Scroll down to explore detailed information on skills anticipation and matching policy instruments from EU countries. Click on the respective tabs to select and filter by specific search criteria, such as the focus of the policy area, the aim of the instrument, the specific use of labour market intelligence and the type of stakeholders involved.

Displaying 31 policy instruments
Title Country Focus area Policy area Skills matching focus Use of labour market intelligence
AMS Standing Committee on New Skills AT
Implacement labour foundation AT
PES Skills Barometer AT
Development of a Workforce Competence Assessment System by Sectors and Regions (CASSY) BG
National Reference Framework website. BG
Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF) Web portal HR
Communication Network with Employers for Technical Occupations’ platform CY
HRDA Scheme for Job Placement and Training of Tertiary-Education Graduates CY
Scheme for the Training of the Long-term Unemployed in Enterprises/Organisations CY
Scheme for the Vocational Training of the Unemployed in Organisations of the Public and broader Public sector, Local Government Authorities, Non-Governmental Organisations and Non-Profit Institutions CY
Education and Work CZ
Choose IT! EE
Occupational barometer EE
OSKA -System of labour market monitoring and future skills forecasting EE
Anticipation for jobs and occupations FR
Investing in competences 2018-2022 FR
Personal Training Account FR
Qualification and Occupational Fields Projections DE
Mechanism for Labour Market Diagnosis GR
Employment opportunities barometer LT
The Occupation Map LT
Construction Industry Skill Card MT
Investing in Skills MT
Training Pays Scheme MT
Tension indicator NL
Labour Market Observatory for Education PL
Forecasting of Developments of Labour Market Needs SK
INCUAL (National Qualifications Institute) ES
National Reference Centres for VET ES
Observatory of Occupations of the Central PES ES
State Foundation for Training for Employment FUNDAE ES