
In order to understand the reason why we decided to collect those mobility experiences among learners with disabilities into a catalogue and how the inspiring practices selected are relevant to the Make It Happen (MIH) project, let us now clarify the aim of this work.

In this catalogue we have identified 10 inspiring practices in line with the MIH project's aims and in some way relevant to the MIH partners.

This catalogue is the result of investigation and direct contact with organisations involved within learners with disability: companies, schools, associations, public bodies, etc., all united by the desire and commitment to make the experience of studying or working abroad accessible to all.

To select these inspiring practices, the year of the projects was one of the criteria, with preference given to recent projects (from 2018) with the implementation of international mobility for people with disabilities. An exception was made with Inspiring Practice No. 9, due to its relevance for the project results. Finally, the last criterion was to choose projects in which MIH members did not participate directly as promoters. This was intended to expand the MIH community by discovering new realities and new projects, which could inspire us and perhaps become part of the MIH Network.

Most of the protagonists in this collection have years of experience working with people with disabilities and/or in international mobility. We thank them all for their contribution to this research and for the work they do every day in the name of inclusion.



Make it happen! Catalogue of inspiring practices on inclusive mobilities