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This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. All the guides follow a common structure, although they vary in terms of level of detail, technical content and case studies. All guides have gone through extensive validation and peer review; they were also discussed in detail in international expert seminars in which academic representatives, anticipation and matching experts, and potential end-users from all over the world provided comments and feedback on content and usability. Experts and staff of the three organisations also peer reviewed the guides before their publication.

This volume covers the development of skills foresights, scenarios and skills forecasts, and aims to support setting up skills forecasting systems at national level by means of quantitative and/or qualitative approaches. The guide is built on a number of experiences and case studies in both developed and developing countries. It proposes a set of instruments devised to help guide new initiatives in this area. Adapted to specific objectives and country contexts, elements of the methods described can be combined.

The guide is intended specifically for countries which are starting to develop systems of skill needs anticipation. It provides information for sponsors and implementers of skill needs anticipation initiatives, such as policy-makers, education and training providers, public employment services, social partners and research and specialist organisations.

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Developing skills foresights, scenarios and forecasts

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