Microdata are large sets of single records originating from a survey activity.

Cedefop carries out surveys and uses the resulting anonymised microdata for statistical analyses and scientific research.  To protect anonymity and confidentiality, for example of individuals, businesses and households, microdata are anonymised and can be used only for scientific and statistical purposes, such as producing aggregated results for analyses.

Cedefop anonymised survey microdata is available to external researchers, with a view to encouraging their use for further statistical analyses and relevant scientific purposes.

At present, Cedefop makes available anonymised microdata for the following instances:

Anonymised microdata for the 2019 European Company Survey, are made available through the UK Data Service. The other instances are made available via Cedefop Webportal, following a standard procedure, to request access. The procedure implies filling in a form as well as reading and agreeing to terms and conditions for use.

Using the form below, external users can request access to anonymised microdata from the Crowdlearn Survey, 2019 (the Dataset).

After submitting the form, you will receive confirmation of your request and a link will be sent to you from where you can download the microdata.

We need the name and the purpose of the research project for which the Dataset will be used, and the type of statistical analyses that will be carried out. The Dataset must only be used in that context and for those purposes. A separate request must be made for each project that uses the Dataset, even if it is the same organisation carrying out the projects.

Your request must also indicate who will be the person responsible for the use the Dataset. The Dataset must be used in accordance with the conditions set out by Cedefop concerning the storing, protection, keeping, deleting and handling of the microdata, as well as the dissemination of the output obtained from its use.

Using the form below, external users can request access to anonymised microdata from the European Company Survey, 2019 (the Dataset).

After submitting the form, you will receive confirmation of your request and a link will be sent to you from where you can download the microdata.

We need the name and the purpose of the research project for which the Dataset will be used, and the type of statistical analyses that will be carried out. The Dataset must only be used in that context and for those purposes. A separate request must be made for each project that uses the Dataset, even if it is the same organisation carrying out the projects.

Your request must also indicate who will be the person responsible for the use the Dataset. The Dataset must be used in accordance with the conditions set out by Cedefop concerning the storing, protection, keeping, deleting and handling of the microdata, as well as the dissemination of the output obtained from its use.

Using the form below, external users can request access to anonymised microdata from the European Skills and Jobs Survey, 2014 (wave 1) (the Dataset).

After submitting the form, you will receive confirmation of your request and a link will be sent to you from where you can download the microdata.

We need the name and the purpose of the research project for which the Dataset will be used, and the type of statistical analyses that will be carried out. The Dataset must only be used in that context and for those purposes. A separate request must be made for each project that uses the Dataset, even if it is the same organisation carrying out the projects.

Your request must also indicate who will be the person responsible for the use the Dataset. The Dataset must be used in accordance with the conditions set out by Cedefop concerning the storing, protection, keeping, deleting and handling of the microdata, as well as the dissemination of the output obtained from its use.

Request for anonymised microdata from the Crowdlearn Survey, 2019 (the Dataset)

Request for anonymised microdata from the European Company Survey, 2019 (the Dataset)

Request for anonymised microdata from the European Skills and Jobs Survey, 2014 (wave 1) (the Dataset)

Person responsible for the use of the Dataset

The person responsible for the request and for securing compliant use of The Dataset. This person shall also be responsible for communication with Cedefop

Use of the Dataset

The Dataset will be used for


I, as the person responsible for the use of the above Dataset agree:

  1. In respect of confidentiality and the protection of the data, to:
    • use the Dataset specifically for the project, and only for the statistical purposes and analyses outlined above
    • not use the Dataset to attempt to derive any information that relates to any individual, business or household, nor claim to have derived such information
    • protect personal data and respect privacy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data
    • keep the Dataset for no longer than five (5) years after its date of download and then delete the file
    • take appropriate measures to address data security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorised access
    • restrict access to the Dataset to authorised persons within the organisation with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing the data
    • not to distribute the Dataset to any other person outside the organisation
    • substitute the person responsible for the Dataset only after notifying Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) and after receiving Cedefop’s agreement
  1. In respect of dissemination of outputs using the Dataset, to:
    • notify Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) about any publication based on the Dataset
    • include in any publication based on the Dataset a disclaimer where the author(s) take full responsibility for the analysis, results and conclusions presented
    • cite the Dataset in any form of public output or dissemination activity (for example research studies, reproduction of statistics, graphs or tables, use in digital or virtual environments) as follows:
      Cedefop. Crowdlearn Survey, 2019 https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/access-microdata accessed 01/09/24 [Author(s)’ processing of anonymised survey microdata]
    • agree to Cedefop reproducing on its web portal any publicly available outputs that have used the Dataset
    • agree that the Dataset remains Cedefop copyright and that the following copyright statement will feature in any published data or material related to it
      "The Crowdlearn Survey, 2019 is Cedefop copyright and is used with the permission of Cedefop."
    • cite the Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey
      [Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey]

I, as the person responsible for the use of the above Dataset agree:

  1. In respect of confidentiality and the protection of the data, to:
    • use the Dataset specifically for the project, and only for the statistical purposes and analyses outlined above
    • not use the Dataset to attempt to derive any information that relates to any individual, business or household, nor claim to have derived such information
    • protect personal data and respect privacy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data
    • keep the Dataset for no longer than five (5) years after its date of download and then delete the file
    • take appropriate measures to address data security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorised access
    • restrict access to the Dataset to authorised persons within the organisation with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing the data
    • not to distribute the Dataset to any other person outside the organisation
    • substitute the person responsible for the Dataset only after notifying Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) and after receiving Cedefop’s agreement
  1. In respect of dissemination of outputs using the Dataset, to:
    • notify Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) about any publication based on the Dataset
    • include in any publication based on the Dataset a disclaimer where the author(s) take full responsibility for the analysis, results and conclusions presented
    • cite the Dataset in any form of public output or dissemination activity (for example research studies, reproduction of statistics, graphs or tables, use in digital or virtual environments) as follows:
      Cedefop. European Company Survey, 2019 https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/access-microdata accessed 01/09/24 [Author(s)’ processing of anonymised survey microdata]
    • agree to Cedefop reproducing on its web portal any publicly available outputs that have used the Dataset
    • agree that the Dataset remains Cedefop copyright and that the following copyright statement will feature in any published data or material related to it
      "The European Company Survey, 2019 is Cedefop copyright and is used with the permission of Cedefop."
    • cite the Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey
      [Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey]

I, as the person responsible for the use of the above Dataset agree:

  1. In respect of confidentiality and the protection of the data, to:
    • use the Dataset specifically for the project, and only for the statistical purposes and analyses outlined above
    • not use the Dataset to attempt to derive any information that relates to any individual, business or household, nor claim to have derived such information
    • protect personal data and respect privacy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data
    • keep the Dataset for no longer than five (5) years after its date of download and then delete the file
    • take appropriate measures to address data security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorised access
    • restrict access to the Dataset to authorised persons within the organisation with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing the data
    • not to distribute the Dataset to any other person outside the organisation
    • substitute the person responsible for the Dataset only after notifying Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) and after receiving Cedefop’s agreement
  1. In respect of dissemination of outputs using the Dataset, to:
    • notify Cedefop (email: surveysmicrodata@cedefop.europa.eu) about any publication based on the Dataset
    • include in any publication based on the Dataset a disclaimer where the author(s) take full responsibility for the analysis, results and conclusions presented
    • cite the Dataset in any form of public output or dissemination activity (for example research studies, reproduction of statistics, graphs or tables, use in digital or virtual environments) as follows:
      Cedefop. European skills and jobs survey, Wave 1, 2014 https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/access-microdata accessed 01/09/24 [Author(s)’ processing of anonymised survey microdata]
    • agree to Cedefop reproducing on its web portal any publicly available outputs that have used the Dataset
    • agree that the Dataset remains Cedefop copyright and that the following copyright statement will feature in any published data or material related to it
      "The European Skills and Jobs Survey, 2014 (wave 1) is Cedefop copyright and is used with the permission of Cedefop."
    • cite the Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey
      [Cedefop reports presenting the findings of the survey]