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As the European Union navigates an era of rapid digital transformation, the demand for digital skills has never been higher, and it will keep growing in the next decade.

This policy brief sheds new light on the evolving landscape of digital skill requirements in the EU-27, using Cedefop analysis of online job advertisements. The evidence in this policy brief showcases the pivotal role of digital skills in economic development and global competitiveness. It also points towards the need to accelerate the implementation of digital policy and strategy. Up- and reskilling the workforce, investing in the skills of teachers and trainers and modernising education and training systems will help ensure the digital revolution will benefit all citizens.

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Cedefop (2023). Going digital means skilling for digital: using big data to track emerging digital skill needs. Luxembourg: Publications Office. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/772175

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Going digital means skilling for digital

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