Challenges Addressed

  • Blended counselling
  • Exchange and knowledge transfer (among educational professionals, guidance counsellors, etc.)
  • Facilitation of transition from school education to career selection
  • Improve matching between skills and jobs
  • Improvement of guidance/ employment services
  • Increase the interaction between schools and professional life
  • Increase the mobility of people in Europe for education and employment purposes
  • Promote self-assessment
  • Provision of low-threshold information on educational guidance to disadvantaged adult populations
  • Raise awareness on guidance
  • Reduce early school leaving
  • Support those wishing to re-enter the labour market
  • Tackling unemployment
  • Target unemployment
Facilitation of transition from school education to career selection
Improve matching between skills and jobs
Improvement of guidance/ employment services
Promote self-assessment
Raise awareness on guidance

Anelo is a one stop-shop serving as a comprehensive online source for teenagers and young adults, facing the transition from school education into occupational education and the world of work. It consists of:

  • extensive database of different professions and job profiles;
  • for uploading all documents relevant to job search;
  • for uploading certificates obtained;
  • for discovering one’s interests and strong characteristics, which might be helpful for the transition from school to work;
  • relevant information on job interviews;
  • online ‘game’, where different jobs are presented and people can discover their interests and strong characteristics.

Policy objectives

  • Access to Lifelong Guidance Services
  • Assessing the effectiveness of Lifelong Guidance Provision
  • Assuring the quality of Lifelong Guidance Provision
  • Career Management Skills
  • Contributing the rise of mobility of people in Europe for education and employment purposes
  • Funding Lifelong Guidance Services
  • ICT in Lifelong Guidance
  • Improving careers information
  • Improving employability and supporting older workers
  • Interactive online tools
  • Raising the skills and qualifications of adults
  • Raising the skills and qualifications of young people
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Supporting people at risk and disadvantaged groups
  • Training and Qualifications of Guidance Practitioners
Access to Lifelong Guidance Services
Career Management Skills
ICT in Lifelong Guidance
Improving careers information
Raising the skills and qualifications of young people
Training and Qualifications of Guidance Practitioners


  • Blended counselling
  • Creation of ePortfolios with students' skills and competences
  • Crowed sourcing of expert knowledge on educational guidance
  • Customisation of LMI through the users' adaptation according to their needs
  • Data entered by end-users
  • Effective job matching
  • Guidance methods
  • Informal LMI
  • Innovative user profiling
  • Interoperability with job-search engines
  • Life course related filtering of LMI
  • Matching of regional education to labour market
  • News relevant to educational guidance
  • Occupational information
  • One-stop-shop
  • Personalised educational advice
  • Provision of additional information on the awards not available elsewhere, to make it easily understood to employers and institutions in other countries
  • Provision of external links to available EC employment, guidance and educational services
  • Real time LMI
  • Scientific research on guidance
  • Thematic compilation of third party LMI
Blended counselling
Innovative user profiling
Occupational information
  • Tool contains a large amount of LMI as it provides descriptions of a large set of professions;
  • Three different organisations are responsible for the collection of up-to-date information of different jobs and educational requirements;
  • also provides a general link to the public employment service ADEM that contains a large amount of LMI.


  • Combination with offline elements
  • Connection with third parties (LMI, PES, etc.)
  • Customized RSS feed
  • Dynamic interconnection of electronic resources according to a life course approach
  • e-portfolio
  • Interactive online tools
  • Mobile app
  • Online counselling
  • Online wiki
  • Open source
  • Personalised information storage
  • Quick diagnosis tool
  • Social media utilisation
Interactive online tools
Online counselling
Online wiki
Open source
Personalised information storage
  • Serves as a comprehensive online resource;
  • Support is provided in terms of both, textual online content and multimedia content;
  • An extensive occupational video data base is featured;
  • Self-assessment of personal interests and skills, including so called soft skills, is facilitated by a dedicated online tool;
  • A further tool – supports the user in preparing, conducting and following-up job interviews; Gamification elements are included in terms of a dedicated online game;
  • Upon registration, a further tool supports the user in organising certificates already received;
  • The e-portfolio can be used for developing and maintaining a personal online portfolio, including official documents and other documentations of personal strengths and capabilities.

Results and impacts obtained

  • In numbers, in 2015 visits amounted to around 74 568, with the vast majority being for (32 155 visitors), and Berufer (31 711).
  • There are no qualitative results of evaluations of available, as no official evaluations have been performed to assess the impact of the services on career choices, career skills or the empowerment of users. Only anecdotal evidence exists on the impact of on career choices and career skills, according to the experience of career counsellors and youth workers, who consider that the platform succeeds quite well in achieving these goals.
  • Evaluation process: the different tools are presented to a small group of potential users for evaluation prior to their launch.
Success Factors
  • Motivation of stakeholders to keep the platform up-to-date and reliable;
  • One stop shop for youngster in search of information and tools provision to upgrade their skills;
  • User friendliness and appealing layout
Points of Attention
  • Qualitative continuous updating.
  • Practical barriers with accounts, e.g. difficulties remembering personal password and settings.
  • Due to rapid technological change, some tools are not available on all processors or internet browsers.

Transferability elements

  • Lack of a one-stop shop with job information;
  • Financial crisis in 2008 which led to a substantial increase of jobless young people that induced the call for improved guidance services. is developed partly by funding of the European Social Fund (50%) and partly with public money (50%). 

  • Regarding the maintenance and keeping the information up-to-date on, each department is responsible for its own work field:
  • As policy reforms and school reforms have implications for the information provided on, continuous updating is necessary in order to keep the platform reliable and up-to-date. The updating of the information remains the responsibility of each organisation.
  • is a stand-alone website containing several links to the different tools of;
  • These different platforms are secured as they are only accessible by a unique personal password, in combination with an e-mail address;
  • Specific software is developed by external specialised companies, in collaboration with graphical design firms.

No specific non-ICT elements are needed for the usage of