
The Beyond NEET(D)s project especially addresses vulnerable NEET(D)s such as disengaged and unavailable NEETs and the aforementioned “forgotten” NEETs by developing an innovative holistic strategy that allows flexible, target group-oriented and transversal application tailored to the needs of individuals. By highlighting the D in the project acronym, the DIVERSITY of the target group is put in focus and the mix of the terms NEET and NEED emphasises that the individual needs must be considered to ensure a successful support and guidance process towards a potential VET career path.

The partnership of the Erasmus+ project “Beyond NEET(D)s - Integrated guidance and support for vocational education pathways for highly disadvantaged youth beyond the status of NEET” focuses on supporting the most vulnerable subgroups of unregistered NEETs, unavailable or disengaged young people.


Young NEETs who lack motivation and self-esteem and who need additional guidance through a mentoring system to get in touch with Vocational Education and Training (VET) and/or the labour market on a low threshold level.

Stage of implementation

Project duration from October 2020 to January 2023 (28 months).

Aims of policy/initiative

The main aim is to provide open, empowering and low-threshold opportunities that are centred on individuals, their needs and socioeconomic situation to gain not only access to VET programmes and the labour market, but also to gain the necessary confidence and motivation as well as to define and implement basic steps for entering the workforce or a VET pathway.

Through a motivating and rewarding gamification approach, the project aims to enhance the engagement of these people.

Features and types of activities implemented

  1. The Beyond NEET(D)s Report - a transnational survey of target group needs and specifications, which provides the necessary information and specifications for the development of the following intellectual outputs. A full report is available in English and video summaries of the key findings are available in all partner languages.
  2. The Beyond NEET(D)s Synergy Accelerator Magazine - accelerates the political and policy debate. It elaborates the basis and environment for the project and its outputs, researches and describes the political frame conditions in the partner countries (regions), develops synergies with existing initiatives and projects and provides policy makers at regional, national and European level with recommendations.
  3. The Beyond NEET(D)s Personal Integration Map - a gamified online platform for Individual support, motivation and monitoring between mentor and mentee is an innovative and low-threshold Open Educational Resources (OER) utilising open-source software in compliance with EU Data Protection legislation.
  4. The Beyond NEET(D)s Integrated Guidance Model - features a comprehensive description of an engaging and empowering guidance approach with the lowest possible entrance level requirements, including validation of non-formal and informal learning, utilisation of work-based learning (WBL) elements in cooperation with local businesses.


Total Grant = 272.804,00 EUR

7 organisations in 6 countries involved

Staff altogether involved in the project = 18

Coordinator: Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, AT

Partners: ENTER GmbH, AT; Consorzio CO&SO, IT; Meath Partnership, IE; Factor Social, PT; AKLUB Centrum vzdelavani a poradenstvi, CZ; CSI Center for Social Innovation, CY

All partner organisations have vast experience in working with disadvantaged youth and vulnerable NEETs and share the demand for an integrated guidance approach as well as for a target-group-relevant and low-threshold integration plan.

Erasmus+ | KA2 - Strategic Partnerships | Project no. 020-1-AT01-KA202077952

Evaluation of the measure

Not yet available, the project is ongoing.

Evidence of effectiveness of the measure

Not yet available, the project is ongoing.

Success factors

The innovative methodological approach of the Beyond NEET(D)s project aims to contribute to improving the situation of thousands of marginalised young people in Europe as the Beyond NEET(D)s Synergy Accelerator Magazine will accelerate the international professional exchange of good practices and policy debate.

The partnership implements a comprehensive research study featuring in-depth information about these highly vulnerable and “forgotten” NEETs and provides an OER Integrated Guidance Model for support staff and a modular Personal Integration Map that allows the (re-)integration in VET or labour market opportunities.

Contact details for further information

Contact name
René Halla
Contact telephone
+43 (0)664 8000 6 5043
Contact email
rene.halla [at]

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