Building on the foundation of Law 4673/2020, the enactment of Law 5082/2024 further reinforces the Greek VET system. The law provides for newly established VET Centres, VET institute rebranding, newly established vocational development and career offices, and adoption of good practices from pilot vocational upper secondary schools (PEPAL) to all vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL). All legal provisions aim to upgrade the knowledge, competences and skills of VET graduates and to ease their integration into local society and economy.

Key provisions of Law 5082/2024

  • Establishment of VET Centres (KEEK)
    The law mandates the establishment of approximately 60 VET Centres (KEEK) across the country to foster collaboration among all VET institutions, strengthen their ties with the labour market and optimise learner outcomes. It specifically caters for people with disabilities.
  • Rebranding the vocational training institutes (IEK)
    Law 5082/2024 is renaming of the vocational training institutes (IEK)(post-secondary vocational training institutions) to schools of higher vocational training.
  • Establishment of vocational development and career offices (GEAS)
    The law provides for the establishment of vocational development and career offices (GEAS), a network of offices offering personalised career guidance.
  • Expansion of best practices from PEPAL across EPAL
    The law ensures the consistent application of best practices across all EPAL by adopting successful practices from pilot projects in model EPAL (PEPAL). This process will begin in September 2025.

Law 5082/2024 represents a significant milestone in modernising and enhancing the VET sector, ushering in a new era of opportunities for learners, apprentices, and professionals alike.

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    Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Greece, & Cedefop (2024, September 11). Greece: Law 5082/2024 further strengthens the VET system. National news on VET