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This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. All the guides follow a common structure, although they vary in level of detail, technical content and case studies. The ETF, Cedefop and the ILO worked closely together to develop the guides, usually with one agency/organisation taking the lead and the others providing inputs, case studies, comments and reviews. All guides have undergone extensive validation and peer review; they were also discussed in detail in international expert seminars in which academic representatives, anticipation and matching experts, and potential end-users from across the world provided comments and feedback on content and usability. Experts and staff of the three organisations also peer reviewed the guides before their publication.

A sectoral focus and perspective are seen as essential in anticipating changing skills needs. The guide examines sectors as the key points where changes in skills demand occurs, the term sector being used to define specific areas of economic activity.

A range of sectoral studies and approaches, using many different tools and methods, has been identified in the guide. Choices need to be made as to which approaches are used: several factors come into play and these are set out in detail. Various methodological options, covering both quantitative and qualitative approaches, are reviewed. Many of the cases considered involve a combination of several such approaches.

By providing the reader with concrete examples and case studies, this publication is a tool for employment policy- and decision-makers to understand whether a sectoral approach is appropriate, as well as for technical analysts and professionals who want to know how it should be implemented. It provides an overview of the role of sectoral bodies and what they do in anticipating changing skills needs. The country case studies show how skills are analysed at the sector level in different contexts and conditions.

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Working at sectoral level

EN 4.73 MB

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