The winning teams of the #CedefopPhotoAward 2021 competition come from Spain, Greece, and Poland.

In total, 80 teams of vocational education and training (VET) learners from 13 European countries took part in the sixth edition of the #CedefopPhotoAward, which also featured a video competition. The teams consisted of 287 VET learners and 63 teachers/trainers, representing 62 learning providers. The learners were asked to share a story of a memorable VET experience involving green or digital skills.

The two photostory winners, from Spain (‘Climate MakeUp’ team from the IES Ramón y Cajal) and Greece (‘Cyclades’ team from the 5th Evening Vocational High School of Patras), have been nominated for the top award to be presented during the virtual VET excellence awards ceremony at the European vocational skills week 2022, in Brussels (16-20 May 2022).

The top spot will be decided via an online public vote, organised by the European Commission. The vote will be launched on 25 April.

The winners of the video award, or Prix Du Jury, are Polands ‘New Age School’ team from Niepubliczne Technikum im. gen. W. Andersa w Opatowie. The team will travel to the 2022 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, where they will present their story.

In case the events are cancelled or conducted virtually, the prizes may be modified.

Cedefop would like to thank all participants for making the effort to form teams and send entries during these testing times.

Winning entries


ClimateMakeUp, Spain, IES RAMON Y CAJAL

Raquel Herrero, Gonzalo Rios, Teresa Hernandez and Ana Arjona: ‘Selfishness disables our empathy. It does not show what is really happening. Only understanding will give us the first step to get us out of where we are. We are a group of professional characterisation and makeup students, this is our ode to the current situation. Plastics are a symbol of the pollution of the planet that we have, how the planet is devastated, burned by deforestation, how it roars, explodes and finally falls. Let's not continue with our eyes closed.’

Cyclades, Greece, 5th Evening Vocational High School of Patras

Maria Diamantopoulou, Paraskevi Galani, Theodora Konstantopoulou, and Paraskevi Stavropoulou: ‘Cyclades were nymphs that the God of sea transformed into islands, arrayed in a circle. Cyclades is our teams name, and our mission as students of the Department of Applied Arts is inspired by Aegeans divine light. Our project for this year motivates us to clean, collect, create and change: 4Cs for the sea!” We remove and reuse marine litter from our region's coastline. By using natural pigments and tools, we not only give our findings a second chance at life, but also preserve ecological integrity.’


NewAgeSchool, Poland, Niepubliczne Technikum im. gen. W. Andersa w Opatowie

Łukasz Bełczowski, Karolina Mruk, Jakub Sajda, and Aleksandra Dulny: ‘This is a story of two worlds that simply have nothing in common except school address; about students of IT and Stylist technical secondary school; about how we found the bridge allowing them to work together and learn from each other, and finally true bond was created. Its a story about a school that revealed the creativity of computer geeks and allowed creative souls to understand the digital world thanks to common creative photography and graphics editing classes.’



  • Levita, Czechia, from the Střední škola designu a módy, Prostějov/Secondary school of design and fashion, Prostějv
  • Skin Like Honey, Greece, from the 2nd Vocational Apprenticeship School of Thessaloniki – OAED
  • Media Team SSDR, Croatia, from the Srednja škola Duga Resa / High School Duga Resa
  • PhotoNatural Team, Portugal, from the Colégio Doutor Luís Pereira da Costa
  • Kostiha, Czechia, from the Střední škola designu a módy, Prostějov/Secondary school of design and fashion, Prostějv
  • ΕΝΕΕΓΥΛ ΚΑΒΑΛΑΣ, Greece, from the VET school ΕΝΕΕΓΥΛ ΚΑΒΑΛΑΣ
  • Green Masters, Hungary, from the Szegedi SZC Móravárosi Szakképző Iskola
  • UTU-ovci, Croatia, from the Ugostiteljsko-turističko učilište


  • Skin Like Honey, Greece, from the 2nd Vocational Apprenticeship School of Thessaloniki – OAED
  • DECASARRE, Spain, from the IES Arca Real
  • Marjanovci, Croatia, from the Prirodoslovna škola Split
  • Give Back ITAP, Portugal, from the Instituto Técnico Artístico e Profissional de Coimbra
  • ClimateMakeUp, Spain, from the IES RAMON Y CAJAL
  • Urban, Czechia, from the Střední škola designu a módy, Prostějov/Secondary school of design and fashion, Prostějv
  • THE BATON OF ‘GREEN’, Greece, from the VET School OAED in Ioannina
  • Levita, Czechia, from the Střední škola designu a módy, Prostějov/Secondary school of design and fashion, Prostějv
  • Homo Faber, Malta, from the MCAST ICA