In this project Cedefop monitors the implementation of the common EU priorities in VET and analyses key achievements and challenges in the European cooperation in VET since 2002 (known as Copenhagen Process).

The aim of the project is to:

  • support VET policy development and implementation in Europe;
  • help to improve policy learning among EU Member States, Norway and Iceland.

As of 2022, Cedefop monitors and analyses policy developments in line with the common EU priorities agreed in:

  • the Recommendation on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, adopted by the Council of the European Union on 24 November 2020; and
  • the Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training endorsed by ministers in charge of VET from EU Member States, candidate countries, EEA-EFTA (European Economic Area – European Free Trade Association) countries, European social partners and the European Commission on 30 November 2020.

Cedefop analyses the VET national implementation plans prepared by Member States in response to the these two policy documents, follows up on their implementation to support VET policy-making in each country, and provides evidence to the European Commission for the European Semester. The findings of this work are regularly discussed with the Directors General for Vocational Education and Training (DGVT), the social partner and government representatives in the Advisory Committee for Vocational Training.

Cedefop also publishes online national news on VET to present the latest VET developments in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway, including innovative projects and successful practices that may inspire other countries.

To collect information, Cedefop is supported by ReferNet, its European network of expertise in VET. ReferNet partners provide in-depth information on national VET policy developments and trends. This information helps Cedefop identify examples of best practice and analyse developments across countries.

Cedefop organises events to disseminate the findings of its work and inform policy-makers, practitioners, researchers and other VET stakeholders. In 2024, Cedefop organised a virtual get-together entitled VET in action – Evidence from implementing EU priorities in national VET plans to discuss its findings on how countries implement their national VET plans in line with the EU priorities in VET and opportunities for moving them forward. In 2020, it organised with the European Training Foundation (ETF) a 2-day virtual conference Enhancing European cooperation in VET – Looking back planning ahead to discuss findings from the policy cycle 2015-20 and future key challenges for VET. 

Past reports

Cedefop’s past reports show how the common EU priorities in VET have been implemented in EU Member States and candidate countries since 2002.