Definition and description

Tax incentives are the concessions in tax codes that mean a conscious loss of government budgetary revenue. They are usually intended by public authorities to encourage particular types of behaviour (in relation to education and training, in this case) and/or to favour specific groups (certain individuals in this case). Tax incentives reduce either the tax base (tax allowance) or the tax due (tax credit).

Adults with low or no income, paying no personal income tax, cannot profit from the tax deduction. Only if a negative income tax is implemented correcting this imbalance, low wage earners could profit from education and training related tax incentives.

When income tax is progressive, adults in higher tax classes profit more from the tax deduction from the tax base than adults in lower tax classes.

In some countries, adults can deduct educational costs for members of their households, in particular for their children; yet, the maximum deductible amount then applies to both costs for their own training and the costs for their household’s members training (as, for example, in Estonia).

Companies may cover the costs of educational and training activities (mainly) in the interest of their employees, which could be regarded as taxable income (fringe benefits). A particular tax exemption can be granted for these benefits within certain limits.This type of tax incentives is not reported in this database.

Exceptions from value added taxes for some training activities or types of training providers are also present in some Member States (for example in Austria), potentially reducing the costs of services for individuals (see CEDEFOP 2009). However, they are not reported in this database.

Key features and statistics

Tax incentives for individuals - key features
ID Country Name of the instrument - Local language Name of the instrument - English translation Type of tax incentive Sub-type of instrument Net effect of the tax incentive Minimum earning per year required for application (EUR) Threshold of eligible costs eliciting a tax incentive (maximum) (EUR) Threshold of eligible costs eliciting a tax incentive (minimum) (EUR) Preferential treatment options established Costs eligible Link to current profession required
4 AT Werbungskosten (Komponente Weiterbildungskosten) Tax allowable professional expenses (Further Education component) Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 20% to 55% EUR 11 000 No EUR 133 No Broad range No
39 CZ Sleva na studenta, kterż se soustavne pripravuje na své budoucķ povolįnķ Tax credit for students continuously preparing for future employment Tax credit (deduction from tax due) Incentive for particular training activities and/or particular groups 100% up to CZK 4 020 per year (approx. EUR 159 per year) Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) EUR 159 No No Narrow range No
40 CZ Odpočet úhrady za zkoušku podle zákona 179/2006 Tax deduction for examinations stipulated by Act 179/2006 Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Incentive for particular training activities and/or particular groups 15% to 23% Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) EUR 396 No Yes Narrow range No
50 DE Steuerliche Absetzbarkeit als Werbungskosten/Sonderausgaben Tax allowance - work-related (income-related) expenses/special expenses Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 14% to 45% EUR 9 744 EUR 6 000 EUR 1 000 No Broad range No
67 EE Koolituskulude võrra maksustatava tulu vähendamine Training expenses reducing the taxable income, tax credit Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education 20% EUR 6 000 EUR 1 200 No Yes Broad range No
111 IE Tax relief for tuition fees in respect of third level education Tax relief for tuition fees in respect of third level education Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education 20% EUR 18 000 (only for people >65y.) EUR 7 000 No No Narrow range No
132 LT Mokestinės lengvatos besimokantiems darbuotojams Tax allowance Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 5% to 32% EUR 4 800 Earnings related No No Narrow range No
150 LV Attaisnotie izdevumi par izglītību un ārstnieciskajiem pakalpojumiem Justified expenses for education and medical services Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 20% to 31% Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) EUR 600 No No Narrow range No
157 MT Get Qualified Get Qualified Tax credit (deduction from tax due) Incentive for particular training activities and/or particular groups 70% EUR 9 100 No No No Narrow range No
163 NL Aftrek studiekosten en andere scholingsuitgaven Tax reduction for study costs or other education related expenditures Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 9.45% to 49.5% Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) EUR 15 000 EUR 250 Yes Broad range No
178 PT Despesas de educação e formação Education and Professional Training Expenses Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education 30% EUR 4 104 EUR 800 No No Broad range No
195 SI Dodatna splošna olajšava za dijake in študente Student allowance Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education Not applicable Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) EUR 2 477 No No Narrow range No
220 FI Vähennyskelpoiset kulut ammatilliset osaamisen ylläpidosta Tax allowance for individuals - Deduction in personal income tax for expenses related to the maintenance of professional or vocational skills Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 6% to 31.25% EUR 17 200 No No No Broad range No
221 FI Opintolainahyvitys / Opintolainavähennys Student loan compensation / Student loan tax deduction Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education 30% EUR 17 200 30% of the debt exceeding EUR 2 500 (for student loan tax deduction) 30% of the debt exceeding EUR 2 500 (for student loan tax deduction) Not available Narrow range No
252 IT Detrazione Irpef per spese di istruzione e formazione Tax credits – costs related to training are deducted from the tax due Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Tax support for families and their costs for education 23% to 43% Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) Varies depending on levels of education and providers No No Broad range No
253 IT Agevolazioni fiscali per l'aggiornamento dei liberi professionisti Tax allowance for costs related to participation in conference, seminars, updating courses for freelance Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 23% to 43% Must have some taxable income (sum undefined) Earnings related No No Broad range No
345 DK Fradrag for udgifter til kurser, studier og faglitteratur Tax incentives for individuals in further education and training Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs Not available DKK 50 543 (approx. EUR 6 760) (no income tax, but 8% gross tax is applied) No EUR 843 No Broad range Yes
351 SE Avdrag för egna utbildningskostnader Tax deduction for educational costs Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 32% to 52% SEK 20 200 (approx. EUR 1 900) No EUR 470 / year No Broad range Yes
354 LU Deductibilité fiscal Tax deductibility Tax allowance (deduction from tax base) Treatment of work/profession related training costs 8% to 42% EUR 11 265 Earnings related EUR 540 No Broad range Yes
Tax incentives for individuals - statistics
ID Country Name of the instrument - Local language Name of the instrument - English translation Year Volume of funding (EUR) Year Number of beneficiaries (individuals)
4 AT Werbungskosten (Komponente Weiterbildungskosten) Tax allowable professional expenses (Further Education component) Average of years EUR 50 000 000e Not available Not available
39 CZ Sleva na studenta, kterż se soustavne pripravuje na své budoucķ povolįnķ Tax credit for students continuously preparing for future employment 2018 Approx. EUR 5 384 000 2018 42 789
40 CZ Odpočet úhrady za zkoušku podle zákona 179/2006 Tax deduction for examinations stipulated by Act 179/2006 2018 Approx. EUR 6 224 2018 245
50 DE Steuerliche Absetzbarkeit als Werbungskosten/Sonderausgaben Tax allowance - work-related (income-related) expenses/special expenses Not available Not available Not available Not available
67 EE Koolituskulude võrra maksustatava tulu vähendamine Training expenses reducing the taxable income, tax credit 2019 EUR 66 636 052 2019 172
111 IE Tax relief for tuition fees in respect of third level education Tax relief for tuition fees in respect of third level education 2018 EUR 17 200 000 2018 33 200
132 LT Mokestinės lengvatos besimokantiems darbuotojams Tax allowance Not available Not available Not available Not available
150 LV Attaisnotie izdevumi par izglītību un ārstnieciskajiem pakalpojumiem Justified expenses for education and medical services 2018 EUR 50 790 000 2019 44 162
157 MT Get Qualified Get Qualified Average of years EUR 3 985 107e Average of years 1 560e
163 NL Aftrek studiekosten en andere scholingsuitgaven Tax reduction for study costs or other education related expenditures 2018 EUR 218 000 000 2018 230 000e
178 PT Despesas de educação e formação Education and Professional Training Expenses 2018 EUR 280 670 886 2018 1 051 283e
195 SI Dodatna splošna olajšava za dijake in študente Student allowance Not available Not available 2020 13 000e
220 FI Vähennyskelpoiset kulut ammatilliset osaamisen ylläpidosta Tax allowance for individuals - Deduction in personal income tax for expenses related to the maintenance of professional or vocational skills Not available Not available Not available Not available
221 FI Opintolainahyvitys / Opintolainavähennys Student loan compensation / Student loan tax deduction Not available Not available Not available Not available
252 IT Detrazione Irpef per spese di istruzione e formazione Tax credits – costs related to training are deducted from the tax due Not available Not available Not available Not available
253 IT Agevolazioni fiscali per l'aggiornamento dei liberi professionisti Tax allowance for costs related to participation in conference, seminars, updating courses for freelance Not available Not available Not available Not available
345 DK Fradrag for udgifter til kurser, studier og faglitteratur Tax incentives for individuals in further education and training Not available Not available Not available Not available
351 SE Avdrag för egna utbildningskostnader Tax deduction for educational costs Not available Not available Not available Not available
354 LU Deductibilité fiscal Tax deductibility Not available Not available Not available Not available