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Traditional learning and career pathways are being replaced by more dynamic, ‘patchier’ routes and shorter job tenures. Fast-changing and more complex learning and working contexts draw more attention to continuous learning and individual mobility, making lifelong guidance pivotal. It improves people’s access to career information, helps them assess it and enables them to develop diverse skills throughout their careers.

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Cedefop (2024). Monitoring and evaluating lifelong guidance systems across Europe. Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/489472


Monitoring and evaluating lifelong guidance systems across Europe.

EN 246.42 KB

Überwachung und Bewertung lebenslanger Beratungssysteme in ganz Europa.

DE 335.46 KB

Παρακολουθηση Και Αξιολογηση Των Συστηματων Δια Βιου Προσανατολισμου Σε Ολοκληρη Την Ευρωπη.

EL 187.95 KB

Seguimiento y evaluación de los sistemas de orientación permanente en toda Europa.

ES 171.69 KB

Suivi et évaluation des systèmes d’orientation tout au long de la vie dans l’ensemble de l’Europe.

FR 201.86 KB

Monitoraggio e valutazione dei sistemi di orientamento permanente in tutta Europa.

IT 232.07 KB

Monitoring en evaluatie van systemen voor levenslange begeleiding in Europa.

NL 194.67 KB

Monitorowanie i ocena: systemów poradnictwa zawodowego przez całe życie w całej Europie.

PL 284.55 KB