In November 2022, the first vocational education network was introduced as a pilot in Norrbotten and discussed regional successes, challenges and solutions in vocational education. As the results were satisfactory in terms of both number of participants and positive evaluation ratings, it was decided to roll out more networks throughout Sweden.

The Swedish National Agency for Education is rolling out vocational education networks to increase the quality and attractiveness of vocational education, securing thereby the skilled workforce needed for the labour market.

First regional network meeting in Luleå, Norrbotten

In November 2022, 97 persons involved in VET education met in Luleå with the aim of starting a new network. The meeting was composed of two group discussions. The first concerned preferred topics for future networking meetings and proposals for cooperation between the planned annual meetings. The second was about what competences and skills are needed in the region and how to attract the young generation and adults to VET to meet the skill and labour needs in those fields.

This was after keynote speakers from the Chambers of Commerce in Norrbotten had pointed out the needs of competences and skills in the region. An employer from the transportation sector also presented good examples of how they work together with vocational education in the region. At the end of the meeting, participants decided that the network should have an extra meeting in May, in addition to a digital meeting in November 2023.

Ten initial conferences in 2022-24

The annual vocational education networks will be successively introduced in 10 different regions. In addition to the network meeting in Norrbotten, another three conferences took place in Malmö, Härnösand and Stockholm in the beginning of 2023, during which networks were formed and organised. All networks start with an invitation from the Swedish National Agency for Education to physical conferences around the country. The conferences held by the Swedish National Agency for Education will be organised digitally every 2 years, and physically every 2 years. It is hoped that the network will meet in different venues between these conferences. All networks should have been rolled out by the beginning of 2024.

Target groups of regional VET networks

These networks target all groups that work in upper secondary vocational education, or are involved in the education system and are interested in starting a dialogue about vocational education. The main target groups include:

  • school organisers;
  • education providers;
  • study and career guidance counsellors;
  • workplace-based learning coordinators;
  • head teachers and teachers in upper secondary education.
  • Stakeholders and social partners are also invited to these networking meetings to discuss the need for competence supply in the region.

Objectives of regional VET networks

The networks aim to create a consensus on VET issues, and – in the long term – contribute to greater quality and equality in the education system. The networks provide everyone who works in vocational education with an opportunity to access a platform for networking and promote the development of vocational education. The networks will be a valuable resource for discussions about regional successes, challenges and solutions in vocational education, while covering also local and national issues and contributing to a better competence supply within Sweden.

sweden VET networks


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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Sweden; Cedefop (2023). Sweden: increasing quality and attractiveness of VET through regional networks. National news on VET