Definition and description

Grant is a public funding (subsidy) to support individual’s investment in education and training.

Schemes providing contributions to the individual costs of continuing (vocational) education and training sail under a broad variety of names (“Voucher”, “Grant”, “individual learning account”, “premium”, “allowance”). However, the names are typically used in an arbitrary way and do not reveal any specificities of the type of support provided.

Grant and voucher schemes can be differentiated as follows:

  • Cost-related support - provides a specified share of the eligible costs of education and training up to a defined maximum, typically, covering only direct costs as fees or further costs directly incurred due to participation as travel costs or costs for learning material.
  • Lump-sum support - provides a lump sum (typically related to a period of participation e.g. per month or semester), however, not related to the incurred costs of education and training. The lump sum may be foreseen for covering the direct costs of education and training (e.g. fees) only or supporting both the direct costs and the living costs during participation.

Lump-sum support schemes are often used for supporting the living costs during participation in education and training, as the latter cannot be delineated in any detailed way. Moreover, vouchers (in particular vouchers representing a small value) are partly constructed as lump sum support, e.g. when beneficiaries receive a voucher worth EUR 100 and no further needs to contribute to the costs of education and training are established (see for example UK#214).

Cost-related support is mainly provided in order to contribute to the direct costs of education and training. For example, an individual may receive contributions to the fees of a course in the value of EUR 2 800, in line with the specifications of the schemes (50% up to a ceiling EUR 500 of public contribution), so receiving EUR 500 in this case. 

Furthermore, it is of importance, whether support is provided as a

  • Prepayment, so that the beneficiary need not to pay in advance and the amount due is covered by the public source. Vouchers representing a particular value of money are a key example of instruments used for prepayment. For example, a voucher worth EUR 500 and the set conditions that the beneficiary need to contribute 20% of the fees might be used to pay for fees of EUR 400, with EUR 320 paid by the voucher and EUR 80 paid by the participant.
  • Reimbursement, where the beneficiary needs to cover 100% of the costs first, however, receives the contributions to the costs of education and training later, e.g. after providing an evidence of enrolment or the relevant invoices of eligible costs.

By offering prepayment, schemes help to overcome liquidity constraints of beneficiaries. Moreover, it can be more motivating if the need of advance payment of the training costs can be avoided by a voucher. However, prepayment can involve substantial administrative costs and legal challenges for the providing organisation, e.g. the organisation issuing the vouchers. For example, it is often difficult to predict the proportion of vouchers issued actually being used, however, public administrations need to earmark the budget for promises being made in the past and often cannot reuse the money otherwise as long as the vouchers are formally valid. Moreover, prepayments are considered as more prone to fraud and can involve more difficulties in withdrawing support provided based on false/fraudulent statements.

In reality, schemes may combine lump sum and cost related approaches. Occasionally, they may provide some payments in advance and some only after completion of the training[1].

[1] Lump-sum support is often provided according to a specific schedule (e.g. a particular amount is payable every month during participation in education and training). However, there are also forms of prepayments and payments after the completion of an educational activity. Overall, lump sums are typically not connected to the timing of payments made by the individual, as these payments are not the base for specifying the amount of support given.

Key features and statistics

Grants for individuals - key features
ID Country Name of the instrument - Local language Name of the instrument - English translation Level of operation ESIF co-funding Principle of disbursement Co-funding of eligible costs (lower bound) Co-funding of eligible costs (higher bound) Co-funding rate for specific target groups Maximum amount set (EUR) Minimum amount set (EUR) Reuse Recipient of the payment Timing of payment Eligible group(s) Preferential treatment options established Costs eligible Education and training eligible
7 AT WAFF Bildungskonto WAFF Training Account Regional (Vienna) No All individuals that apply 50.0% 50.0% Depends on the net income EUR 2 000 EUR 300 After a break of a particular period Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Narrow range General
8 AT Bildungskonto Oberösterreich Learning account of Upper Austria Regional (Upper Austria) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 30.0% 60.0% Up to 60% for specific target groups EUR 2 000 EUR 100 Other Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad Yes Narrow range General
9 AT AK-Bildungsgutschein Education voucher of the Chamber of Labour Regional (Vienna) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (EUR 120) Lump-sum (EUR 120) EUR 170 for adults in parental leave EUR 240 EUR 120 No reuse Institution Advance payment Broad Yes Narrow range General
24 BE Opleidingscheques voor wernemers Training vouchers for employees Regional (Flanders) No All individuals that apply Lump-sum (vouchers with 50% co-funding) Lump-sum (vouchers with 50% co-funding) No secondary education- 100%, no tertiary education- 50% EUR 125 No After a break of a particular period Institution Advance payment Broad No Broad range General
30 BG обучение, проведено в рамките на програма 'Шанс за работа' Training within the programme 'Chance for a Job' National No All individuals that apply Lump-sum 100.0% No No No No reuse Learner; Other Other Narrow No Broad range General
43 CZ Rekvalifikace / zvolená rekvalifikace Re-training / re-training by choice National Yes Other 100.0% Lump-sum (covering up to 100% of costs) No EUR 78 / three years No After a break of a particular period Institution Reimbursement of the costs Broad Yes Narrow range Work-related only
52 DE Bildungsprämie Continuing education grant National Yes First come, first served basis 50.0% 50.0% No EUR 500 No Use once in each calendar year Institution Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Narrow range Work-related only
53 DE Aufstiegs-BAföG Upgrading Training Assistance National No First come, first served basis Lump sum (up to EUR 892) Lump sum (up to EUR 892) Depends on the training EUR 892 lump-sum grant / EUR 15 000 course fees No No reuse Institution; Learner Reimbursement of the costs Universal No Narrow range General
55 DE Aufstiegsstipendium Scholarship for advancement National No First come, first served basis Lump sum (EUR 861+ EUR 80 monthly) Lump sum (EUR 861 + EUR 80 monthly) No No No No reuse Learner Advance payment Broad No Broad range General
63 DK Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte (SVU) State educational support for adults National No All individuals that apply Other Other Preparatory adult education and dyslexia education- DKK 4 405 (approx. EUR 589)/ week; primary and secondary education- DKK 3 524 (approx. EUR 472)/week; higher education- DKK 2 643 (approx. EUR 354)/week. No EUR 47 After a break of a particular period Learner Other Narrow No Broad range General
64 DK Statens Uddannelsesstøtte (SU) State educational support - grant and loan scheme National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Other Other Yes 9 months of education One month of education No reuse Learner Advance payment Narrow No Narrow range General
81 FI Aikuiskoulutustuki Adult education allowance National No Not available Lump-sum Lump-sum Not available EUR 705 + 45% of the difference between the base and the net income up to EUR 3 444; 20% of the difference beyond EUR 3 444 EUR 12 690 Not available Learner Advance payment Broad Not available Broad range General
82 FI Ammattitutkintostipendi Scholarship for qualified employees National No Not available Lump sum (EUR 390) Lump sum (EUR 450) Not available EUR 450 EUR 390 Not available Learner Reimbursement of the costs Universal Not available Broad range General
83 FI Vapaan sivistystyön opintoseteliavustus Voucher system in liberal adult education National No Not available Other Other Not available Not available Not available Not available Institution Other Broad Not available Narrow range General
98 HR Osnovno obrazovanje odraslih i osposobljavanje za jednostavnije poslove u zanimanjima Completion of primary education for adults and training for the first simple occupation National No All individuals that apply Lump-sum (HRK 500) (approx. EUR 67) / educational period) Lump-sum (HRK 1 800  (approx. EUR 242)) / educational period) No No No Other Institution Other Narrow No Narrow range General
104 HU Foglalkoztatást elősegítő képzés Labour market training programme to support employment National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 60.0% 70.0% Depends on personal characteristics and available budget No No After a break of a particular period Institution Reimbursement of the costs Broad Yes Broad range General
115 IE The Learner Fund The Learner Fund Sectoral (child care) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 75.0% 75.0% No EUR 750 EUR 750 No reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Narrow No Broad range General
116 IE Student Grant Scheme Student Grant Scheme National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Other Other Varies highly. EUR 5 915 EUR 305 Use once in each calendar year Institution; Learner Advance payment Narrow Yes Broad range General
143 LU L'aide financičre de l'Etat pour études supérieures State financial aid for higher education - grant and loan National No Not available Other Other No EUR 4 750 / semester No Other Learner Advance payment Universal No Broad range General
164 NL Voucherexperiment in deeltijdonderwijs Voucher experiment for part-time studies National No All individuals that apply 33% Varies (more than 33% when fees are lower than the set maximum) No EUR 1 250 per 30 ECTS No No reuse Learner; Other Advance payment Narrow No Narrow range General
165 NL Studiefinanciering Study grant National No All individuals that apply Lump-sum Lump-sum Rates are higher for students with parents with a low yearly income. In addition to the grant, students can take a monthly loan of EUR 190,34. Living at home EUR 635,78/ month;  living away from home EUR 856,62/month No No reuse Learner Other Narrow Yes Broad range General
173 PL Bon szkoleniowy Training voucher National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Other Other No Average monthly salary No No limitation for reuse Institution; Learner Other Broad No Broad range General
174 PL Sfinansowanie kosztu studiów podyplomowych Financing the cost of post-graduate studies National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Other (up to 300% of the average monthly salary) Other (up to 300% of the average monthly salary) No 300% of the average monthly salary No No limitation for reuse Institution Other Broad No Narrow range General
198 SI Državne štipendije. Kadrovske štipendije. National scholarships, corporate scholarships National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Other (EUR 36 / month) Other (EUR 195 / month) No No No Other Learner Advance payment Narrow Yes Broad range General
214 UK Skills Development Scotland - Individual Learning Accounts Skills Development Scotland - Individual Learning Accounts (ILA) Regional (Scotland) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (GBP 200) (approx. EUR 238) Lump-sum (GBP 200) (approx. EUR 238) No EUR 238/calendar year No Use once in each calendar year; Other Institution Advance payment Narrow No Narrow range General
227 AT Bildungsbonus der Arbeiterkammer Niederösterreich Education bonus of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria Regional (Lower Austria) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 50.0% 100.0% unemployed - 100%, parental leave - EUR 170 EUR 220 EUR 120 Use once in each calendar year Institution Advance payment Broad Yes Narrow range General
230 DE BAFöG (Basisausbildungsförderungsgesetz) Federal Training Assistance Act (BaFöG) National No First come, first served basis Lump-sum Lump-sum Depends on personal criteria (age, type of education) EUR 861 monthly No No limitation for reuse Learner Advance payment Narrow No Broad range General
259 FR Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) Individual Learning Account National No All individuals that apply Lump-sum (EUR 500 / year) Lump-sum (EUR 5 000 / year) Low qualified: EUR 800 - EUR 8 000/ year; part-time workers less than 50%, in proportion of the hours worked EUR 5 000 No Use once in each calendar year Institution Other Universal Yes Broad range General
275 DK Omstillingsfonden The Transition Fund National No First come, first served basis Lump-sum (DKK 10 000 (approx. EUR 1 338) / person annually) Lump-sum (DKK 10 000 (approx. EUR 1 338) / person annually) No EUR 1 338 / year. No Other Institution Advance payment Narrow No Narrow range General
278 EE Kvalifikatsiooni saamise toetamine Support for obtaining qualifications National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (up to EUR 500 / three years) Lump-sum (up to EUR 500 / three years) No EUR 500 / three years No No reuse Learner; Other Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Broad range General
279 EE Tööturukoolitus koolituskaardiga Labour market training with a training card National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (up to EUR 2 500 / three years) Lump-sum (up to EUR 2 500 / three years) No EUR 2 500 / three years No No reuse Institution Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Narrow range General
281 EE Tasemeõppes osalemise toetus Degree study allowance National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (EUR 180 /month) Lump-sum (EUR 270 / month) No EUR 180 / month - EUR 270 / month No Other Learner Other Broad No Broad range General
291 PT PO IES - Cheque Formação PO IES - Training voucher National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum (up to EUR 175) Lump-sum (up to EUR 500) Active employees- up to 90% of the training costs; unemployeed- maximum EUR 500 / training EUR 175 No No reuse Institution Advance payment Broad No Broad range General
294 IE Springboard+ Springboard+ National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 90.0% 100.0% Employed  90%; unemployed 100% No No Other Institution Advance payment Broad No Narrow range General
295 IE Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum Lump-sum Those with a dependent child receive an annual Cost of Education Allowance of EUR 500 in addition. No No Other Learner Other Broad No Broad range General
296 IE Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum Lump-sum No No No No limitation for reuse Learner Other Broad No Broad range General
297 SE Studiestartsstöd Education Entry Grant National No The lump sum grant is to the individuals free disposal for all living and educational costs. Lump-sum Lump-sum EUR 10 625 + a potential child allowance of EUR 1 931 EUR 319 Other Learner Advance payment Narrow Yes Broad range General
298 FR PRO-A PRO-A National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Depends on the OPCOs (associations created by employers' organisations and trade unions) Depends on the OPCOs (associations created by employers' organisations and trade unions) No EUR 3 000 No No limitation for reuse Institution Reimbursement of the costs Universal No Broad range General
302 SK Podpora rekvalifikácie uchádzačov o zamestnanie - REPAS Supporting the re-qualification of jobseekers - REPAS National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 100.0% 100.0% No No No No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Broad range General
303 SK KOMPAS (KOMPAS+) KOMPAS (KOMPAS+) National Yes Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 100.0% 100.0% No No No No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Broad range General
311 MT Training pays scheme (TPS) Training pays scheme (TPS) National Yes First come, first served basis 75.0% 75.0% No EUR 1 000 EUR 100 No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Universal No Broad range General
318 HR Obrazovanje nezaposlenih Education and training of unemployed persons National Yes All individuals that apply Other (100%) Other (100%) Travel costs depends on distance No No No limitation for reuse Institution; Other Other Broad No Broad range General
325 UK Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 80.0% 80.0% Depends on the years of service EUR 7 127 No Other Learner Reimbursement of the costs Narrow Yes Narrow range General
328 AT Fachkräftestipendium Skilled Workers' Grant National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump sum + 100% of fees Lump sum + 100% of fees No No No No reuse Learner Advance payment Broad No Broad range General
329 AT Beihilfe zu Kurskosten Support for individual course costs National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 50% 100% 100% for the unemployed No No No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad Yes Narrow range General
330 AT Digi-Winner Digitalisation Skills grant Regional (Vienna) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) 40.0% 80.0% 40%-80% depending on the net income EUR 5 000 No No reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Narrow range General
331 BE Chèque outplacement Outplacement voucher National No Individual can apply for voucher. If conditions are met, Forem will provide voucher to individual who can use the voucher to pay for training. Lump-sum (up to EUR 1 500) Lump-sum (up to EUR 1 500) No EUR 1 500 No Not available Institution Other Broad No Broad range General
332 BE Un incitant financier à la formation: Incitant+ Training incentive for bottleneck jobs National No Other Lump-sum (EUR 350) Lump-sum (EUR 350) No EUR 350 EUR 350 Not available Other Reimbursement of the costs, please specify Narrow No Broad range Work-related only
349 DE Bildungsgutschein Education voucher National No First come, first served basis 100.0% 100.0% No No No After a break of a particular period Learner Advance payment Broad No Broad range Work-related only
350 SE Unionens Studiestöd Study support by the labour union Unionen National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria Lump-sum (up to EUR 1 288) Lump-sum (up to EUR 1 288) No EUR 1 288 No No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Narrow No Broad range General
352 SE Snabbspår "Fast track" entrance to the labour market National No Meeting a pre-determined criteria 100% 100.0% No   No Other     Narrow No Broad range General
355 MT Average wage earner scheme Average wage earner scheme National No First come, first served basis Lump-sum (EUR 25 / week) Lump-sum (EUR 25 / week) No No No No limitation for reuse Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Broad range General
356 ES Cheque Formación Training Check Regional (Autonomous Community of Madrid) No Meeting a pre-determined criteria (through top-down procedures) Lump-sum Lump-sum No No No Other Institution Other Narrow No Broad range General
383 LT Neformaliojo švietimo ir savišvietos būdu įgytų kompetencijų pripažinimas Support for recognition of non-formal and informal training competencies National Yes All individuals that apply Lump-sum (0.47 of the minimum monthly salary) Lump-sum (0.47 of the minimum monthly salary) No EUR 301 No Other Institution Reimbursement of the costs Broad No Narrow range General
385 DK VEU-godtgørelse Training allowance (compensation for lost wages and travel grant) National No All individuals that apply Lump-sum (DKK 119,05 (approx. EUR 16) per hour – 4 405 DKK (approx. EUR 589) a week) Lump-sum (DKK 119,05 (approx. EUR 16) per hour – 4 405 DKK (approx. EUR 589) a week) Extra subsidy for travel depending on distances EUR 589 No Other Learner Reimbursement of the costs Broad Not available Broad range General
390 IT Voucher formativi individuali "Just in time" ESF Training vouchers "Just in time" Regional Yes Other Other (depending on call) Other (depending on call) No No No No reuse Institution; Learner Reimbursement of the costs Narrow No Narrow range General
391 DE Nordrhein-Westfalen: Bildungsscheck Northrhine-Westphalia: education cheque Regional (North Rhine Westfalia) Yes First come, first served basis 50.0% 50.0% No EUR 500 No Use once in each calendar year Institution Reimbursement of the costs Narrow No Narrow range General
Grants for individuals - statistics
ID Country Name of the instrument - Local language Name of the instrument - English translation Year Volume of funding (EUR) Year Number of beneficiaries (individuals)
7 AT WAFF Bildungskonto WAFF Training Account Not available Not available Not available Not available
8 AT Bildungskonto Oberösterreich Learning account of Upper Austria 2019 EUR 5 366 000 2016 15 650
9 AT AK-Bildungsgutschein Education voucher of the Chamber of Labour Not available Not available Not available Not available
24 BE Opleidingscheques voor wernemers Training vouchers for employees 2019 EUR 2 740 000 2019 20 746
30 BG обучение, проведено в рамките на програма 'Шанс за работа' Training within the programme 'Chance for a Job' 2017 Approx. EUR 1 088 000 2017 1 590
43 CZ Rekvalifikace / zvolená rekvalifikace Re-training / re-training by choice 2019 Approx. EUR  3 762 000 2019 9 561
52 DE Bildungsprämie Continuing education grant 2017 EUR 3 406 962 2017 17 405
53 DE Aufstiegs-BAföG Upgrading Training Assistance Average of years EUR 400 000 000e Average of years 97 000e
55 DE Aufstiegsstipendium Scholarship for advancement 2019 EUR 28 700 000 2019 796
63 DK Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte (SVU) State educational support for adults 2019 Approx. EUR 10 910 000 2019 8 327
64 DK Statens Uddannelsesstøtte (SU) State educational support - grant and loan scheme 2019 Approx. EUR 2 784 220 000 2019 481 612
81 FI Aikuiskoulutustuki Adult education allowance Not available Not available Not available Not available
82 FI Ammattitutkintostipendi Scholarship for qualified employees Not available Not available Not available Not available
83 FI Vapaan sivistystyön opintoseteliavustus Voucher system in liberal adult education Not available Not available Not available Not available
98 HR Osnovno obrazovanje odraslih i osposobljavanje za jednostavnije poslove u zanimanjima Completion of primary education for adults and training for the first simple occupation 2019 Approx. EUR 282 000 2019 902
104 HU Foglalkoztatást elősegítő képzés Labour market training programme to support employment Not available Not available 2018 28 957
115 IE The Learner Fund The Learner Fund 2018 EUR 411 758 2018 549
116 IE Student Grant Scheme Student Grant Scheme 2019 EUR 347 000 000 2019 76 500e
143 LU L'aide financičre de l'Etat pour études supérieures State financial aid for higher education - grant and loan Not available Not available 2019 30 808
164 NL Voucherexperiment in deeltijdonderwijs Voucher experiment for part-time studies 2020 EUR 3 500 000 2020 3 900e
165 NL Studiefinanciering Study grant 2019 EUR 311 000 000 2020 226 500
303 SK KOMPAS (KOMPAS+) KOMPAS (KOMPAS+) Not available Not available 2019 2 095
311 MT Training pays scheme (TPS) Training pays scheme (TPS) 2019 EUR 551 000 2019 227
173 PL Bon szkoleniowy Training voucher 2019 Approx. EUR 2 642 000 2019 3 120
174 PL Sfinansowanie kosztu studiów podyplomowych Financing the cost of post-graduate studies 2019 Approx. EUR 1 003 000 2019 887
198 SI Državne štipendije. Kadrovske štipendije. National scholarships, corporate scholarships 2019 EUR 70 201 776 2019 50 715
214 UK Skills Development Scotland - Individual Learning Accounts Skills Development Scotland - Individual Learning Accounts (ILA) 2019 Approx. EUR 4 511 000 2019 13 071
227 AT Bildungsbonus der Arbeiterkammer Niederösterreich Education bonus of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria Not available Not available Not available Not available
230 DE BAFöG (Basisausbildungsförderungsgesetz) Federal Training Assistance Act (BaFöG) Not available Not available 2019 201 570
259 FR Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) Individual Learning Account 2018 EUR 885 000 000 2016 492 370
275 DK Omstillingsfonden The Transition Fund 2019 Approx. EUR 8 381 000 2019 11 559
278 EE Kvalifikatsiooni saamise toetamine Support for obtaining qualifications 2020 EUR 26 880 2019 145
279 EE Tööturukoolitus koolituskaardiga Labour market training with a training card 2020 EUR 3 086 948 2019 4 594
281 EE Tasemeõppes osalemise toetus Degree study allowance 2020 EUR 2 643 692 2019 958
291 PT PO IES - Cheque Formação PO IES - Training voucher 2019 EUR 5 945 419 2019 40 706
294 IE Springboard+ Springboard+ 2019 EUR 34 300 000 2019 8 053e
295 IE Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) 2018 EUR 78 690 000 2018 8 816
296 IE Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme 2019 EUR 71 722 823 2019 7 721
297 SE Studiestartsstöd Education Entry Grant 2019 Approx. EUR 41 721 000 2019 6 300
298 FR PRO-A PRO-A Not available Not available Not available Not available
302 SK Podpora rekvalifikácie uchádzačov o zamestnanie - REPAS Supporting the re-qualification of jobseekers - REPAS Not available Not available 2019 6 647
318 HR Obrazovanje nezaposlenih Education and training of unemployed persons 2019 Approx. EUR 5 187 000 2019 3 359
325 UK Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme Not available Not available Not available Not available
328 AT Fachkräftestipendium Skilled Workers' Grant 2019 EUR 3 679 000 2019 5 307
329 AT Beihilfe zu Kurskosten Support for individual course costs Not available Not available Not available Not available
330 AT Digi-Winner Digitalisation Skills grant Not available Not available Not available Not available
331 BE Chèque outplacement Outplacement voucher Not available Not available Not available Not available
332 BE Un incitant financier à la formation: Incitant+ Training incentive for bottleneck jobs Not available Not available Not available Not available
349 DE Bildungsgutschein Education voucher Not available Not available Not available Not available
350 SE Unionens Studiestöd Study support by the labour union Unionen Not available Not available Not available Not available
352 SE Snabbspår "Fast track" entrance to the labour market 2018 Approx. EUR 5 331 000 2018 1 301
355 MT Average wage earner scheme Average wage earner scheme 2019 EUR 133 475 2019 644
356 ES Cheque Formación Training Check 2019 EUR 2 970 080 2019 1 000e
383 LT Neformaliojo švietimo ir savišvietos būdu įgytų kompetencijų pripažinimas Support for recognition of non-formal and informal training competencies 2019 EUR 125 674 2019 525
385 DK VEU-godtgørelse Training allowance (compensation for lost wages and travel grant) 2019 Approx. EUR 125 811 000 Not available Not available
390 IT Voucher formativi individuali "Just in time" ESF Training vouchers "Just in time" Not available Not available Not available Not available
391 DE Nordrhein-Westfalen: Bildungsscheck Northrhine-Westphalia: education cheque Not available Not available Not available Not available