In a significant step towards bolstering Denmark's green transition, the Ministry of Children and Education announced a comprehensive new agreement focused on enhancing vocational education. This initiative includes financing of work-based learning, upskilling teachers in green competences, promoting learning mobility for the acquisition of green competences, and introducing a green component in the final exam of VET students. It also further establishes the role of knowledge centres. Its aim is to equip students with the skills necessary for the future green job market, ensuring Denmark remains at the forefront of environmental sustainability and innovation.

To support work-based learning, EUR 28 million (DKK 210 million) will be allocated over the next 4 years for updating and acquiring state-of-the-art equipment. This investment ensures that VET schools are well-equipped.

An additional EUR 12 million (DKK 90 million) will be dedicated to upskilling teachers, particularly in green competences. This training will enable educators to impart the knowledge and skills needed for green jobs effectively, ensuring students receive high-quality instruction aligned with current environmental standards and practices.

The agreement promotes international study tours and exchanges, offering students valuable global perspectives on green best practices. The aim is to raise their understanding of international standards and innovations in sustainability issues.

The agreement further establishes the important role of specialised knowledge centres focused on green competences. These will continue to serve as hubs of expertise, providing resources and support to both students and teachers in integrating green skills into their curricula.

To emphasise the importance of sustainability, the agreement introduces green final exams in VET. These will assess students' proficiency in green technologies and practices, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to contribute to the green economy.

A campaign will be launched to highlight role models in VET, which will inspire students to pursue careers in green sectors to address the current shortage of skilled labour in fields critical to Denmark's climate goals.

The agreement reflects a collaborative effort among government bodies, education institutions, and industry partners. It underscores the shared commitment to preparing the next generation for the challenges and opportunities of the green transition. By investing in VET, Denmark aims to create a skilled workforce capable of driving forward the country's sustainability agenda.

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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Denmark, & Cedefop (2024, July 3). Denmark: new agreement strengthens VET for green transition. National news on VET