
Disengagement from the labour market and education increases the incentive to engage in economically motivated criminal activities and other antisocial behaviours. Furthermore, youth offending is often linked to educational underachievement, and studies have shown a causal link between an individual’s education and labour market prospects and their probability of turning to economic-related crime. Conversely, not only does unemployment make crime more likely but a criminal record makes future unemployment more likely. In addition to getting involved in criminal activities, NEETs are at a higher risk of involvement in risky behaviour in general. Young NEETs may become engaged in a cumulative set of risk-related behaviours such as alcohol and drug abuse and involvement in crime.

Related intervention approaches

Related resources

    Good practices
    Good practice
    Mobile Gaming App for Identification and documentation of Skills and Competences for disadvantaged young NEETs

    Getting NEETs back on track by the "VET-ification" of gaming to encourage them to take part in Vocational Education and Training (VET) or at least get in touch with VET.

    Practitioner's toolkit

    This toolkit is intended to assist you in designing and implementing your approach to activate people not in employment, education and training (NEETs). The toolkit provides concrete guidance and tools for PES to assess the NEET challenge and set priorities; draft and implement an Action Plan; and develop new tools, measures and competences from scratch.

    How to work with NEETs - A Toolkit for local administrations

    At EU level NEETs (Not in Employment Education or Training) are considered one of the most problematic groups in the context of youth unemployment. The aim of the NET not NEET project was to enhance networking and co-operation amongst public and private actors.