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This report analyses VET governance structures and financing arrangements in Spain, Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Sweden in view of developing and expanding apprenticeship.

The study identifies ‘favourable’ or ‘ideal’ (from a theoretical point of view) governance structures and financing arrangements (normative model) that would support sustainable implementation of high-quality apprenticeship.

Against the backdrop of this model, current structures in these countries are assessed and areas that need action identified. Possible options as to how apprenticeship or similar schemes could be further developed in each country are presented.

Designed as action research in which relevant national stakeholders – government representatives, employers, employees and training providers – were actively involved in carrying out the assessment and discussing future policy options, the study aims to contribute to policy learning and encourage the national and international dialogue on apprenticeship.

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Governance and financing of apprenticeships

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Governance and financing of apprenticeships

EN 3.82 MB