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The preparation of Cedefop Skills Forecast is supported by an EU network of experts in skills and labour market forecasting.

Such a network of Individual Country Experts (ICEs) covers all countries the Skills Forecast produces estimates for and contributes to the validation and the further development of it. Cedefop organises regular technical workshops so as to provide a platform for experts to meet and provide feedback to Cedefop. The aim is to involve national experts in the process of preparing the Skills Forecast, drawing on their expertise in the field but also on their knowledge of their country’s labour market. Such an exercise not only validates the Skills Forecast but also facilitates the story-building around the results. The 2022 workshop focused on validating the results of the 2023 release.


The annual meeting of CareersNet independent national experts convened again remotely on October 18 and 19 (1.5 days). This was the second annual meeting for new members joining in 2021, and gave extra space for follow up on work in progress started last year.

Following tradition, the event included thematic presentations, targeted group policy discussions, and workshop activities. These were designed to strive toward specific outcomes in relation to knowledge and evidence building for policy, and awareness raising about quality lifelong guidance and career development systems and practices, through network peer learning and exchange, and active collaboration on priority, ad hoc, and analytical activities.

The first plenary session was dedicated to country presentations from Czechia by invited national and regional stakeholders who provided thematic input on Continuity and discontinuity in lifelong guidance and career development policy at the national and regional level comparing the labour market/employment and education and training sectors in two regions.

Following group discussions on the country theme, network sessions were dedicated to past, ongoing, and future activities including:

  • discussing the status of Inventory of lifelong guidance systems and practices updates for 2022
  • core member feedback on the first working group’s progress on updating the ELGPN 2015 guidelines on policy and system development
  • continuing efforts by a working group on the feasibility of developing an adaptable draft template for mapping each lifelong guidance system; and
  • introducing a potential call for member papers on the role of LLG in supporting economic, social, and environmental sustainability

This meeting had restricted participation.

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Please see the news headline here

Presentations - Day 1

Session 1: The continuity and discontinuity in lifelong guidance and career development policy in Czechia

Crossroads in the development of lifelong guidance policy-making and career development policy at national level, Lenka Hloušková (CareersNet CZ)

Funding career guidance services in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Anna Brabcová (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, CZ)

Career guidance services in the Moravian - Silesian Region: new levels in the employment policy?Eva Štefková, Martin Navrátil (The Moravian - Silesian Employment Pact, CZ)

Continuity and discontinuity in lifelong guidance policy in the Pilsen Region, Lukáš Vlček (Regional center for further education Pilsen, CZ)



In October 2022, Cedefop organised the fourth policy learning forum (PLF) on apprenticeships, engaging all EU-27 countries, with a tripartite composition, including representatives of governments and social partners from each Member State.

The focus and scope of the policy forum was on regulatory frameworks, policies and practices in the Member States regarding the role and use of upskilling and reskilling of low-skilled adults.

Participation was by invitation only.

The PLF presentations are available in the Download section below.


ReferNet partners and national representatives attended the 20th annual plenary meeting of the network, which coincided with 20 years of ReferNet and the third annual meeting under the 2020-23 Framework Partnership Agreement.

It aimed in particular at:

  • optimising the preparation of the 2023 work plan by capitalising on information provided on adjustments in VET policy reporting, the Timeline of VET policies in Europe, drafting national news, improving understanding of qualifications listed in OJAs, etc.;
  • reinstalling a physical network dynamic of cooperation and shared reflection by convening in a physical open space, which will encourage creative reflection on how partners would like ReferNet to develop in the next 10 years.

The plenary meeting preceded by an event aimed at celebrating ReferNet’s 20th anniversary. The event was held on the evening of Wednesday 9 November (18.00-22.00) at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall (Megaron Mousikis, new building). It was open to researchers and experts in VET, stakeholders and representatives of EU institutions.


In 2022, Cedefop and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised the fourth Policy Learning Forum on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future. The event took place in the form of a virtual event on Wednesday 16 November 2022, from 09:45 to 13:05 CET.

Policy Learning Fora (PLF) on upskilling pathways are a series of policy learning events on the topic aimed at providing a platform for countries to come together to learn from one another and explore common challenges in upskilling adults with low level of skills.
The Fourth Policy Learning Forum (PLF) on upskilling pathways was aimed at discussing progress and lessons learnt from the implementation of the Upskilling pathways recommendation, by exploring and discussing the preliminary findings from Cedefop Thematic Country Reviews on Upskilling Pathways.

The presentations are available in the Download section below.

Please see the news headline here.


At the Third Policy Learning Forum (PLF) on VET teachers and trainers, participants discussed the findings of Cedefop’s third pilot opinion survey focusing on initial VET (IVET).

The survey was launched in 2021 as a feasibility study in six European countries: Austria, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Lithuania and the Netherlands.
The pilot survey findings bring new evidence and insights on the following main areas:

  • VET schools’ principals, teachers and in-company trainers’ evolving role and challenges (including challenges raised during COVID-19); 
  • their skill needs and qualifications including access to quality continuous professional development; 
  • their career progression and wellbeing; as well as
  • learners’ experiences and satisfaction with pedagogies and learning environments in school-based and work-based IVET. 

Based on the outcomes of the feasibility study, participants discussed the conditions that need to be met in order to launch a pan-European survey of these key populations in initial VET. The pan-European survey aims to give voice to (IVET) teachers, in company-trainers, school principals and learners aiming to create a robust evidence base regarding the experiences and needs of those who teach and learn in IVET settings. The ultimate scope is to improve the professional development opportunities for teachers, trainers and school principals, and in turn students’ learning outcomes. 
Participants included Cedefop’s Advisory Group set up to support this study composed of EU social partners and Ministries from the six pilot and other selected countries, key EU stakeholders and EU agencies (e.g. ETF, JRC) as well as European Associations of VET providers.
Cedefop VET for youth - Teachers and trainers team is in charge of this project, you may find here more information about the team’s work.