Policy developments in Norway

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  • Strategy/Action plan
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Displaying 1 - 76 of 76 policy developments
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Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government’s aim is to have quality education in these professional studies and to ensure that Norway has enough employees with the right skills, at the right time, across the country.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The government has high ambitions for these professional studies, which will be collected in a White Paper, expected in 2024.

Feedback meetings are organised to identify the challenges from the municipalities' perspective and listen to local and regional actors about what is needed to strengthen the capacity, quality and diversity of the studies in these specific fields of higher education.

The Ministry of Education and Research is planning six feedback meetings around the country in the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The scheme aims to:

  1. raise the status of higher vocational education and stimulate the development of excellence in this area;
  2. provide outstanding vocational colleges with the resources to work long-term on quality development and innovation in higher vocational education;
  3. stimulate increased cooperation among vocational colleges and different education levels, and strengthen their cooperation with the labour market.

This means that the centres will amongst others work on shorter...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Centres of vocational excellence are intended to contribute to increasing professional competence and the quality of training at vocational colleges. Similar to centres for excellent education in the university and college sector, this is a prestigious scheme which should, among other things, stimulate increased quality in the vocational colleges that serve upper secondary learners, including apprentices, young people (15-29 years) and adult learners.

Centres of vocational excellence have...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

One aim of the white paper is to examine the possibility of giving more weight to programme subjects than to common core subjects. It also aims to assess potential other alternatives and suggest new regulatory rules.  It is also an objective that public schools have rules and frameworks as flexible as those of private schools.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In the current regulation, it is possible for county municipalities to determine in their local admissions regulations that up to 50% of the students are admitted based on skills tests, instead of following the ordinary admissions rules based on grades. This only applies to admission to the education programme in music, dance and drama and the education programme in sports. Alternative rules are to be investigated, that provide greater flexibility for admission to public schools, e.g. by...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

One of the overall goals of the government is that more young people and adults choose, complete and stay qualified for vocational education and training (VET) or higher vocational education. It also aims to strengthen the quality and development in VET at all levels and to see vocational education as a continuous pathway from one education level to the next. A national centre for vocational education and training (EQF4) and higher vocational education (EQF5) can be a measure to achieve the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In autumn 2022, an expert working group was appointed by the Ministry to look at the mandate and possible funding for the centre. The working group consisted of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research, the social partners and the Directorate for Education and Training. Based on the working group’s results, the government decided to establish an expert group from representatives of all relevant organisations and stakeholders, chosen for their expertise.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of the expert group is to assess pedagogical, ethical and legal issues of using digital learning analytics based on the data about student learning activities, to improve, directly or indirectly, their learning.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

An expert group for digital learning analysis was established in autumn 2021 to provide the Ministry of Education and Research with a better basis for decisions about digital learning analytics and adaptive teaching aids, exams and tests in lower and upper secondary education, higher education, and higher vocational education. It should also advise on the need for regulation and input for policy development and measures from the Ministry of Education and its subordinate directorates.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government wants to stop the privatisation of schools and build a stronger public community school to ensure equal opportunities, and to build bridges between people with different social and cultural backgrounds.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2022 law removes the possibility of creating and open new private schools and private vocational schools and also extending their existing study programmes. The law establishes that, to be approved, private schools must provide a real supplement to the study programmes in the public schools, something not offered in the public school. For example, private schools of a recognised type, such as the Montessori schools or an international school, can be approved.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government’s objective is to strengthen the digital competence of the population, to ensure the world of work has access to better digital competence and infrastructure, and to make digitisation a core competence in the public sector.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategy for digital competence and infrastructure, from kindergarten to upper secondary education, contributes to the government's overall digitalisation and education policy goals as they emerge from the government’s political platform. It aims to enable children and young people to experience a greater emphasis on practical skills and abilities in school. Increased competence, better equipment and more learning arenas are highlighted in the political platform as measures that can...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of this measure is to ensure better management of future crises. An efficient knowledge base about both the causes of the crisis and its consequences is essential for making good decisions. The government is working to improve the knowledge system to deal with crises.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Two expert groups were established in March 2022 to work on proposals to ensure better analysis and statistics of data in times of crisis for all, including vocational education and training. The problem needs to be described and the consequences of measures have to be discussed before implementation. This requires relevant data. One expert group worked on:  

  1. compiling regulations related to collecting, sharing and using data;
  2. describing how such regulations are applied in practice and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The most important measures of the strategy aim at:

  1. establishing a new district programme that will mobilise the demand side to develop the educational offers they need in collaboration with vocational schools, university colleges or universities;
  2. creating an application-based scheme where bodies such as study centres can apply for funding for projects and activities together with vocational schools, university colleges and universities;
  3. establishing fully digital educational offers;
  4. ...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategy is intended to increase access to flexible and decentralised services throughout the country for vocational schools, colleges and universities.

This is intended to be done through:

  1. strengthening cooperation between the actors in education and work through strengthening connections between supply and demand;
  2. working to ensure that flexible offers are of high quality and are adapted to the needs of the individual and working life.

The Ministry of Education and Research is...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The strategy views Norwegian participation in Erasmus+ and the European Education Area as crucial for increasing the quality and relevance of education, and believes that this contributes to solving major societal challenges related to inclusion, diversity, digital and green transformation. The government is aiming at wider participation in Erasmus+, so Norway can make full use of the opportunities offered by the programme.

The government has set the following goals for participation:

  1. to...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategy is focused on strengthening and improving Norwegian participation in Erasmus+ and the European Education Area, in order to provide more learners, youths and students, teachers and staff with opportunities for intercultural learning and exchange in Europe. The quality of education and training is to be further developed through international cooperation.

The government also wants more Norwegian interests to be able to cooperate with the best environments in Europe in order to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government's aim is a society with opportunities for all, where everyone who can, participates in working life. The goal is for no one to be left out.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The White paper (Meld. St. 32 (2020-21), approved on June 2021, presents a comprehensive policy to include more people in working life and society.

The government has identified six areas where there is a need to continue to develop and strengthen efforts to prevent social exclusion and include more people in working life and society: they include better coordination between education, work and health, and better adaptation for users with extensive and complex challenges.

The government...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to develop recommendations on new admission regulations for higher education.

The overall goal is to grant everyone equal opportunities to study. The choice of education should be determined by abilities and desires rather than social background. It is also a priority to make higher education more accessible and enable more people to attend continuing and further education. The goal is to attract more international students, and to have a better gender balance and increased...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Norwegian government has appointed a committee of stakeholders to conduct a comprehensive review and assess the regulations for admission to higher education.

The committee is to make recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Research on the creation of understandable and flexible admission regulations, which ensure applicant legal rights, and can be adapted to the future of higher education and technological development. The new regulations are expected to:

  1. ensure that the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to simplify the process of communication concerning vacant apprenticeships and to map the needs of apprentices at national level.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (previously Skills Norway), and the Directorate for Education and Training, have to assess how a national portal may simplify the matching of learners and apprenticeship placements and needs.

The directorates studied models for, and the costs of, developing and operating a national apprenticeship portal. They also suggested different solutions. It was a requirement that at least one of the solutions had to be able to be implemented within the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Through several of the programmes, Norway will have access to important research, infrastructure and technology that it cannot develop alone.

It is important for the country to be part of European investment in digitisation: Europe can build the necessary capacity in areas such as artificial intelligence, supercomputers and cybersecurity.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The government has decided that Norway will participate in several EU programmes in the period from 2021 to 2027. Some programmes are a continuation of existing cooperation, but the country also plans to join new programmes. The EU's major investments in digitalisation and green priorities are important factors in the programmes Norway has chosen to join.

These priorities are nationally important and affect several areas in the society, as well as vocational education and training.


Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Some of the objectives of the strategy are:

  1. to support the continued growth of the higher vocational education sector;
  2. to establish a system for the allocation of new student places which takes into account the skills needs of the labour market, and the planning capacity of vocational education schools, which is based on an analysis of the available knowledge base and skills needs;
  3. to create new paths from upper secondary education to higher vocational education;
  4. to examine the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategy was proposed by the Ministry of Education and Research for further improving and strengthening higher vocational education. It is aimed at higher vocational education and all actors in the field. The beneficiaries are both individual students and society, mainly by improving quality and increasing autonomy.

The priorities focus on the following four areas:

Growth in the tertiary vocational college sector

The government is to take steps to ensure continued growth in higher...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The reform aims to give people the freedom to choose. Completion of upper secondary education gives young people and adults the freedom to choose their way forward in life, more people will have equal opportunities for better lives.

The government aims for nine out of ten to complete and pass upper secondary education by 2030. The Completion reform, with open doors to the world and the future, contains measures to equip more young people and adults with key and/or professional competences,...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The reform will include more options for completing upper secondary education, including for adults, along with more relevant training and a right to apprenticeship in VET.

All students in upper secondary education, including both IVET and CVET, will benefit from the policy development.

These are the most important measures foreseen in the Completion reform:

  1. everyone who starts upper secondary school will have the right to complete an upper secondary degree;
  2. training courses will be...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to define measures to reduce the impact the learner’s gender, background and previous school results may have for future benefits of education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research established an expert group to investigate how schools may raise education quality. The expert group has to  suggest measures to reduce the impact that the learner's gender, social background and previous learning outcomes may have for the benefits of education. The expert group is to explore how school owners and schools can better conduct a systematic quality development approach to increase the education quality, reaching better learning results.


Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main goal of the Norwegian Committee on Skill Needs (KBU) is to find out what skills and competences the Norwegian labour market are needed in the future, to adapt the education system accordingly.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since 2017, the KBU has provided thorough professional assessments of Norway's future competence needs. Three comprehensive reports have ensured the authorities and the labour market, both regionally and nationally, a solid basis for both planning and making informed decisions. As part of the government's competence reform, the committee continues the work until 2027. The competence reforms goal is lifelong learning to ensure work.

The Committee on Skill Needs (KBU):

  1. analyse and assesses...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government has implemented several measures aimed at students to counteract these negative consequences.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2020, the government agreed several measures:

  1. vocational colleges, colleges and universities receive funding to pay students to conduct academic follow up of other students;
  2. the student organisations receive funding to pay students to start social, low-threshold services, such as social activities for students;
  3. the student organisations receive funding for social, low-threshold services for mental health work;
  4. the mental health student support telephone line receive extra funding to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to ensure students’ welfare, including VET students at vocational colleges (EQF level 5), social contact with each other and ensure that they complete their studies.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The expert group is led by the Ministry of Education and Research and Universities Norway (UHR), the National Council for Higher Vocational Training, the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and student representatives. Students and the community council will also be involved in the work.

There have been regular meetings with all principals, students and organisations since March 2020 to map concerns, to discuss possibilities for improving the situation...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of the pilot is to gain knowledge about how financial incentives can influence participation in further education and training for skilled workers and whether it has an important connection to the labour market.

The pilot should show if a scholarship scheme makes a vocational career more attractive and if it motivates skilled workers to invest in further education and training.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Skilled workers were selected as the target group because they leave working life relatively early and traditionally seldom participate in continuing education. The pilot will be based on a random selection where one group is selected to receive information about further education for skilled workers and offers of a scholarship, while another group will only receive information about further education. A third group will receive no information and is used as a control group.

The pilot will...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The skills reform aims to ensure that no one is excluded from working because of lack of competence. Everyone should have the opportunity to renew and supplement their competence and to work longer.

The second goal is to close the skills gap between what working life needs in terms of skills and the skills of the employees.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Work on the reform started in 2019 and will develop further in the years to come. The government has initiated several measures to reach the objectives of the reform:

Stimulating individuals and companies to invest in education and training through:

  1. making it attractive to invest time and money in education and training;
  2. flexible loans and scholarships;
  3. flexible education and training schemes (providing a framework for other policy developments, such as grants for flexible continuing...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The proposals are intended to avoid delays in the education and training of as many young people as possible.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The ministry proposed two temporary legislative amendments to provide young people in VET the opportunity to take a bridge course to general education competence in the school year 2020/21.

Learners with an apprenticeship contract may be admitted to a one-year bridge course extension even if they have not completed the craft or journeyman exam. It was suggested that the right of young people to education should be expanded. Young people who complete the second year of a vocational programme...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of the changes is to make it easier to foreign vocational qualifications to be recognised in Norway. This is intended to enable more people to use their qualifications in Norway.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The suggested changes relate not only to formal education but also include a comprehensive review of what people can do when it is being considered whether they can practice their profession in Norway. Additionally, some of the principles in the act and associated regulations shall also apply to individuals with professional qualifications from third countries.

A set of principles were suggested:

  1. the approval principle: when processing applications, emphasis must be on the overall...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of the policy development is to get as many apprentices as possible to take their trade or journeyman certificates without significant delays.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

There are normally several requirements for conducting trade and journeyman exams.

The government adopted changes regarding dispensation from the requirements for trade and journeyman certificates for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal is for the county municipalities to be able to conduct trade and journeyman exams for as many apprentices as possible. The same applies to final exams for apprenticeship candidates and internship candidates. The most important aspect is that...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the hearing is to clarify what rules will apply during the outbreak of COVID-19, to ensure that the rights of children, young people and adults in education and integration are safeguarded as much as possible.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research sent temporary regulations based on the COVID-19 Act on a hearing. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Norwegian Directorate of Health decided to close kindergartens, schools and other education institutions. With kindergartens, schools and other education institutions closed, it would be impossible to fulfil all the rules of the Ministry of Education in full. To ensure that children, young people and adults would be protected as much as possible in...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal of the committee's work is to design a framework that clearly describes responsibilities, rights and obligations, both for universities and university colleges, and for students and staff. 


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee proposed:

  1. a new act for universities and university colleges;
  2. amendments to the regulations given on the basis of the University and University College Act;
  3. amendments to the Student Welfare Organisation Act and regulations.

The committee assessed:

  1. the structure of the regulations, including the relationship between this act and national and local regulations;
  2. the relationship to adjacent laws and regulations;
  3. provisions on students' rights, learning environment and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives are specific proposals from the committee for changes in structure, organisation and subject composition in upper secondary education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee has assessed:

  1. whether upper secondary education has a structure and content that enables as many students as possible to complete upper secondary education;
  2. whether the current model for upper secondary education complies with the needs of working life and society for competence;
  3. whether the current model adequately promotes a desire to learn and motivation;
  4. the need for changes in the division of responsibilities between national authorities, school owners and working life;
  5. ...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Its findings were to be used as a basis for national and regional planning and for the strategic competence decisions of individuals and working life.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee had a broad methodological approach and developed a new knowledge base. The committee also facilitated an open dialogue and discussion about society's competence needs with various interest groups.

The committee has issued two annual reports:

  1. NOW 2018: 2. Future competence needs I - the knowledge base;
  2. NOU 2019: 2. Future competence needs II - challenges for the competence policy.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the review is to develop a set of rules that safeguards the objectives and principles of primary and secondary education, while at the same time ensuring that the municipalities and county municipalities, as school owners, have sufficient flexibility to promote quality development in schools.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee proposed a new education act, statutes, guidelines and general principles for the governing of primary and secondary education, including VET.

The committee assessed:

  1. what factors should be subject to regulation, what is the appropriate level of detail and what should respectively be regulated by law or regulation;
  2. how to simplify the regulations and facilitate efficient use of resources in primary and secondary education;
  3. how the regulations should be designed to reduce...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal is to increase the number of students applying for vocational education at EQF level 5 and for more students to complete vocational education by developing an application through the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service. It aims to make the vocational colleges more visible as an education pathway and ensure a more efficient and predictable application process.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research (UNIT) has coordinated the work to develop and implement a joint website, where the education programmes of all vocational colleges (EQF level 5) can be presented, and application opportunities be more visible. It is expected to provide applicants one access point to all information about vocational colleges and their programmes. The information is to be presented on the portal for all applications to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objective of this scheme is to increase the possibility of completing vocational training in the form of a craft certificate, certificate of practice or certificates of competence.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

One of NAV’s goals is to get more people employed. NAV administers many different schemes to find suitable solutions for its users.

In 2019, three different training measures in NAV were merged into one new and flexible training programme. The maximum duration of training is three years (in some cases it is possible, with an extension of an extra year, to ensure a craft certificate qualification), while formerly some types of training were only one or two years’ duration.

The target group...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim is to update the vocational college regulations with new provisions on admission to higher vocational education (EQF level 5): privacy, deftness and recognition of foreign education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research prepared a proposal for new provisions in the new higher vocational education regulation, aiming to gather all possible rules for vocational colleges into one regulation. These were submitted for public consultation and the new vocational education (EQF level 5) regulation (Fagskoleforskriften) was adopted on the 15 July 2019, based on the input from the consultation round.

The social partners and relevant stakeholders have been involved through an...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

It is expected that exchange of students and cooperation across national borders will become clearer, more predictable and safer.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The new regulation intends to ensure that:

  1. conditions for approval are clarified, for easier assessment of whether the conditions have been met during the approval period;
  2. conditions for withdrawal of approval specify the criteria on which the assessment is based;
  3. exchange organisations and school owners make information on relevant cultural and safety issues related to their stay available to students and their guardians at an early stage;
  4. responsibilities will be clearly defined,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to identify the causes of gender differences and propose effective measures to reduce them.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The tasks of the committee were:

  1. to review relevant systematic knowledge overviews, as well as other relevant national and international research on gender differences in school performance;
  2. to systematise existing knowledge and related it to the context of today’s Norwegian school system to arrive at a common knowledge base about the challenges;
  3. to investigate whether there are conditions in Norwegian schools or education, or in society at large, that systematically contribute to gender...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to make career guidance a statutory task in the county municipalities.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Based on the white paper, the Ministry of Education and Research published a public consultation on 29 August 2019. The consultation documents suggested that career guidance should be a county municipality responsibility and that the duty to provide career guidance be regulated in the Education Act.

Stakeholders provided their input the ministry processed the responses.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

One objective is for more people to be given the opportunity to obtain the necessary education and skills so they are equipped for a modern and more knowledge-intensive work life. This is important to ensure a sustainable welfare society. Competence also provides greater job security, which is important for individuals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus is placed on making it easier to combine education and training with receiving unemployment benefit.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee was ask to identify and provide recommendations on the financing of subsistence for adults who need better opportunities to complete primary and secondary education.


Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim is to increase upper secondary school completion and employment.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

An Employment Committee was established in 2018 to address these challenges. The work was divided into two phases. In phase one, the committee presented proposals for increased employment. In phase two, the social parties and professional experts were included in the work and discussions continued based on the report from phase one and new proposals presented.

In phase one, the committee provided an overall analysis of employment trends of different groups in Norway. In phase two, the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is increased quality in higher vocational education (EQF level 5) through updated education and equipment for schools to educate students who meet the needs of the world of work.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The government allocates annually funds to strengthen the quality of vocational education. The funds contribute to increased quality in the vocational education programmes. The funds enable vocational schools to develop new offers, buy new equipment and develop digital teaching materials. One of the requirements for funding is cooperation between the school and the business community.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) (until 2021)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal of the skills reform launched in 2019 is that no one should become outdated and that more people are enabled to work longer. The goal of the grant scheme is to establish several further education digital competence programmes.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Skills Norway announced grants totalling near EUR 3 million (NOK 35 million) for the development of flexible continuing education programmes in digital competence. These programmes are aimed at companies and employees who need more expertise as a result of digitalisation.

The grant scheme aims to contribute to:

  1. development of flexible training programmes for companies in need of expertise to digitise their business;
  2. better access to flexible and work-relevant continuing education...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Skills Norway (until 2021)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to strengthen Nordic cooperation and ensure continuous safety in the Nordic region.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

This paper discusses the most important development features of Nordic cooperation. The first chapter describes a number of measures that have been implemented in recent years to follow up the government's goal that Nordic cooperation should be developed and strengthened. In the second part of the report, the government, based on current societal challenges, highlights how we can work to ensure the Nordic region remains safe. The Nordic countries cooperate on education and research projects...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

This scheme will encourage more adults to continue in education, including VET, and thus have the opportunity to learn throughout their lives.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Changed rules for study loans and grants for adults from the State Educational Loan Fund were implemented in 2020. With the new rules, it is possible to apply for a loan until the age of 50, without reducing the loan amount, compared to the previously applied limit of 45 years. In addition, the age limit for when the loan must be repaid was raised from 65 to 70 years.

Adults who want to take higher education can, like other students in higher education, receive basic support for full-time...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • State Educational Loan Fund
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to give teachers new professional career paths, new challenges and professional development while they continue to teach. To keep good teachers in the classroom will contribute to better learning for the pupils. The long-term goal is better schools and increased completion of upper secondary education. The government's goal is for there to be 3 000 teacher specialists in four years, and that all schools should have access to teacher specialists in initial training.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The scheme is based on a 50% contribution of the costs by the school owner.

The target group for the pilot project is teachers in primary and secondary school, as well as teachers who teach adults at these levels. Both teachers in public schools and in private schools approved under the law of independent schools may participate in the pilot.

School owners are responsible for developing plans for the assignment of teacher specialists and for clarifying roles and responsibilities. School...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Following the elections of autumn 2017, the government announced its priorities on 14 January 2018. For upper secondary VET, they included:

  1. flexible pathways;
  2. continuing the process of increasing the number of apprenticeships through improved financial arrangements and closer cooperation with the county municipalities and the world of work;
  3. public agencies and underlying establishments to have apprentices;
  4. implementing the renewal of vocational programmes;
  5. introducing new work-based...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal is to promote learning throughout life and to provide workers with updated skills. The committee is assigned to write a final report with assessments and proposals on continuing education and training.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In March 2018, the government established an expert committee on continuing education and training (Ekspertutvalg om etter- og videreutdanning). The mission of the committee is to look into unmet needs in continuing education and training and assess to what extent the education system is able to meet the needs of the world of work. The initiative is part of the skills reform.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

There is already a national survey for higher education (VET at post-secondary level is considered part of higher education in Norway) and it provides good information for public authorities, students and working life, and, not least, for the education institutions themselves.

The survey for vocational colleges ensures knowledge about post-secondary education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The first national survey on quality in post-secondary vocational education was carried out in April 2018. The survey aimed not only to provide post-secondary vocational education schools with useful information for their internal quality work, but also to develop a knowledge base for the government to strengthen the quality development work in the sector. Results were presented in September 2018. The survey is conducted on a yearly basis.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The committee is expected to exploit existing reports and analysis, contribute to research, and provide new knowledge and relevant information. It has a three-year mandate. Its goal is to strengthen the education of skilled workers based on the county municipality's need for more skilled workers. To ensure the best possible education it is important to know to what extent graduates remain in the county municipality in which they complete their education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Its first report was published on 31 January 2018. Findings suggested that: competence levels in Norway were good, but can be improved; some vocations faced recruitment challenges; learners were confronted with bottlenecks in accessing relevant competences. The report also confirmed the central role of the workplace in lifelong learning, and the impact of digitalisation and automation on competence needs.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

On 1 September 2017, a public committee (the Lied Committee) was appointed by the government to examine Norwegian upper secondary education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee assessed whether the system of upper secondary education in place:

  1. was relevant to labour market needs and conducive to a high completion rate of young people and adults;
  2. ensured a desire to learn and motivation;
  3. allowed for changes needed, especially in terms of allocation of responsibilities between stakeholders.

Social partners were involved in the initiative through participation in a reference group. A first report was published in December 2018, describing the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The development aims to guarantee students’ rights and ensure equal treatment nationwide.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, following the 2016 amendment of the Post-secondary VET Act (referred to as tertiary education in Norway), a national complaints board for post-secondary VET (EQF level 5) was established (Nasjonal klagenemnd for fagskoleutdanning). This mission was assigned to CERES. The mission consisted of processing student complaints on individual decisions in relation to post-secondary vocational education.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In November 2018, based on the work of the National Higher Vocational Education Council (Nasjonalt fagskolergrad), and following public consultation until September 2018, new degrees for post-secondary vocational education were introduced. The fagskolegrad (professional degree) is delivered after one-year of vocational school education (60 and 90 credits). The høyere fagskolegrad (higher professional degree) is delivered after two or three-year post-secondary vocational education (120-180...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Higher Vocational Education Council
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To develop a single all-encompassing strategy for validation of prior learning nationally.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The main initiative relates to validation of skills for refugees and migrants. Measures have been taken to speed up the mapping and validation of skills and competences of refugees and other recent immigrants. The Ministry of Education and Research has allocated extra funding support from the 2016 budget. Skills Norway coordinates the Erasmus+ project VISKA (2017-20) on validation of prior learning for asylum seekers, immigrants and low- qualified adults. In the Norwegian trials, refugees...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2015, a public hearing was held to assess the possible implementation of ECVET. The results pointed to a number of possible actions, such as piloting ECVET for mobility or skills validation, and creating a forum for users to discuss and reach a common understanding of how it works. Measures implemented are linked to the target groups that benefit from the use of ECVET principles. For young people who take part of their education abroad, ECVET tools are secured through the work of national...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) (until 2021)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives are to facilitate lifelong learning and mobility across borders.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research adopted, in November 2017, a regulation formalising the overall position and status of the NKR. A range of stakeholders were involved (including the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions and the National Union of Students in Norway. A reference group was established with representatives from higher education, upper secondary schools, vocational schools, social partners,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives are:

  1. increased cooperation between the social partners and the government;
  2. better access to flexible and job-relevant further education for individuals;
  3. increased cooperation between education institutions and the business sector for developing further education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Design work for shorter and flexible industry programmes for continuing training in post-secondary vocational education was initiated in December 2018. The programmes address the building and construction and the healthcare sectors. They are meant to be modular, allowing for combining studies with work, and with a cross-sectoral/cross-professional dimension and may be web-based, school-based and job-based. The post-secondary vocational education schools are responsible for developing the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

After public consultation in 2017, changes in the regulation for admission to higher education (Endring i regler for opptak til høyere utdanning) were adopted on 3 January 2018 and published on 1 February 2018. Following the changes, the requirements for Norwegian language proficiency have been waived for vocational college students and direct access to higher education has become possible after two years at vocational colleges.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Based on the conclusions of the white paper, the Directorate of Education and Training has piloted a model enabling learners to move to VET after completing a year at upper secondary general education. Pilots were carried out in the building and construction programme. The pupils who have completed one year at upper secondary general education have devoted many more hours to learning Norwegian, maths, science, English and social studies than first year pupils in vocational education. In one...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective is to ease the mobility of workers from a selected number of countries by enabling automatic recognition of trade and journeyman’s certificates.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

As one of the adaptions to the internal labour market (through the European Economic Area - EEA agreement), the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) has established a formal system for recognition of foreign trade and journeyman's certificates, which is aimed to address the problems of migrant workers from the European Economic Area. The procedure was established in 2016. Foreign certificates are assessed according to the scope, level and content of comparable...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Modules and options have been set up to increase adult training flexibility and tailor it to the needs of learners. This is expected to allow adult learners to combine training with work and caring responsibilities. From 2017 to 2022, the Directorate for Education and Training was piloting modularised VET curricula for adults in a limited number of subjects. Each subject is organised into five to seven modules. Completing all modules is a condition for qualifying for taking the trade or...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Skills Norway (until 2021)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

This is a new pathway for acquiring trade and journeyman's certificates. It is targeted at low-skilled adults in employment. The distinctive principle of the scheme is to provide workers with upper secondary education and training while on-the-job, so they can continue earning their living. They are exempted from some of the core subjects and from part of the written test when applying for the certificate. The model was successfully piloted in five counties from 2011 to 2014 and then...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The white paper, From exclusion to new opportunities: coordinated efforts for adult education, was approved in the Council of State in February 2016. It targets low-skilled adults at risk of exclusion from the labour market. It aims at increasing opportunities for training and recognition of prior learning. The white paper proposes three main measures and supports development of tools to map basic skills.

The three main measures from 2016 (the information may be outdated) are:

  1. easier...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Council of State
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The certificate of practice (Praksisbrev) is a new pathway introduced in 2016, having been piloted and evaluated since 2008. It is a two-year practical training programme carried out in a company. Subjects comprise core components (work-oriented Norwegian, maths and social science) along with local components geared towards local labour demand. Certificate of practice programmes are offered by counties: each county is obligated to offer at least one such programme. Certificates of practice...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In April 2016, a national committee for lifelong guidance delivered a report on increasing the quality and accessibility of career guidance in schools. The report suggested equal rights to career guidance for apprentices as for school pupils, and setting up an online platform for guidance in lower and upper secondary education. It also suggested opening career guidance centres for adults in all counties. In Norway, skills policy and career guidance are tightly connected. Skills Norway is...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Committee for Lifelong Guidance
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Public Employment Service
  • Skills Norway (until 2021)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A law for post-secondary vocational education (EQF level 5) was adopted in 2018. Higher vocational colleges are categorised as post-secondary (referred to as tertiary in Norway) vocational education schools. Their students have strengthened rights. The law intended to ensure equal rights for all students and to increase the attractiveness of VET.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2016 white paper, Skilled workers for the future, contained 48 measures on how to make post-secondary VET more attractive as a profession-oriented, fully equivalent alternative to higher education. Some of these measures were accepted by the Norwegian parliament in May 2017, including the right to be part of a student welfare organisation, better transitions to study programmes at universities and university colleges, a new national admissions system, new grant schemes, mapping and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2015 VET teacher promotion initiative also provides for VET teacher CPD. Measures include: giving vocational teachers the opportunity to develop their competences by creating new and more relevant courses; supporting VET teachers with a technological background who lack teacher training for upgrading their qualifications, through scholarships and increased supply of pedagogical training (one-year programme in education theory and practice).

CPD will be based on VET teacher competence...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The VET teacher promotion initiative was launched nationally in October 2015, aiming to attract new teachers to ensure sufficiency and quality of VET teaching staff. It builds on previous successful pilots. The programme is based on scholarships and flexible education pathways for skilled workers. A scholarship scheme for non-qualified VET teachers who want to complete VET teacher education has been set up and is managed by the Directorate for Education and Training. Since 2016, people who...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In March 2017, Skills Norway designed a key competences mapping tool for young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs), and for the public in general. The goal is to ensure relevant training for each target group. This project is carried out in close cooperation with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service, the Directorate for Education and Training and the Directorate of Integration and Diversity. In April 2017, Skills Norway completed designing an online learning platform...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
  • Skills Norway (until 2021)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

For vocational education and training, the strategy will focus on: developing new and more relevant CPD programmes for VET teachers (e.g. in new technologies through on-the-job training and courses organised by representatives of the labour market); developing VET teacher education in close cooperation with school owners aiming to meet schools' needs for skilled teachers; prolonging the teacher specialist scheme in VET, ensuring that skilled teachers will be able to progress and continue...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A digitalisation strategy for 2017-21 (Fremtid, fornyelse og digitalisering) was published by the government on 25 August 2017. The strategy identified overall perspectives, challenges, the main goals and key action areas, i.e. learners' learning, school content, competence, infrastructure and VET. For VET, the focus is on upskilling vocational teachers in line with technological change and schools' needs, and on cooperation with businesses. During the school year 2018/19, a total of 29...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In March 2017, the government presented a white paper: Desire to learn, early intervention and quality in schools, that foresees timely support for all learners (including VET) with difficulties in reading, maths or writing. According to the white paper early intervention will be strengthened and all learners with difficulties in reading, maths or writing will get intensive instruction in these subjects; also a lower quality threshold will be introduced for them. In 2017, a budget of about...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In April 2016, the government introduced a white paper aiming at school subject renewal. Reading, writing, maths, communication and digital skills were suggested to remain as key competences and should be incorporated in curricula where relevant. It should be made clear which subjects are responsible for key competences, especially as regards digital skills and maths. Public consultation on the process was completed in June 2017. It resulted in a process to renew all subjects.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A 2015 amendment to the Education Act clarified and underlined the importance of continuous assessment as the basis for final assessment in apprenticeship programmes. The measure is expected to increase motivation and commitment of apprentices throughout the programme. To motivate young people to choose and complete vocational education and training, the Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with social partners, World Skills and the School Student Union of Norway (SSUN), rolled...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The economic incentives the State provides for companies that take on apprentices were strengthened during 2015-17. The basic funding for companies accepting apprenticeships increased to a total of NOK 14 000 per training contract. The total effect on the budget for this increase in funding was NOK 300 million.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The measure intends to give legitimacy towards the customer market, making it easier to choose suppliers that are approved training establishments.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A special emblem distinguishing training companies was set up in 2015. It is intended to signal to customers that the supplier is an approved training establishment. The Directorate of Education and Training (Udir) has also implemented an online national register for approved training enterprises. All enterprises with at least one apprentice are listed and it is possible to filter by subject, geographic area or by name.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
ID number
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The measure aims to raise awareness of the benefits of recruiting apprentices and to increase the number of apprenticeship placements in the public sector.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The measure was introduced in 2016. Starting in 2017, companies that participate in public service contracts are required to use apprentices. Public authorities shall require the use of apprentices for contracts worth at least NOK 1.1 million (excluding VAT) that last longer than three months; counties and municipal authorities shall require the use of apprentices for contracts worth at least NOK 1.75 million (excluding VAT) that last longer than three months. The requirement applies to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
  • Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (until 2021)
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Following the social contract for VET 2011-2015 for more relevant and flexible VET, a new upper secondary dual model (Vekslingsmodellen) has been piloted since 2013 as an alternative pathway for learners experiencing difficulties completing the main (2+2 model) VET pathway. The scheme offers the possibility of concluding an apprenticeship contract after year 1 (instead of only after year 2) in the main 2+2 VET pathway.

An evaluation was carried out in 2015 with a focus on organisation,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Ministry of Government Affairs
  • Social partners
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The social contract for VET was renewed in 2016 aiming at providing apprenticeship places to all qualified young people who applied, therefore tackling high dropout rates, increasing the number of apprenticeships and the number of adults acquiring a trade or journeyman's certificate. The social contract was renewed by the following parties: the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Government Affairs and a range of social partners (NHO, LO, Virke, Spekter, Unio,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Ministry of Government Affairs
  • Social partners
ID number
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Norway Strategy/Action plan

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VET System in Norway