Exploring ways to increase the visibility of vocational education and training (VET) was one of the main themes of the 2024 Partnership Forum of ReferNet, Cedefop’s network of key VET-related institutions around Europe, that took place in Zagreb, on 13 – 14 May.

The forum was jointly organised by Cedefop and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE), home of the ReferNet Croatia team and brought together ReferNet national partners from the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway, who exchanged the experience from recent developments in their respective countries.

ReferNet Partnership Forum was organised alongside the WorldSkills Croatia competition at the Zagreb Fair.

ReferNet Croatia presented the VET system in the host country, highlighting major system-level initiatives, including VET curricula reform and the introduction of microcredentials and vouchers in continuing VET (CVET), which generated significant interest and inspired insightful discussion among ReferNet national partners.

The benefits of skills competitions

ReferNet partners from Germany, Austria, Portugal, Poland and Slovenia shared the experience of their countries in organising and participating in skills competitions.

The presentations demonstrated the importance of national and international skills competitions in making excellence in VET visible, supporting and promoting VET, motivating young people and giving them an opportunity to show their vocational competences.

Furthermore, skill competitions encourage company investment in training, employability of VET graduates and accountability for learning outcomes in VET.

Insights from both events allowed ReferNet partners to reflect on different perspectives on promoting excellence in vocational skills.

Organized for the fifth time, the WorldSkills Croatia competition showcased the talent and skills of initial VET (IVET) students and demonstrated the diversity of labour market opportunities for VET graduates in traditional VET occupations, such as bricklaying, patisserie and hairdressing, as well as high-tech fields, such as computer numerical control and computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacturing technologies and robotics.

The WorldSkills Croatia competition involved over 350 VET teachers and trainers, 400 competitors from around the world and 42 skills competitions.