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Achieving the EU's digital transition objectives and policy targets is expected to create significant additional employment in key sectors such as computer programming, research and development, and telecommunications.

As digital transformation requires substantial training, job opportunities will also emerge in wholesale and retail trade, and in non-market services, which includes the education and training sector. The productivity-enhancing effect of AI fosters versatility among workers and enables them to engage in more fulfilling activities. Alongside automation, AI will also replace human tasks, leading to shrinking employment, particularly in wholesale and retail trade and construction. The pace of automation and AI deployment is uncertain, as it is influenced by technological readiness, funding availability, regulatory frameworks, social partner dynamics, and other factors. What is certain is that – to navigate the digital transition successfully – substantial investment in human capital via digital skills training is needed, including on AI at all levels.

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Cedefop. (2024). Digital skills ambitions in action: Cedefop’s skills forecast digitalisation scenario. Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/966457 


Digital skills ambitions in action

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