
Focus area
CRNs consist of a network of centres across Spain. Each centre is specialized in one field of expertise. Their functions are wide, including skills identification and anticipation, improvement of the training design and provide training. CRNs provide direct training to students in their field and indirect training, through training to teachers of other VET centres and through the innovation and update of education plans and methodologies.
Implementation level
At what level is the initiative implemented?
Starting period
TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
The Centres’ functions observe the changing qualification needs of the production system. CRNs base on their own knowledge and hold a network with companies, trade unions, joint sectoral committees, VET centres, universities, technological and research centres and other institutions contacted through international projects.
Policy area
To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
Example: CRN in e-commerce and digital marketing (Centro de Referencia Nacional en Comercio Electrónico y Marketing Digital). Other CRNs take into account the digitalization of work.
Research and innovation in VET, in collaboration with universities, tecnological centres and companies, among other entities.
How it is funded?
Funded by national government
Funded by regional government

Skill mismatch

Skill mismatch target
What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
Underqualification (individuals' qualifications/credentials are below their job's needs)
Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
Skills matching focus
How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
CRNs identify skills demanded by the labour market and provide them to young students, directly or indirecty (by training of teachers and updating of VET contents and methodologies, including the update of National Catalogue of VET).
CRNs can include training actions for employed workers.
CRNs can include training actions for unemployed workers.
The better quality of training facilitates career transitions. Moreover, CRNs can deliver training for employed and unemployed workers, helping them in their career transitions.
CRNs identify skills demanded by the labour market and provide them to young students, directly or indirecty (by training of teachers and updating of VET contents and methodologies).
CRNs can include training actions for employed, unemployed workers, businessmen /women, and teachers.
Skills delivered
What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
More advanced digital skills
General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)
Green skills


What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
Employer surveys
CRNs hold regular contact with companies.
Expert panels
CRNs cooperate with universities and research centres
Use of skills intelligence
How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas and in the design of professional certificates.
CRNs contribute to the design of professional certificates.
CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas and in the design of professional certificates.
CRNs work with INCUAL for the definition of the catalogue of VET diplomas.
CRNs work in the definition of the Catalogue of Training Specialities, which should be taken into account by career guidance and counsellors of PES.


Main responsible body
Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
National ministry
State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Ministry for Education and VET
Regional ministry
Most CRNs are managed by the regional administration (regional employment or education authorities) of the region where they are located, but some of them are also managed directly by central authorities
National agency
State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and Ministry for Education and VET. One example is one CRN managed by EOI (School of Industrial Organization), a national agency.
Other involved organisations
Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
National agency
CNRs collaborate with INCUAL and the Observatory of Occupations of National PES in the identification of skill gaps, through the update of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales) and the Catalogue of Training Specialities (Catálogo de Especialidades Formativas).
Regional agency
CRNs collaborate with regional agencies especialized in their fields of expertise in the territories where they are located.
Social partner: employer organisation
Social partners participate in the management (consejo social) of CRN; CRNs collaborate with Sectoral Joint Committees.
Social partner: trade union
Social partners participate in the management (consejo social) of CRN; CRNs collaborate with Sectoral Joint Committees.
National PES
CRNs collaborate with the Observatory of Occupations, a department within state PES
Training Providers
CRNs provide training for trainers
Research centres, universities
CRNs collaborate regularly with research centres and universities to idenfity and forecast skill gaps
Technological institutes and entities focused on innovation in education.
Who are the intended beneficiaries?
Note: CRNs play multiple role in training provision: providing direct training to students; providing training to trainers; defining and improving training methods; and defining and updating training contents. The last two roles improve the quality of training.
Young people making the transition from education into work
Young people benefit from direct training in CRNs, also from being trained by teachers who were previously trained by CRNs thereby improving quality of training.
Young people with low levels of basic skills /early leavers from education or training
They can benefit from direct training in CRNs, also from being trained by teachers who were previously trained by CRNs thereby improving quality of training.
Adults in employment with upskilling potential
CRNs can provide training for employed workers. CRNs participate in the definition of Catalogue of Training Specialities, used to define training for employed workers provided by FUNDAE.
Adults in employment with reskilling potential
CRNs can provide training for employed workers. CRNs participate in the definition of Catalogue of Training Specialities, used to define training for employed workers provided by FUNDAE.
Employed adults at risk of job displacement
CRNs can provide training for employed workers. CRNs participate in the definition of Catalogue of Training Specialities, used to define training for employed workers provided by FUNDAE.
Employers, as they can participate in some of the actions and benefit from trained workforce better adapted to the labour market needs.


Success factors
SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
The role and the design of CRNs is very coherent and relevant to the challenges faced when adaptating training to changing skills' demands. CRNs focus on their area of expertise. Moreover CRNs are adequately embedded in the institutional ecosystem, collaborating with institutions of the employment and educative administration, VET, universities, research centres and social partners.
BARRIERS in the implementation
CRNs are not widely known.
Monitoring and evaluation
MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
A list of the current CRNs is available at:…
No evaluations have been found.
UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
The last regulatory update was from 2008. In this regard there have not been any major updates. However, the main update has been the progressive growth of the number of CRNs. This is very relevant as each CRN is specialized in one area of expertise (eg. Renewable energies or marketing). Therefore the potential of CRN system depends on the existence of a wide network of centres that cover existing labour market demands. The network of CRNs continues to grow. There are at present 36 CRNs, 20 of which have recently prepared Action Plans 2019-2022, in agreement with the national (state PES and Ministry for Education and VET) and regional employment/education authorities. It is expected for 2021 the opening of a CRN in Aeronautic industry in Castilla-La Mancha (…).
EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
The role and the design of CRNs is very coherent and relevant to the challenges faced when adaptating training to changing skills demands. Moreover CRNs are adequately embedded in the institutional ecosystem, collaborating with institutions of the employment and educative administration, VET, universities, research centres and social partners. However evidence on their effectiveness, such as evaluations, is limited.
SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
CRNs are a stable institution grounded in the Spanish VET system that are set to continue in the future. Beyond the VET system, CRNs participate in the system for skills anticipation, working in the definition of the Catalogue of Training Specialities that is managed by the Observatory of Occupations of the National PES. Moreover, CRNs provide a specialized insight on the changes and prospects of concrete occupations, something that is increasingly needed given the speed of changes in the world of work.

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