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These European guidelines present common principles for developing short, learning-outcomes-based descriptions for all qualifications. They are  the result of the work of the EQF-Europass project group on short descriptions of learning outcomes of qualifications and are crucial for qualifications databases and registers.

This initiative is part of a broader European attempt to increase transparency of qualifications across countries, facilitating mobility and supporting lifelong learning. Significant progress in National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and the use of learning outcomes in Europe has increased qualification understanding and portability. Structuring short descriptions of qualifications and their learning outcomes consistently improves transparency and, comparability, and facilitates their availability and use in digital environments. Short descriptions provide learners, employers, education and training providers, and others with quick access to learning outcomes information, complementing full national descriptions. The publication offers recommendations on the formal aspects (length, format) and content (scope, complexity, context) of these descriptions. It also includes practical resources, such as lists of action verbs and qualifiers, to help describe clearly the learning outcomes of qualifications.

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EQF-Europass project group. (2024). European guidelines for the development and writing of short, learning-outcomes-based descriptions of qualifications. Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop working paper series, 21. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/838553


European guidelines for the development and writing of short, learning-outcomes-based descriptions of qualifications

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