Understanding of apprenticeships in the national context

    Q2. Is there an official definition of ‘apprenticeship’ or ‘apprentice’ in your country?

    As per Article 2 of the 'Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Act' (Cap. 576), an 'apprentice' is a "learner engaged in training programmes for apprenticeships in accordance with this Act".
    Furthermore, in the same Act an 'apprenticeship' is defined as a "programme in which apprentices are engaged on joint programmes of school-based learning at a licensed VET provider and work-based learning with a registered sponsor, leading to a recognised vocational qualification or award."

    Q3. At which level do apprenticeship schemes exist in your country?
    At upper secondary level
    At post-secondary (not tertiary)
    At tertiary level
    At sectoral level

    However the 'Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Act' does allow for apprenticeship schemes at higher levels to be offered.

    Q4. How well-established are apprenticeship schemes in your country?
    A long history (before 2000)
    A recent history (in 2000s)
    Pilot scheme

    Apprenticeships in Malta have a long history and already existed as a form of financial incentive for youth back in the early 19th century. The first official state technical shool dates back to 1893 when apprenticeships were offered in carpentry, joinery, carving and stucco work.

    Q5. Relevant information that is essential to understanding the specificity of apprenticeships in the country.

    There are other forms of work-based learning in Malta that may be legally regulated in the same way as apprenticeships as per Cap. 576:
    1. it takes place in tertiary education as well as in VET in teacher-training, healthcare sector, medicine, pharmacy, etc.;
    Also, there are other forms of work-based learning in Malta that are not legally regulated in the same way as apprenticeships include:
    1. non-apprenticeship VET courses students where students spend time at the workplace;
    2. the Jobsplus offers work placements or traineeships to job seekers (to all unemployed, among them young people) to facilitate their transition into work;
    3. Malta has a number of private VET providers where some of their courses also include work-based learning;
    4. training opportunities for persons with disability are offered through the Lino Spiteri Foundation.