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The 2023 update of the European Inventory on the validation of non-formal and informal learning provides a comprehensive overview of validation practices across Europe, covering 32 systems in EU-27 Member States and EFTA countries, with a focus on three sectors: education and training, labour market and the third sector. Key findings highlight the systematisation of validation approaches, its expanding offer, institutional landscape, and validation processes and methods.

The report shows significant strategic policy and legal developments to strengthen arrangements for validation across many of the countries covered, as validation has become increasingly integrated into national policy priorities, linking it to skills development and lifelong learning strategies. Validation arrangements are extending across sectors, notably in the labour market, with increasing alignment with National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) which facilitate and provide legitimacy to validation. Inventory reports show that most arrangements allow for certification in various forms and are less used for providing access or addressing individual training needs.

Moreover, outreach to disadvantaged groups remains a challenge, with many individuals still unaware of validation opportunities, and institutional arrangements often remain fragmented, with varying degrees of coordination. Integration of ICT tools in validation processes and stronger monitoring require further advancement.

This report highlights the positive developments in validation but also underscores existing challenges and the need for further progress in a range of sectors. The evolving landscape of education, work and technology requires continuous monitoring and adaptation to shape the future of validation in Europe.

Country-specific report details

Cite as

Cedefop, & European Commission (2024). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2023 update: Overview report. Publications Office of the European Union.
