to reduce early leaving from VET;
  • existing gaps in the scientific literature regarding evidences about measures to address early leaving from VET and factors associated to this phenomenon;
  • evaluating the impact of implemented policies and mainstreaming successful practices;
  • practical tools available to address this phenomenon in Europe and the work of Cedefop towards the development of a European toolkit;
  • improving attractiveness of VET and in South European countries and in Baleares islands more specifically as strategy to reduce early leaving

Following her speech, she was asked to give an interview, which was published in Diario de Mallorca on 24.6.2016.

Her presentation as well as the interview are available as downloads (both documents are available in Spanish only).


Event details

Event Date(s)
22/06/2016 - 24/06/2016
Event Type
Open event
Cedefop involvement


El paper de la formación profesional en la reduccion del abandono prematuro de la educación y la formación, presentation by Irene Psifidou


Hay países que dan incentivos a alumnos para que no abandonen la FP, interview with Irene Psifidou



Irene Psifidou