Thematic category Further developing national quality assura...
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Displaying 1 - 100 of 120 policy developments
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Goals and objectives of the policy development.

According to the 2020 VET recommendation, peer reviews are aimed at improving mutual learning, increasing the transparency and consistency of quality assurance arrangements in the provision of VET, and reinforcing mutual trust between EU Member States.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In the 2020 VET recommendation peer reviews are described as ‘a type of voluntary mutual learning activity supporting improvement and transparency of quality assurance arrangements at system level. The are aiming at accreditation procedures based on a specific methodology to be developed by the European Network for quality assurance in vocational education and training’.

A peer review offers the chance to the country hosting it to reflect on its practices of quality assuring its national...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC)
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Lithuania Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. to increase the knowledge of European frameworks supporting quality assurance in vocational education and training;
  2. to initiate activities to support the further development of quality assurance frameworks at national level;
  3. to ensure the functioning of the National Reference Point.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The EQAVET Network develops knowledge and capacity through various exchange and learning activities. These activities address the current thematic priorities and are organised as part of a comprehensive work programme.

One important activity is peer learning activities, which enable EQAVET national reference points (NRPs) to share and compare approaches to specific topics. These activities foster collaboration and provide valuable insights into different perspectives and practices within...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Centre for Education Development
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Poland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To strengthen the supranational exchange in quality assurance in vocational education and training in the European area, to provide more transparency and to provoke for further development in the subject area.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2020 Council Recommendation on VET calls on the EQAVET network to develop a specific methodology for EQAVET peer reviews, with the objective of supporting the improvement and transparency of quality assurance arrangements at system level in the member states. Over the course of 2021, with the support of DG EMPL and the EQAVET Secretariat, the EQAVET network agreed on a joint methodology and prepared a peer review manual. The quality assurance national reference points from 21 member...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
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Spain Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI), aims at supporting VET providers in QA and quality development, in further development of systematic QA process in line with EQAVET framework’s QA cycle plan-do-check-act (PDCA cycle), and in integrating EQAVET/national indicators into their internal QA systems.

For QA at VET system level, CPI aims at:

  1. engaging in EU level peer reviews of QA to increase the transparency and consistency of QA...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, the Council of Experts at the Ministry for Education, Science and Sport, in line with legislative authorisation, defined 11 national indicators. The package of national indicators contains all 10 EQAVET indicators and comprises: relevance of QA systems for VET providers, investment in training of teachers and in-company trainers, participation rate in VET programmes, completion rate in VET programmes, placement rate in VET programmes, utilisation of acquired skills in the workplace,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education
  • Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
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Slovenia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The core objective of the external review is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of an ETB’s internal quality assurance procedures.

The purpose of the inaugural review of ETBs quality assurance was to:

  1. encourage a quality culture and improvement of the learning environment and experience in the ETBs by using evidence-based, objective methods and advice;
  2. provide feedback to ETBs about the overall effectiveness of their quality assurance, organisation-wide quality and the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The external review is conducted by review teams. National and international external reviewers are selected for their expertise in one or more specific areas, providing perspectives from education and training, quality assurance, learner voice, community and industry. SOLAS and the Adult Learning Association (AONTAS) provide support to the review teams.

The external review examines the following aspects:

Governance and management of quality

The review evaluates the comprehensive...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
  • Further Education and Training Authority (SOLAS)
  • Waterford Wexford Education and Training Board (WWETB)
  • Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB)
  • Tipperary Education and Training Board (TETB)
  • Mayo Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)
  • Longford Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB)
  • Louth Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB)
  • Limerick Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB)
  • Laois Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB)
  • Kildare Wicklow Education and Training Board (KWETB)
  • Cork Education and Training Board (CETB)
  • Kerry Education and Training Board (KETB)
  • Dublin Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB)
  • City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB)
  • Donegal Education and Training Board (DETB)
  • Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB)
  • Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB)
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Ireland Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. setting up a national team of experts for vocational education and training;
  2. providing support to beneficiaries in implementing EU tools related to vocational education and training (VET).

Its mission is to improve the quality of VET and to support the cooperation of vocational schools with employers in Poland and Europe. The team also serves higher education, especially State higher vocational schools in practical studies.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2021, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System began providing organisational services to the Team of Experts for Vocational Education and Training (EVET) nominated by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Action Plan of the Team of Experts is an integral part of the Erasmus+ Work Plan.

The objectives are implemented through organising consultations, seminars, conferences, workshops, training sessions, lectures, debates, study visits and analytical work, as well as...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE)
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Poland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The external evaluation aims to:

  1. investigate the employability prospects of MIEEK graduates;
  2. investigate the extent of MIEEK graduate satisfaction and use of acquired skills in the labour market and in society in general;
  3. ensure that labour market intelligence is accompanied by a rapid yet effective and flexible learning provision;
  4. assess employers’ who employ MIEEK graduate satisfaction by their performance;
  5. assess adequacy of training infrastructure, curricula and pedagogical methods...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The contractor, in the context of the implementation of the contract, is expected to examine various factors and, more specifically, to produce:

  1. a study on the relation of study programmes to labour market needs: existing specialisations are to be assessed in terms of their relevance to the labour market. The contractor should also produce an analysis on the employability rates of MIEEK graduates;
  2. an evaluation report on the adequacy of the curriculum (and the overall teaching design)...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MESY)
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Cyprus Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives of the system for the assessment and accreditation of training providers are:

  1. to ensure that CVET providers and their facilities used in learning provision are of top quality;
  2. to ensure that the teaching and training staff has the necessary qualifications for offering quality services to learners.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The system for the assessment and accreditation of training providers has been in place since 2016. The aim of the system is to assess natural and legal persons involved in the organisation and implementation of training activities or/and in the provision of infrastructure (e.g. facilities, equipment) for their implementation. The accreditation is compulsory for those who want to cooperate with the HRDA for the implementation of training activities. The system concerns vocational training...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA)
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Cyprus Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The scheme aims to:

  1. raise the status of higher vocational education and stimulate the development of excellence in this area;
  2. provide outstanding vocational colleges with the resources to work long-term on quality development and innovation in higher vocational education;
  3. stimulate increased cooperation among vocational colleges and different education levels, and strengthen their cooperation with the labour market.

This means that the centres will amongst others work on shorter...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Centres of vocational excellence are intended to contribute to increasing professional competence and the quality of training at vocational colleges. Similar to centres for excellent education in the university and college sector, this is a prestigious scheme which should, among other things, stimulate increased quality in the vocational colleges that serve upper secondary learners, including apprentices, young people (15-29 years) and adult learners.

Centres of vocational excellence have...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To implement a systemic approach of developing VET provider investment and development strategies in line with the national education strategy 2021-27 and in compliance with the education ministry's manual.

To follow a uniform structure approach for these strategies and include clear goals in line with VET priorities at national level.

To encourage VET providers to set ambitious development goals allowing for growth and competitiveness at national and international levels.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Future development of every VET provider is to be stated in its development strategy, shaped in consultation with the sectoral expert councils and local municipalities. The strategies are aligned with the sectoral and regional development plans.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • National Centre for Education (VISC)
  • Sectoral expert councils
  • VET providers
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Latvia Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The ambition of the majority of the Danish Parliament is that at least 90% of 25-year-olds should complete general or vocational upper secondary education after compulsory schooling (lower secondary programmes, EQF level 2) and the percentage of young NEETs should be reduced by half by 2030. The remaining 10% must be well on their way to complete education later or have a permanent connect to the labour market and therefore be entitled to be assigned a training plan. The goal reflects the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, a committee of experts was established by the parliament to find a solution to the problem of falling IVET applications and to rethink the structure of pathways that would facilitate the transition from compulsory schooling to IVET.

In 2018, the conclusions of the committee were agreed by the majority of the parliament. The parliament (all parties) agreed on a Basic Vocational Training Act (FGU) which forms the legal basis for education institutions and programmes for young people...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Children and Education
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Denmark Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To eliminate the problems identified and improve adult education quality, the project plans to develop a quality assurance system through the development of models of self-evaluation and external evaluation of adult education institutions in order to improve adult education based on relevant research data.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The project Development of a quality assurance system in adult education is financed under ESF Operational programme Effective human resources 2014-20. The implementation period of the project is 40 months beginning from January 2019. The project has a total value of EUR 2 368 780 (HRK 17 838 099). The body responsible for the implementation is the Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO). The project is aimed at improving the quality of the adult education system through the development of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The amendment of the Law on Adult Education aims at the alignment of the regulations with the development of the national qualifications framework and to improve the quality assurance system, to ensure quality and effective education focused on the needs of the individual and the labour market.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2021 Law on Adult Education provided guidelines for the development of a comprehensive quality assurance system and allowed for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. With the 2021 law, the adult education system has been completely aligned to the national qualification framework and based on occupation and qualification standards. The law allowed for formal recognition of non-formal and informal learning validation, as well as systematic quality control of the institutions...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Science and Education (MZO)
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Croatia Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Aiming to support the adaptability of workers, enterprises and the entrepreneurial environment to the new development requirements, the Labour Institute of General Confederation of Workers (INE/GSEE) implemented integrated and targeted actions to align VET and training programmes to the labour market and to sectoral up- and reskilling needs. These actions contribute to further development of quality assured systems for initial VET (IVET), continuing VET (CVET) and lifelong learning and the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The INE/GSEE implemented the project Support to quality development of industrial vocational training and its alignment with employee certification (regardless of age), under the priority, Development and update of occupational profiles and framework curricula, under the operational programme, Competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation, during 2017-21.

The occupational profiles are based on a methodology for developing occupational standards in line with the Hellenic Qualifications...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Labour Institute of General Confederation of Workers (INE/GSEE)
  • Ministry of Development and Investments
  • Small Enterprises' Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE)
  • Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV)
  • Centre of Hellenic Commerce and Entrepreneurship Development (KAELE ESEE)
  • Institute of Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE-INSETE)
  • National Organisation for Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
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Greece Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of setting up a national reference point for VET is to develop a culture of quality assurance in national systems, for both initial and continuing VET; in all learning environments (such as school-based provision and work-based learning, including apprenticeship schemes) and all learning types (digital, face-to-face or blended), delivered by both public and private providers.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Council Recommendation of 24 November 2020 on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience calls to develop a culture of quality assurance in national systems, the French-speaking part of Belgium has designated for the first time a National Quality Assurance Reference Point (NRP). A partnership agreement has been developed to formalise the commitment of the project partners to the NRP and to allow the hiring of a project coordinator. 

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of the French Community
  • Francophone Agency for Lifelong Education and Training (AEF-Europe)
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Belgium-FR Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Strengthen the role of the regional education authorities (kuratoria oświaty) responsible for the pedagogical supervision of schools.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Changes to the pedagogical supervision and control of schools, including VET, have been introduced by the draft Act amending the Education Law, the Act on the Education System and other acts, and the regulation of the Minister for Education and Science of 1 September 2021 amending the regulation on pedagogical supervision.

The draft Act introduces changes in the following areas by:

  1. strengthening the role of pedagogical supervision (regional education authorities);
  2. strengthening the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Regional Education Authorities (Kuratoria Oświaty)
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Poland Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Strategic plan 2022-24 includes three sub-pillars and sub-strategies for VET to ensure lifelong learning (LLL) with focus on adult learning and youth. These sub-pillars are part of the same strategic objectives and complement each other in providing a holistic approach to VET and lifelong learning, with a focus on designing VET policies, updating VET and LLL programmes in accordance with labour market needs, and adjusting VET offers to regional needs.

More specifically, the strategic...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The six strategic objectives of the plan are further analysed into sub-objectives that serve the effective implementation of the strategy.

More specifically, the implementation of the first strategic objective, Development and strengthening of VET and LLL with emphasis on quality assurance, is achieved through the following sub-objectives:

  1. increasing the attractiveness of VET through the creation of new opportunities;
  2. design of VET and LLL programmes and their quality assurance;
  3.  ...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
  • General Secretariat for VET, Lifelong Learning and Youth
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Greece Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main goal is to introduce the theme of continuing professional education and training in a strong and transparent way into the social dialogue at the national level.

So far, the social partners in the Czech Republic have had only consultative role in the area of education and training. The proposal aims to gradually proceed to higher level of shared responsibility where social partners would cooperate on defining and governance of the continuing professional education and training system.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The proposal was drafted in the framework of the project Social dialogue and society 4.0 (2019-22), It is implemented by the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, the biggest trade union association in the Czech Republic, in partnership with the Confederation of Industry, the biggest employer organisation. The general idea of the proposal is to build a continuous learning culture and make it an integral part of not only social dialogue, but also society as a whole. A coherent public...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
  • Czech Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions
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Czechia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To support the national labour market policy by providing analysis and data on the skills needed for key professions/occupations in all economic sectors.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The initiative is funded by the ESF under the operational programme (OP): Human resource development 2014-20, and is implemented through two components.

Component one has been implemented by the labour ministry and component two by the national employer organisations. A unified toolkit has been developed in component 1, including methodologies and requirements for job research and identification of the digital skills required for the development of digital skills profiles in key positions...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
  • National employer organisations
  • National employee organisations
  • National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET)
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Bulgaria Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The 2020-22 Oikeus osata programme aims at raising the level of VET learner competence, strengthening the equality of education, reducing learning gaps and achieving objectives related to improving quality in VET. In addition, the programme helps prepare the government’s key measures, such as extending compulsory education, reforming continuous learning and integration.

Over EUR 270 million has been allocated for 2020-22 to implement the programme.

The development programme for improving...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The programme to develop quality and equality in VET is mainly implemented through comprehensive development projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education. The projects are mainly wide-ranging network projects with one coordinator. This secures the efficient direction of the projects and the transition of the results as part of national development and VET provider everyday routine.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)
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Finland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Long-term plan sets out strategic directions for education and the development of the education system in the following areas:

  1. lifelong learning;
  2. improving the quality and efficiency of education and training systems;
  3. facilitating equal access to education for all;
  4. sustainable development;
  5. educational attainment of the population, demography, labour market, employment, social cohesion.

For the period 2019-23, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MŠMT) set three...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Long-term plan for education and the development of the education system of the Czech Republic (the Long-term plan) covers the entire system of regional education (pre-school, basic, secondary, tertiary professional education). Decision-making and consulting powers are vested in self-governing bodies: regions (for public VET schools at upper secondary and tertiary professional levels) and municipalities (pre-school and basic schools).

The plan determines the framework of long-term...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
  • Regional Authorities
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Czechia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Provision of practical training in real-life environment is not mandatory for employers in the Czech Republic. VET school directors are exclusively responsible for the quality of practical training, yet they can influence the quality of workplace training only to a limited extent. The standard should be motivational for employers; it should support the comparability of conditions and circumstances under which practical training is implemented. The standard will be developed in line with the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports focuses on expanding options for students to get practical training in a real work environment with the use of elements of the dual system of VET. Favourable conditions will continue to be created to increase the involvement of experts from practice in teaching and implementation of internships for pedagogical staff in companies. Cooperation with employer representatives will be developed based on the Agreement on the division of responsibilities...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
  • National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic
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Czechia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Ministry’s long-term objective and task is to create conditions for all higher education institutions to provide quality education to students in full-time, combined and distance forms of study, as well as through lifelong learning courses that are open to the general public; to carry out research, development, artistic and other creative and professional activities, the outputs of which will support the social, economic and cultural development of the country; and, to make higher...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The SP2021+ formulates a general vision for higher education and its significance for society.

Six priority objectives have been set:

  1. develop competences directly relevant to life and practice in the 21st century;
  2. improve the availability and relevance of flexible forms of education;
  3. improve the efficiency and quality of doctoral studies;
  4. strengthen strategic management and the effective use of capacities in research and development at higher education institutions;
  5. build capacity...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
ID number
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Czechia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Improved VET provision and better alignment to labour market needs can contribute to boosting growth in underdeveloped regions.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Catching-up regions initiative, in cooperation with regional authorities, aims to identify challenges and priority areas at regional level to direct investments to. Improving VET programmes in line with labour market needs can foster economic development in regions lagging behind.

The initiative was initially carried out in the Prešov region in 2018. In 2019, a report was published providing specific suggestions on how to improve secondary VET. The cooperation with the Banská Bystrica...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Prešov Self-Governing Region
  • Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region
  • Košice Self-Governing Region
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
  • Ministry of Economy
  • Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation
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Slovakia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. the establishment of a quality framework for schools that describes the essential characteristics of school quality and forms a binding, content-based foundation of the quality management system for all schools;
  2. the quality framework is intended to contribute to a common understanding of the essential characteristics of school quality at all levels of the school system and to serve as an orientation for successful school and teaching development;
  3. it is a basis for all essential...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

With the introduction of the Board of Education, which started its operational work in October 2019, a new administrative authority was created in which the administrative tasks of the Federal and State governments are brought together. The nine offices (one in each province) perform uniform tasks throughout Austria that were previously constitutionally based in the offices of the State governments and organised differently from province to province.

Within the Boards of Education, a...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
  • Boards of Education
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Austria Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Law 4610/2019 reduces the number of examinations in upper secondary VET programmes offered by vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL) by more than 50% (Article 117). It also changes the type and the method of assessment, including the final assessment, of these programmes and of apprenticeship programmes offered by EPAL. According to the respective Ministerial Decrees, in upper secondary VET programmes offered by EPAL schools some subjects are assessed through a written examination (open...

Bodies responsible

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  • Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
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Greece Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To implement plans for action to carry out the recommended improvements and ensure that:

  1. all vacant senior and middle management positions within ITS are reviewed for fitness for purpose and filled in;
  2. the Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC) or equivalent becomes a statutory entity with dedicated financial and human resources;
  3. the statutory relationship between the board of governors, the board of studies, the programme quality validation board and the IQAC or equivalent is...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The QA procedures in ITS have undergone significant changes since 2015 when the first external audit took place. A law revising ITS regulation, coming into force in 2017, contributed to the review of the quality procedures. ITS reviewed its QA manual three times. This third version recognises the responsibility of the institute according to the new legislation and broadens the provision for engagement with external partners and industrial professionals. The processes in this QA manual are...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS)
  • Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA)
  • National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) (until 2021)
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Malta Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

IVET schools and adult education and training providers have to operate as an Accredited Examination Centre (AEC) to raise the quality of the VET programmes they offer. The National Accreditation Office (Nemzeti Akkreditációs Hivatal) is entitled to certify an AEC, based on the standards defined by the Hungarian Standards Institution (Magyar Szabványügyi Testület).


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

An important innovation of the new Act on VET LXXX of 2019 is that final vocational examinations will be delivered by AECs instead of VET institutions and AL providers. The centres will run the exams for both (full or partial) VET qualifications listed in the national register of vocational occupations and vocational qualifications offered in adult training.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Culture and Innovation
  • IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Plc
  • National Accreditation Authority
  • Institute of Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd.
  • National Office for VET and Adult Learning (NOVETAL)
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Hungary Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The content-based programme and outcome requirements (Képzési és Kimeneti Követelmények, KKK) of the qualifications listed in the register of vocational occupations and the adult training programme requirements of vocational qualifications are formulated in parallel with the publication of the Act LXXX of 2019 on VET and the government Decree on its implementation.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Preparation and elaboration of the programme and outcome requirements (KKK) have been realised with experts, who know both their own profession and the learning outcome-based methodology well. The training programme of the VET institution or adult training provider is developed in accordance with the programme and outcome requirements (KKKs) in case of vocational occupations listed in the Register of Vocational Occupations and PKs in case of vocational qualifications acquired in the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Culture and Innovation
  • IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Plc
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Hungary Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The VET Act of 2019 differentiates vocational education and vocational training. Vocational education can be provided within the IVET framework on the basis of programme and outcome requirements (KKKs) and in formal school-based adult education. Vocational training can be provided within the framework of adult training by adult training providers if they have been previously registered or authorised. Thus, CVET is divided into adult education and adult training. The qualifications provided...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Culture and Innovation
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Hungary Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To improve the education quality monitoring system based on statistical information, the results of comparative educational research, the achievement of students at the national level and other indicators characterising the results of the work of education institutions: analysis of the results of centralised examination and accreditation and licensing, as well as evaluation of the quality of teachers' work, the use and analysis of information, taking into account the medium and long-term...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The national approach to quality assurance was reviewed in 2016 and the outcomes of the review have been published. As a result, the Cabinet of Ministers approved new regulations concerning the procedures for accrediting education institutions, examination centres, general and vocational education programmes and evaluating the professional activity of heads of schools. The revision also supported the increased use of EQAVET indicators, including the collection of data on teachers and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • National Centre for Education (VISC)
  • State Education Quality Service (IKVD)
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Latvia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Government Programme 2019-23 states: ‘We will reinforce the implementation of the reform of vocational education and training, particularly supporting the provision of […] workplace learning and the development of apprenticeships. Together with the education providers, the Ministry [of Education and Culture] must draw up a model to implement full school days, which may also be delivered by making use of workplace learning and by promoting innovative local solutions. We will increase...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A new Act on VET was adopted in June 2017 and entered into force in January 2018. The focus of the implementation of this latest reform is on the following elements:

  1. a single Act on VET, i.e. VET for young people and adults within the same framework;
  2. a single licence to provide education and to award qualifications;
  3. flexible application and admission systems;
  4. a clearer range of qualifications that better meets the needs of working life;
  5. a single competence-based approach to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)
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Finland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The strategic goals of the Quality strategy in VET aim to provide comprehensive long-term guidance for quality management and:

  1. to implement comprehensive quality management in VET institutions;
  2. to take customer orientation as the basis for activities;
  3. to integrate continuous improvement towards excellence in all activities and decision-making;
  4. to adopt evidence-based leadership and guidance;
  5. to set clear targets for the quality and effectiveness of activities.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategic goals included in the Quality strategy are to be put into practice by using development measures. The development measures proposed for each VET actor have been set out for the next 3 years (2020-22). The actors are VET providers, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish National Agency for Education, working life committees and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. The monitoring and the review of the quality management strategy will take place at the end of the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)
  • Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
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Finland Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To improve the relevance of VET provision to labour market needs.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In June 2019, the Consultative Council for VET, an advisory body to the education minister, assigned the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) to prepare an analysis for the optimisation of the List of professions for vocational education and training (LPVET).

The analysis of LPVET contains findings, conclusions and possible solutions related to:

  1. providing an opportunity for upgrading the qualification acquired;
  2. aligning VET with international classifications in...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET)
  • Consultative Council for VET
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
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Bulgaria Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To develop a well-functioning and sustainable work-based learning (WBL) system involving employers, and to create flexible and appropriate forms of study for young people and adults for obtaining a qualification.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Work-based learning is developed under the Labour market and education cooperation programme.

In Estonia, WBL (apprenticeships) is defined as a form of study where work practice comprises at least two-thirds of the volume of the curriculum. The apprenticeship system was introduced in 2006 (updated in 2014) and the number of WBL learners, fields of study and qualification levels have gradually increased. In 2019, the share of WBL learners was, on average, 8% of all VET students and over 12%...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research
  • Estonian Employers' Confederation
  • Innove Foundation (until 2020)
  • Education and Youth Board
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Estonia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the national ESF project, System of verifying qualifications, is to set up a comprehensive system for verifying qualifications and results of non-formal and informal learning. The specific objectives are to:

  1. establish structures and set mandatory procedures for lifelong learning with an emphasis on the validation and recognition of qualifications;
  2. pilot in practice the system of validation of qualifications and their parts (units of learning outcomes).


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The project System of verifying qualifications, run by the State Institute of Vocational Education, started in 2019 and is expected to be completed on 1 February 2023. It aims to complement existing qualification standards of the National system of qualifications (NSQ) by developing assessment manuals and to suggest and pilot processes of validation of non-formal and informal learning concerning approximately 300 qualifications. 72 qualification cards placed in the national registry of NSQ...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
  • State Institute of Vocational Education (ŠIOV)
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Slovakia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The overarching goal of the national education strategy (guidelines) for 2021-27 called Future skills for the future society, is to provide for quality education to help realise people’s potential, develop their ability to adapt and responsibly manage constant changes in society and the economy.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

There are four main areas of development envisaged in the national education strategy 2021-27:

Highly competent educators

Highly competent educational staff implies the training, attraction and retention of outstanding teachers and academic staff, as well as systematic and purposeful professional development, methodological and consultative support. Stimulating the motivation of teachers and academic staff is also important.

Availability of quality education to everyone


Bodies responsible

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  • Ministry of Education and Science
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Latvia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Adjusting the requirements for VET schools (part of the quality assurance system) to developments in the education system; strengthening cooperation between VET schools and employers.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Following the changes to the VET system introduced in November 2018, the Ministry of National Education amended the regulations on the requirements for schools and institutions that are an important element of the pedagogical supervision system. A significant change was introduced in relation to the requirements about cooperation with the local community - the obligation of VET schools to cooperate with employers was added. Additional minor modifications adjusting requirements to the recent...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Poland Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives are:

  1. the definition of a qualification profile for validation experts;
  2. the contribution to quality assurance within validation processes.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since the validation strategy should encourage qualification providers to include validation elements in assessment procedures, the Ministry of Education took the initiative to draw up a qualification profile for validation experts. Thus, at the beginning of 2019 it commissioned two VET research institutes (ibw and öibf) with this task, assigning the responsibility for this project to wba (Weiterbildungsakademie) - the validation centre for adult learning experts.

Within this project, a...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
  • Austrian Academy of Continuing Education (wba)
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Austria Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. addressing new/additional target groups for apprenticeship training by making the framework conditions more attractive;
  2. improving the quality assurance of inter-company training and the transition from inter-company training to a company workplace;
  3. make it possible for those with care duties or health restrictions to start or continue their apprenticeship training by reducing the daily or weekly training period.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In January 2020, the Austrian parliament passed an amendment to the Vocational Training Act (BAG), jointly developed by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the social partners. This brings several provisions designed to make apprenticeship training more attractive, in particularly to open up further target groups for this form of training or to facilitate access to, and completion of, training for certain target groups. The following amendments came into force on 1 May...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) (until 2022)
  • Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW)
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Austria Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The State registry of training providers of the vocational training system for employment (Registro Estatal de Entidades de Formación del sistema de formación profesional para el empleo en el ámbito laboral) is conceived as an instrument of transparency and dissemination of the integrated information system to improve coordination and inter-administrative cooperation in the training for employment system.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Order TMS/369/2019 harmonises the system of accreditation of all training providers. All vocational training providers authorised by the different competent authorities are integrated into one network through the State registry, which also ensures coherence with the Catalogue of training specialities (associated or not with professional certificates). The registry is used by the employment authorities to manage different services for different target groups. Only registered providers may...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • State Public Employment Service (SEPE)
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Spain Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The purpose of the new order is to regulate the structure and content of the catalogue and the procedure for its management and updating, so that it responds quickly to the training demands of emerging sectors and occupations. It aims to improve labour market transparency and unity as well as worker mobility.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A training speciality consists of ‘the grouping of professional competences, contents, and technical specifications that respond to a set of work activities framed in a phase of the production process and related functions, or to the acquisition of transversal competences necessary in a professional environment and context’. The Order TMS/283/2019 foresees mechanisms for dissemination, monitoring and evaluation to ensure compliance with the objectives set. Accreditation procedures, career...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • State Public Employment Service (SEPE)
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Spain Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To improve the regulatory framework in relation to planning and implementation of apprenticeship in VET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The amendments to the Crafts Act from December 2019, which entered into force as of January 2020, introduced a shift in governance that transferred more responsibility to the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK), in particular, and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MINGOR). Accordingly, MINGOR and HOK now have a more prominent role in drafting curricula, while the Ministry of Science and Education keeps its role in adopting curricula, which are proposed by the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MINGOR)
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Croatia Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim is to update the vocational college regulations with new provisions on admission to higher vocational education (EQF level 5): privacy, deftness and recognition of foreign education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research prepared a proposal for new provisions in the new higher vocational education regulation, aiming to gather all possible rules for vocational colleges into one regulation. These were submitted for public consultation and the new vocational education (EQF level 5) regulation (Fagskoleforskriften) was adopted on the 15 July 2019, based on the input from the consultation round.

The social partners and relevant stakeholders have been involved through an...

Bodies responsible

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  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective was to implement quality assurance procedures in Slovakia based on international experience and to set the quality indicators adjusted to the national environment and culture.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The national EQAVET implementation report (2016-20), containing measures to strengthen quality assurance in IVET, has been prepared. At the end of 2016, ŠIOV, the quality assurance national reference point (QANRP), joined a European project aiming to introduce peer review in the country. Another Erasmus+ project Mobility for quality (June 2017 - November 2018), run by ŠIOV, resulted in training the staff of the institute as well as practitioners from education institutions in the European...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
  • State Institute of Vocational Education (ŠIOV)
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Slovakia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

This policy development aims at developing a quality assurance system based on continuous improvement in IVET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

An online guide, Qualéduc, was made available to education institutions and inspectorate bodies in April 2016 to help them develop a quality assurance system based on continuous improvement.

By March 2017, 25 out of the 30 existing education districts (académies) had been involved in Qualéduc. Two national conferences were organised in 2016 to promote the use of this tool among schools and inspectorate bodies. The tool has since been complemented with sections to guide on how to adapt the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of National Education and Youth
  • Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports (from 2020 till 2022)
  • Delegate Minister for VET under the education and labour ministers
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France Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Quality requirements aim to make training provision clearer to individuals, companies and funders. The individualisation of pathways and the reduction in intermediaries - particularly via the personal training account (CPF) - support transparency and help individuals in selecting a training programme. For funders, the certification makes it possible to evaluate organisations based on common indicators.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2015, a decree on continuous professional training defined six criteria for ensuring the quality of training financed by public funds, and launched a label for providers that meet these criteria. A 2017 decree (Decree No 2017-239 of 24 February 2017) introduced the Eduform quality label for CVET providers. The label is granted for three years, based on a decision by the Minister for National Education following an audit and proposals from a national labelling commission.

The 2018 Law for...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of National Education and Youth
  • Ministry of Labour, Employment and Professional Integration (until 2022)
  • Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports (from 2020 till 2022)
  • Ministry of Labour, Full Employment and Inclusion
  • Delegate Minister for VET under the education and labour ministers
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France Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The priorities of the VET system development programme 2016-20 are directed at increasing relevance, quality, excellence, attractiveness and inclusion, as well as the international dimension of VET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The VET system development programme 2016-20 provides the strategic framework for VET development and reform. The programme was adopted by the Croatian Government in September 2016 and a related action plan was adopted two months later by the Ministry of Science and Education. It is planned according to the following principles:

  1. quality assurance, which will increase the transparency of VET, strengthen confidence in the system and lifelong learning;
  2. partnerships, which will ensure and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Science and Education (MZO)
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
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Croatia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

This policy development aims to develop and test instruments for graduate tracking at the VET provider level. It also aims to increase VET provider awareness of the relevance of VET graduate tracking and feedback loops, strengthen their capacities for graduate tracking, and encourage measuring indicators 5 and 6 of the EQAVET framework.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ grant Support to European quality assurance in vocational education and training: national reference points (2017-19), the Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO) developed a model for school-based VET student tracking upon completion of formal education. In 2017, ASOO conducted one peer learning activity which brought together 14 institutions from six countries, discussing models for monitoring VET graduates. In 2018, the agency (ASOO) started piloting...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the initiative is to support education institutions and companies that provide work-based learning (WBL) in quality assurance of WBL.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

This policy development started within the Erasmus+ project Benchmarking for quality assurance in apprenticeships and work-based learning ( The project coordinator is the Kaunas Chamber of Industry and Crafts, Lithuania, with project partners from Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia representing public institutions responsible for VET, SMEs, consulting organisations and education institutions. Croatian partners are the Agency for Vocational Education and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
  • Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK)
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The national exams provide precise feedback to students, VET providers and the education system on the level of competences attained in mandatory VET subjects, measured against the occupational standard, the qualification standard and the vocational curriculum for the qualification in question. By supporting feedback loops, national exams contribute to the quality of qualifications and VET delivery in general.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education started work on (re-)designing and administering national exams in vocational education. The design phase lasted from 2017 until 2019 and consisted of assessment framework development, test item development, and test items pretesting for three qualifications (IT technician, salesperson and general care nurse). In 2018, test materials were prepared and reviewed for national exams for IT technicians and salespersons. Although it...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO)
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

TPR is primarily aimed at strengthening the capacities of EQAVET national reference points (NRPs) and VET providers in quality assurance at European and national levels. It complements national quality assurance mechanisms and also drives reflection on the national quality assurance framework based on the transnational exercise.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO) is involved in a transnational peer review exercise in cooperation with three other EQAVET NRPs. In 2017, five quality areas along with the corresponding quality criteria were examined in one transnational peer review meeting and follow-up consultations. In 2018, four quality areas were revised (Pedagogical framework and planning the pedagogical process, Teaching and learning, Assessment and certification, and Learning results and outcomes) and a...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
ID number
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Self-assessment of VET providers is a cyclical, transparent and evidence-based process, which allows providers to reflect on their performance in different areas of VET provision, identify room for improvement and introduce relevant measures. As such, self-assessment contributes to the quality of VET provision of individual providers.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO) conducted continuous monitoring of the self-assessment of VET schools and analysing existing self-assessment mechanisms. The results were used to advance the existing self-assessment process and graduate tracking mechanisms and to provide tailored support to VET schools. ASOO is using Erasmus+ grants to analyse VET school self-assessment reports, propose improvements to the self-assessment process, and organise training seminars to increase the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Agency for VET and Adult Education (ASOO)
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Croatia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal is to promote learning throughout life and to provide workers with updated skills. The committee is assigned to write a final report with assessments and proposals on continuing education and training.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In March 2018, the government established an expert committee on continuing education and training (Ekspertutvalg om etter- og videreutdanning). The mission of the committee is to look into unmet needs in continuing education and training and assess to what extent the education system is able to meet the needs of the world of work. The initiative is part of the skills reform.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

There is already a national survey for higher education (VET at post-secondary level is considered part of higher education in Norway) and it provides good information for public authorities, students and working life, and, not least, for the education institutions themselves.

The survey for vocational colleges ensures knowledge about post-secondary education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The first national survey on quality in post-secondary vocational education was carried out in April 2018. The survey aimed not only to provide post-secondary vocational education schools with useful information for their internal quality work, but also to develop a knowledge base for the government to strengthen the quality development work in the sector. Results were presented in September 2018. The survey is conducted on a yearly basis.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

On 1 September 2017, a public committee (the Lied Committee) was appointed by the government to examine Norwegian upper secondary education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The committee assessed whether the system of upper secondary education in place:

  1. was relevant to labour market needs and conducive to a high completion rate of young people and adults;
  2. ensured a desire to learn and motivation;
  3. allowed for changes needed, especially in terms of allocation of responsibilities between stakeholders.

Social partners were involved in the initiative through participation in a reference group. A first report was published in December 2018, describing the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
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Norway Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The development aims to guarantee students’ rights and ensure equal treatment nationwide.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, following the 2016 amendment of the Post-secondary VET Act (referred to as tertiary education in Norway), a national complaints board for post-secondary VET (EQF level 5) was established (Nasjonal klagenemnd for fagskoleutdanning). This mission was assigned to CERES. The mission consisted of processing student complaints on individual decisions in relation to post-secondary vocational education.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The higher education qualifications framework was approved by the Ministry of Education in November 2018, but has not been included in the Higher Education Act so far. The approval provides a formal basis for the implementation of the document. The final step in the implementation of the Framework will be the development of the self-certification report, which will demonstrate the compatibility of the framework with the overarching qualifications framework of the European higher education...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
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Czechia Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives are to facilitate lifelong learning and mobility across borders.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry of Education and Research adopted, in November 2017, a regulation formalising the overall position and status of the NKR. A range of stakeholders were involved (including the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions and the National Union of Students in Norway. A reference group was established with representatives from higher education, upper secondary schools, vocational schools, social partners,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research (KD)
  • Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
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Norway Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

From January 2016 to April 2017, the Ministry of Children and Education carried out a survey to collect information on tools for assessing school performance. The aim of the survey was to identify initiatives that have proved effective. The survey findings form the basis of recommendations to vocational colleges to develop local initiatives to reach the objectives of the 2015 VET reform. In addition, the education ministry has drawn up an inspiration catalogue for VET colleges to help them...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Children and Education
ID number
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Denmark Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

According to the rationale of the act, VET has to address the socio-economic challenges in Poland:

  1. demographic changes and the decreasing number of young people joining the labour market;
  2. changes in economic indicators, including the lowest unemployment rate in recent years, the deficit of employees with appropriate qualifications and the development of an 'employees' market';
  3. persistent high unemployment rates among graduates of VET programmes.

The main aim of the act is to restore...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The new act:

  1. makes it mandatory for VET learners to take a State vocational examination or a journeyman's examination as a condition of school graduation; it also changes the form of exams, the process of preparing examination tasks and the requirements set for examiners;
  2. introduces, in cooperation with employers, apprenticeship as a new form of vocational learning for learners in upper secondary VET and first stage sectoral programmes, who are not juvenile workers;
  3. introduces new...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Poland Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Changes to VET examinations were introduced in November 2018 as part of the broader changes to Poland's VET system. According to the Law of 22 November 2018, all students are required to take a State vocational examination or a journeyman's examination as a condition of school graduation (until now this has been optional). Changes were also introduced to the form of exams (e.g. theoretical part in an online form), the process of preparing examination tasks (e.g. possible participation of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Poland Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Improving quality assurance mechanisms relating to continuing education outside of schools.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Law of 22 November 2018 further developed the accreditation system for institutions providing continuing education outside of schools aimed at greater quality control.

The key changes include the different scope of accreditation (which will be issued for a given educational activity instead of accreditation for all, or a majority of, activities of a given institution) and time-limited accreditation (five years instead of indefinite). Further, new requirements for institutions applying...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Poland Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To improve, in cooperation with employers, the vocational examination system by determining vocational examination tasks, providing training for members of examination boards and developing internet platforms for vocational examiners.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2016, the education ministry started an ESF co-funded project to develop new vocational test items with employers' support. The objective of the project was not just to develop the items but to strengthen the participation of employers in the examination process. In 2017, a call was published for employers/professionals to become developers of the examination tasks. Another call was aimed at the methodical training for the future developers of the examination tasks. The project finished...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Science
  • Central Examination Board
  • Polish Craft Association (ZRP)
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Poland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To promote and monitor the implementation of a quality assurance system for professional schools leading to an EQAVET certification.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since 2016, a national approach to improving quality assurance in VET and related work-based learning has been developed, using the EQAVET framework. VET providers have been aligning their quality assurance approaches to the EQAVET framework. Evaluation guidelines have been piloted in professional and public secondary schools offering VET programmes.

In December 2018, two guides were published by ANQEP: one for aligning quality assurance with the EQAVET framework and one for validation. The...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP)
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Portugal Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL), which is also the quality assurance national reference point (QANRP), used Erasmus+ funding to set up a national EQAVET expert network to strengthen the culture of quality assurance in VET and to cooperate with QANRPs from other countries to share experiences in workshops and peer learning activities. The national EQAVET expert network consists of four to six members, including representatives of the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Office for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL)
  • IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Ltd.
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Hungary Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality and content of 21st century vocational training and adult education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The aims of the project Improving the quality and content of 21st century vocational training and adult education (GINOP - 6.2.4) include the review of the examination system, the development of a validation system and the preparation of a methodology for VET content development that is compatible with open and innovative learning settings as well as the demands of the economy. Uniform criteria were also developed to strengthen the external evaluation system in CVET. Criteria include...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Culture and Innovation
  • IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Plc
  • National Office for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL)
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Hungary Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

VET monitoring involves the continuous and systematic collection, analysis and evaluation of data on the state of the system and the changes it undergoes. The aim is to enable the system’s management and development in a way that guarantees its quality in line with education policy at both national and European Union (EU) levels. Such monitoring seeks to assess the success of VET with respect to the economy, human resources, the labour market, lifelong learning opportunities, and national...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

On 11 December 2018, the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) published the second edition of the VET system review. The first edition, published in 2017, presented national and regional trends, as well as performance analyses of VET institutions. The 2018 edition takes stock of current policies, needs and present-day challenges in this area, analysing the demographic, social and economic context of VET, and issues with regard to financing, teacher training,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA)
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Lithuania Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Vocational training for employment in the labour scope was last reformed in 2015. The reform aimed at an efficient system for monitoring and prospecting the labour market, based on coordination of all actors (administrations, social agents, experts). It also aimed at:

  1. promoting the assessment of the impact of training (on accessing and maintaining employment);
  2. enhancing enterprise competitiveness;
  3. improving workers' skills;
  4. meeting labour market needs;
  5. ensuring efficient use of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • State Public Employment Service (SEPE)
  • Autonomous Communities (CC.AA.)
  • Social partners (main businesses and trade unions organisations)
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Spain Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since September 2017, several collaboration agreements between the State Public Employment Service (Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, SEPE), the education ministry, and 11 Autonomous Regions have been approved. The agreements allow for implementing work plans of 25 national reference centres (Centros de Referencia Nacional, CRNs), of the 52 planned. CRNs are public institutions specialised in the different professional branches, in charge of carrying out innovation and experimentation...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
  • Autonomous Communities (CC.AA.)
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Spain Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Policy expectations from the provision of RPL services are high. The assumption is that if we make our skills and learning, however attained, visible as qualifications, ultimately there will be better skills matching and less unemployment and underemployment.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2016-19 action plan for education includes the aim to develop a national policy on the recognition of prior learning (RPL) (objective 2.1, action No 44) by 2018. The 2025 National skills strategy that was published in 2016 has, among its objectives, the development of a system for RPL and better recognition of workplace learning in support of lifelong learning. In 2017, QQI published policies and criteria for validation in FET. RPL is also a part of the review of the national framework...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Department of Education and Skills (until 2020)
  • Department of Education
  • Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
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Ireland Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of the national programme was to identify priorities for reforming the education system, including VET, and to quantify expenditures for respective measures.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

On 27 June 2018, the government approved the National programme for the development of education (NPDE). The NPDE was adopted, with 106 measures to be fulfilled until 2027. Some measures related to regional schooling and higher education are relevant also to VET. Measures directly aiming to align VET to labour market are as follows:

  1. increasing the quality of dual VET through the funding of professional and employer organisations involved; they will receive approximately EUR 1 million...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
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Slovakia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To describe measures addressing identified weaknesses or suggested improvements.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In September 2017, the education ministry published the Learning Slovakia strategy paper, following a public discussion on a draft version from March 2017. The VET-related chapter of this strategy paper for the first time in the official documents clearly defines and distinguishes between the diverse forms of work-based learning: dual VET, as set in the 2015 Act on VET; work-based learning within VET school-enterprise agreements but without individual learning contracts; short-term...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
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Slovakia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Establish a common model of quality assessment and quality assurance at all levels of formal education, from kindergarten to high school.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Slovenia was running a national project on introducing and piloting model of quality in education (Vzpostavitev, dopolnitev in pilotni preizkus modela ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja). The goal was to develop, by August 2019, a common model of quality assessment and quality assurance at all levels of formal education, from kindergarten to high school. This includes recommended standards and indicators in five areas:

  1. learning achievements and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZŠ) (until 2023)
  • National School for Leadership in Education
  • Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
  • National Education Institute (ZRSŠ)
  • National Examinations Centre (RIC)
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Slovenia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives are twofold: to reform school-based VET and to reintroduce apprenticeship in Slovenia.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A 5-year project Reform of upper-secondary vocational education, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), started in November 2016.

The project includes the following activities:

  1. test and identify the tools and methods to create a sustainable system to match the needs of the labour market;
  2. develop flexible and individualised teaching methods and learning pathways;
  3. support companies to engage in work-based learning;
  4. test and evaluate the apprenticeship system;
  5. define learning...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
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Slovenia Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objective of the initiative is to develop and implement a national quality assurance system in continuing vocational training, using an approach compatible with the European reference framework for quality assurance in vocational education and training.

Improving the quality of vocational training is also one of the objectives of the Education and training strategy for 2015-20.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since 2017, the labour ministry has taken over the coordination of authorising vocational training providers and started drafting the legislation on quality assurance in adult learning. Relevant stakeholders have been invited to take part in the process: the Romanian Agency of Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education; the National Qualifications Authority; the National Accreditation Centre; the National Centre for TVET Development; and institutions responsible for regulated professions...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (until 2021)
  • Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education
  • National Qualifications Authority (ANC)
  • National Centre for TVET Development (CNDIPT)
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
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Romania Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives of this initiative are to:

  1. support quality in VET schools by strengthening cooperation between VET schools and higher education institutions;
  2. develop and disseminate exemplary practice of cooperation among VET schools and higher education institutions.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In May 2018, the education ministry launched the first call for projects aimed at strengthening cooperation between VET schools and higher education institutions. The call covers the development and dissemination of exemplary practice of cooperation between vocational schools and higher education institutions, including:

  1. exemplary teaching programmes, which include the description of how the vocational school and the higher education institution cooperate;
  2. proposals for organising classes...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
  • Ministry of Education and Science
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Poland Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In September 2016, the Secretary of State for Education announced in a letter to parliament measures to improve career orientation and guidance in general and in vocational education. The most important actions implemented were:

  1. in collaboration with stakeholders (e.g. sector councils, teacher associations, education institutions, the Expertise centre for guidance), competence profiles of school-based experts in career orientation and guidance were designed. An overview of career...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Public and private VET providers and the Minister for Education, Culture and Science have agreed on an agenda on examination quality in Dutch VET for 2015-20. The agenda includes the validation of exams by an external body and the independence of the committee that issues VET diplomas. These arrangements will not apply to all exams, only to those that are developed through agreements in which schools do not participate.

In addition, legislative amendments were introduced primarily to ease...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In a 2020 letter to parliament, the education ministry announced that a new inspection framework (2021-25) will be developed. The inspectorate will further implement the principle of proportionate supervision; supervision and its intensity will depend on the quality delivered. Schools are expected to jointly develop and commit to more ambitious benchmark values. CINOP, the EQAVET national reference point, and the Quality network of upper secondary VET schools (kwaliteitsnetwerk mbo) will...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Inspectorate of Education
  • CINOP (EQAVET national reference point)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Quality agreements centre on a (partly) performance-based funding scheme introduced in 2015. They were concluded between public upper secondary VET schools (MBO schools) and the education ministry and monitored by account managers (ministry officials). Employer organisations, the student organisation JOB, and the Professional Association of Teachers (BVMBO) have a consultative and supportive role. Based on quality agreements, public VET providers have set goals and make plans to improve...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. To develop processes, operating procedures and tools that impact the quality of service delivered to MCAST clients, the students, and lecturer appraisal and are in line with National QA framework requirements;
  2. to comply with the various academic and administrative national and European legislative and regulatory requirements;
  3. to develop and disseminate a manual of administrative procedures.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

MCAST internal quality reviews follow NCFHE's internal QA standards and the National qualifications framework (NQF). MCAST also participates in all data collection processes carried out by NFCHE.

The main inputs contributing to the creation, maintenance and responsiveness of the college's QA system are the NCFHE National QA framework-internal QA standards: these are influenced by the European standards and guidelines and the 2009 recommendation on the establishment of European quality...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)
  • Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA)
  • National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) (until 2021)
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Malta Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To provide guidance to education institutions that adopt internal and external quality assurance (QA) in order to enhance the learning outcomes provided through their educational programmes.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The National quality assurance framework for further and higher education was launched in 2015, covering upper secondary and higher VET (IVET) including work-based learning (WBL), CVET as well as other types of further, higher and adult formal education offered by State and private providers. The framework implements legal provisions on internal quality assurance and periodic external quality audits (every five years) and provides the conceptual context for this work. It is based on the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA)
  • National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) (until 2021)
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Malta Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Creating and deploying tools to support secondary schools on the ground in their development efforts.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The School development plan (Plan de développement de l'établissement scolaire - PDS) was introduced by the law of 15 December 2016. Within this framework, schools are requested to describe their curricular and extracurricular activities in the PDS to outline their profile and analyse their general situation. The plans are to be set by a school development committee (Cellule de développement scolaire, CDS). The CDS is coordinated by the school directorate and involves school staff appointed...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
ID number
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Luxembourg Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Providing a neutral view and to contribute to an objective debate on the situation of the school system.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The National Observatory of School Quality was created by the law of 13 March 2018 at the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth. Its role is to examine the organisation and functioning of schools, at all levels of education. The Observatory is composed of eight observers who work in complete independence and produce, every three years, a national report on the school system with findings based on research and recommendations. These reports inform the debate on education policies...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Chamber of Deputies
  • Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
ID number
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Luxembourg Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goals of this policy involve:

  1. implementing the recommendations of the European Parliament and Council on the establishment of a European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET);
  2. promoting the development and use of ECVET as a principle of lifelong learning as part of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
  3. promoting and developing the applicability and use of ECVET in Lithuania by adapting the relevant conditions and tools;
  4. ...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2014, national ECVET experts participated in public information activities and discussions with stakeholders in Lithuania, presented reports at events of the Education Exchanges Support Foundation,events at national VET institutions and at different events in Europe, and prepared information articles on ECVET. Experts also conducted ECVET-related training and guidance activities for representatives of VET providers, companies and other interested institutions, and began to advise...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Education Exchanges Support Foundation
  • Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC)
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Lithuania Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

When amending the VET Law in 2017, three main goals were identified:

  1. to change the VET system fundamentally in response to changes in the State’s economic development;
  2. to change the management and funding of VET schools in a way that would attract more social partners and more funding;
  3. to change the quality assurance system to increase the prestige of VET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A new VET Law was adopted on 14 December 2017, with some of its articles coming into force on 1 February 2018 and others on 1 January 2019. The law emphasised the importance of workplace learning and apprenticeship, clarifying the regulation on apprenticeships. It also enhanced the role of sectoral professional committees, in particular with respect to the planning of apprenticeships and the coordination of qualifications systems at a sectoral level. In addition, the law redefined the rules...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC)
  • Lithuanian Employment Service
  • National Education Agency
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Lithuania Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The country’s priority is the implementation of the national plan for quality, with the direct involvement of the labour and education ministries and the regions and in closer cooperation with social partners. Actions supervised by the labour ministry include the revision of the national accreditation system, the definition of an evaluation of the VET system, the definition of the informative system on vocational training in line with EQAVET indicators, and the definition of a National...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The National plan for quality of education and training was revised in 2017 and was approved by the State-regions Conference on 21 December 2017. The plan provides a framework within which territorial declinations are allowed, in compliance with the autonomy of regions. It aims to reduce and prevent training failure and dropout through the continuous improvement of the training supply as well as the promotion of a quality culture.

The plan is consistent with the EQAVET recommendation and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
  • Regions and autonomous provinces
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Italy Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the system is to ensure interoperability between public information tools and databases, to allow the evaluation of public funds in VET, and to feed the ′electronic worker folder’ on issues concerning the assessment of competences acquired in formal, non-formal and informal learning.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Among the main reforms of the labour market outlined in the Jobs Act, the legislative Decree No 150/2015 provided the management of a unique information system on active policies whose one main branch is represented by the National statistical system for VET (SIU Formazione). It represents the unique informative source of data for monitoring VET funding schemes and programmes which are carried out and managed by the Regions and autonomous provinces. According to the constitutional...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
  • Regions and autonomous provinces
  • National Agency for Active Employment Policies (ANPAL)
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Italy Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Increase oversight of all parties involved, make the logbook more easily accessible - digitally - for learners, schools and workplace trainers alike and simultaneously make VET more attractive for learners. The system will also function as a venue for schools to assist learners in finding apprenticeship work placements and for the workplaces to advertise their apprenticeships. Further, the system will increase the overall quality of workplace learning and ensure that apprentices do get the...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2019, the Directorate of Education hired a special project manager to develop and coordinate the digital logbook for VET learners, which would serve as an important quality management tool for apprenticeships and increase the attractiveness of VET. The education ministry had planned for a major industry organisation, SA-Business Iceland, to coordinate the work with the occupational councils but by early 2020 the Directorate of Education was also entrusted with that task. The new digital...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (until 2021)
  • Directorate for Education
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Iceland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

To improve and strengthen VET and make it more attractive.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

For 2015-17, the main emphasis in the education ministry was the elaboration of proposals that a specific working group delivered in 2015. The main ideas of the working group were:

  1. the school should be responsible for the training of learners throughout their studies, including the workplace training;
  2. the basic education at the commencement of VET needs to be broader and more subjects need to be offered for those who have not yet decided what they would like to study;
  3. to develop further...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (until 2021)
ID number
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Iceland Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Various FET programmes (some of which include VET) have undergone external evaluation. For example, in 2017 the post-leaving certificate (PLC) programme underwent an evaluation by Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). Based on the recommendations arising from the evaluation, SOLAS established a PLC programme improvement advisory committee to develop an improvement plan. Actions to be implemented under this plan include:

  1. the readjustment of the balance between PLC...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Further Education and Training Authority (SOLAS)
  • Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
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Ireland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

One of the most important tasks is to have theory and practical teachers in VET who are well aware of the most up-to-date technologies of a given sector i.e. who adapt the challenges of Industry 4.0for teaching in IVET. The only way to fulfil this need is if further training of professional teachers is organised within the corporate environment. They also need to be prepared to use new teaching methods that are appropriate for preparing students for their final examinations and the labour...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Ministry responsible for VET outlined its priorities in the decree, VET in the service of the economy, which was approved by the Government in February 2015. The decree calls for a career scheme for school-based vocational trainers and a motivational system that allows the differentiation of remuneration and recognition of extra work. To expand career opportunities and raise the standards of professional work, alternative pathways are also being recommended for teachers to progress in...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Culture and Innovation
  • IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Plc
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Hungary Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The HQF was referenced to the EQF in 2015 but self-certification against the qualifications framework for the European higher education area (EHEA) remains a challenge.

In 2017, a ministerial decision on a quality framework for VET curricula was adopted. The content of the decision included the definition of learning outcomes, the connection with occupational profiles and issues regarding the design of VET curricula.

Moreover, as a consequence of Law 4485/2017 (Official Gazette...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • National Organisation for Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
  • Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
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Greece Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

For non-formal VET and in particular CVET, Law 4547/2018, supplementing Law 4186/2013, set new qualitative features for the operation of lifelong learning centres (KDVM), organised around four axes:

  1. upgrading the procedure for the licensing of KDVM;
  2. accreditation of all training programmes (both CVET and general adult education) by the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP);
  3. certification of graduates by EOPPEP;
  4. determination of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
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Greece Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the 2018 legislation is to transform radically the French continuing vocational training system and apprenticeships to meet the needs of businesses, particularly those of very small and medium-sized enterprises, and to promote access to training for all workers, especially the least qualified.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2018 Law for the freedom to choose one's professional future provides for:

  1. the creation of the agency France Compétences: continuing training in France is a shared responsibility between the State, the regions and the social partners. The new agency, France Compétences, brings together these three stakeholders. It will be in charge of regulating the quality and the price of training supply, and handling funding discrepancies across sectors;
  2. reforming funding mechanisms to establish a...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour, Full Employment and Inclusion
  • Delegate Minister for VET under the education and labour ministers
  • Ministry of Labour, Employment and Professional Integration (until 2022)
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France Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Based on the results of the 2015 evaluation, the Ministry of Education and Culture supported the development of the quality assurance system for VET providers. The Quality assurance national reference point (QANRP) used Erasmus+ funding in 2016-17 to update the criteria for self-assessment and related guidelines for VET providers. It was also involved in other projects and networking with QANRPs from other countries (e.g. Austria) to strengthen the culture of quality assurance in VET and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)
  • Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
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Finland Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Strategic plan for vocational training aims to make VET more responsive to the needs of the productive system, meeting skills demands in a quick and prospective way.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The new government, in power since June 2018, reorganised the administration. The change of name in the education administration state, now the Education and Vocational Training ministry (previously Education, Culture and Sports), reflects the new strategy to promote VET. In October 2018, the Government presented the Strategic plan for vocational training under education authorities. In February 2019, the Council of Ministers published the Agenda for change (Agenda del Cambio). The agenda...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
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Spain Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the programme was to create high-quality, flexible and diverse vocational training opportunities for the Estonian population that meet their needs and abilities and the development needs of the labour market.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The programme was adopted in 2015. It is implemented through a single measure (Correspondence between lifelong learning opportunities and the needs of the labour market and increased participation in learning). Its main activities are:

  1. developing the quality and organisation of vocational education;
  2. planning of volumes of studies, provision of study places and students´ support measures;
  3. regional distribution of curriculum groups in vocational education institutions and modernisation of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research
  • Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) (until 2020)
  • Education and Youth Board
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Estonia Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the programme was to motivate adults to learn and to create high-quality, flexible learning opportunities that consider the needs of the labour market.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The programme was adopted in 2015 and comprises three measures:

  1. reintegration of adult dropouts into formal education and creation of preconditions for their retention in, and acquisition of, formal education;
  2. increasing access to non-formal training and improving the quality of training;
  3. development of the occupational qualifications system and creation and support of lifelong learning formats in adult education.

Under the first two measures, the adult education programme...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education and Research
ID number
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Estonia Strategy/Action plan