
Focus area
The aim is to anticipate the skills needs in different occupations to design the initial vocational education programmes and vocational training programmes. All the results about future jobs and skills needs are published and disseminated to those responsible for education and training programmes within the whole country
Implementation level
At what level is the initiative implemented?
Starting period
TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
2001 - present
PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
This is a skills forecasting system
Policy area
To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
How it is funded?
Funded by national government

Skill mismatch

Skill mismatch target
What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
Skills matching focus
How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
The a quantitative labour market forecast. I It is based on demographic projections and macroeconomic hypotheses (scenarios) concerning future labour demand and skills demand for 87 occupations ten years in the future. In the result it shows which occupations will be in demand. This may be a valuable source of information for vocational guidance.
is an information source for relevant actors.
The a quantitative labour market forecast is based on demographic projections and macroeconomic hypotheses (scenarios) concerning future labour demand and skills demand for 87 occupations ten years in the future. In the result it shows which occupations will be in demand. This may be a valuable source of information for deciding for re-skilling and major upskilling measures (it helps to assess the employment potentials of an occupation)
As this is a quantitative forecast of occupations, it does only indirectly facilitate job/career transition. The current work for the projection for 2030 also looks into occupational mobility issues (…)
The a quantitative labour market forecast is based on demographic projections and macroeconomic hypotheses (scenarios) concerning future labour demand and skills demand for 87 occupations ten years in the future. In the result it shows which occupations will be in demand.
The a quantitative labour market forecast. I It is based on demographic projections and macroeconomic hypotheses (scenarios) concerning future labour demand and skills demand for 87 occupations ten years in the future. In the result it shows which occupations will be in demand.


What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
Skills forecasting
I It is based on demographic projections and macroeconomic hypotheses (scenarios) concerning future labour demand and skills demand for 87 occupations ten years in the future. The statistical exercise is carried out by DARES and France Stratégie.
Employer surveys
Studies of other actors are consulted for scenario building and analysis of main trends.
Skills foresight
Studies of other actors are consulted for scenario building and analysis of main trends. This includes in particular work done by sector and regional observatory. The whole skills forecasting project is based on a broad participation of relevant actors, qualitative interviews have been carried out.
Expert panels
Studies of other actors are consulted for scenario building and analysis of main trends. The whole skills forecasting project is based on a broad participation of a wide range of relevant actors.
Skill audits
Note that France Stratégie, responsible for the skills forecast, carries out a wide range of other activities related to the assessment of skills and competences and is taking also in account the work done by other institutions. Projection of competences is one element of current work for the 2030 forecast
Vacancy surveys
For the current projection (for 2030), also the skills needs survey is taken into account
Use of skills intelligence
How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. A survey among users shows that it has been used for preparation of initial and continuing training cards as well as for the development of new training.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. A survey among users shows that it has been used for preparation of initial and continuing training cards as well as for the development of new training; adaptation of training places; balancing of supply chains in the territory, support for sectors, contracts of territorial objectives, GPECT
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. It can be used by any career guidance and counsellor. As the information of PMQ feeds into the French prospective works it feeds into information on occupations.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. It can be used by any career guidance and counsellor and by the individual young person to get informed about study choices. It goes also into foresight work of Pôle emploi, the French PES, and Pôle emploi takes this information up in fiches about occupations, that each individual can consult on the web.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. It can be used by any career guidance and counsellor and by the individual to get informed about employment prospect . Quite likely the information will be used by an employment counsellor guiding the unemployed. It goes also into foresight work of Pôle emploi, the French PES, and Pôle emploi takes this information up in fiches about occupations, that each individual can consult on the web.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. Survey results obtained for an impact assessment conducted in 2018 indicate that it is used for business development.
There is no information on the specific use of forecast. It is publicly available information, with high visibility. Survey results obtained for an impact assessment conducted in 2018 indicate the following usage:
- Preparation of initial and continuing training cards
- Development of new training o (SAP, Digital, green economy)
- Adaptation of training places (health and social)
- Balancing of supply chains in the territory, support for sectors, contracts of territorial objectives, GPECT
- Provide prospective insight within the company, preparation of seminars, publications, studies
- Commercial action plan
Foresight work at Pôle emploi


Main responsible body
Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
National ministry
France Stratégie (attached to the Prime Minister's Office)
Other involved organisations
Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
National ministry
Ministry of labour participates in the production of inputs
Regional ministry
Regions participate in the network on employment and skills, they may provide directly or indirectly inputs. Regional employment observatories may provide inputs
National agency
E.g. the national Agency for lifelong learning, the national agency for VET, and the national agency for the improvement of working conditions are members of the advisory board / steering group. The Statistical office is delivering inputs.
Regional agency
In the context of the regional analysis
Social partner: employer organisation
Social partners are members of the advisory board
Social partner: trade union
Social partners are members of the advisory board
National PES
Is a member of the advisory board and may provide inputs
Regional PES
Possibly in the context of the regional analysis
Training Providers
They are members of advisory groups, mainly at the regional level
Research centres, universities
They are providing inputs. The research centre on education and training CEREQ is also part of the advisory board.
e.g. Adecco; Réseau Emplois Compétences (REC) (Network employment and Skills) which brings together representatives of the state, social partners, regions, branch observatories, organizations producing observation and forecasting work. In addition Cedefop and the European Commission have been members of the advisory board for the Prospective 2022
Who are the intended beneficiaries?
Young people making the transition from education into work
The forecast can be used as a source of information by individuals and relevant actors.
Young people with low levels of basic skills /early leavers from education or training
The forecast can be used as a source of information by individuals and relevant actors.
Adults with low basic skills
The forecast can be used as a source of information by individuals and relevant actors.
Adults in employment with upskilling potential
The forecasts can be used as a source of information by individuals and relevant actors.
Adults in employment with reskilling potential
The forecasts can be used as a source of information by individuals and relevant actors.


Success factors
SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
The network REC and previously PMQ set up a shared prospective vision of the French economy needs in term of employment and skills. As a result of a very collaborative work process, all the different stakeholders make the most of the results.
BARRIERS in the implementation
The main difficulties were to gather data from different sources and to adopt common methodologies.
Monitoring and evaluation
MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
For the REC : 200 institutions are involved, 5 workshops and 5 regular reports. An assessment of PMQ was made by France Stratégie and DARES in February 2018.
UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
Every 4 years
EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
The PMQ instrument is used by the different partners and implemented at the regional and sectoral level (13 regions and around 30 sectors). The beneficiaries are composed of the active population, and mainly the jobseekers.
SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
Yes, because PMQ was completed and coordinated with the regional skills monitoring centres, and the sectoral skills monitoring centres now have a long experience and is used by all the stakeholders.

Other instruments in France