Since 2009 Cedefop has been holding different expert workshops on permeability. The January 2011 workshop continues the dialogue between policy, practice and research.

Under the headline of 'permeability, a wishful thinking approach to education and training?' experts in higher education and vocational training (HE and VET) are invited to consider permeability from three different perspectives:

1. national policies and initiatives: from credit systems to validation;

2. individual perspective and choices;

3. institutional networking within a changing relationship between VET and HE.

We meet to reflect on triggers and hinderers to permeability, and elaborate possible proposals to take forward the issue in policy and practice.

Recent and on-going research studies, European projects (notably related to qualifications frameworks and credits systems), as well as Cedefop studies (such as the studies on vocationally-oriented education and training at higher qualifications levels or on credits and permeability) will provide the basis for discussion.

Workshop secretariat
Ms Vicky Oraiopoulou  
Tel. + 30 2310 490 034


Expert Workshop Papers - 27 and 28 January 2011



Isabelle Le Mouillour
Project Manager