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Cyprus adopts a series of targeted actions and policies to upgrade public higher vocational education and training (VET). These initiatives aim to address labour force shortages, offering new educational options in key sectors where young people will have real employment opportunities.

The Absolute Institute of Technical Education (AITE)

A significant milestone in public higher VET in 2023 was the starting of operations of the Absolute Institute of Technical Education (AITE) in Limassol. The AITE, which became the fifth branch of public schools of higher vocational education and training (MIEEK), was a donation by the Absolute Charitable Trust to the Republic of Cyprus.


Strengthening the role of MIEEK

The operation of AITE aligns with the priorities outlined in the Council Recommendation on VET of 2020. MIEEK have the potential to support VET excellence and operate as Centres of Vocational Excellence in the local socioeconomic environment to support the green and digital transitions, regional innovation, and smart specialisation strategies. In the current academic year, they offer various study programmes including: electrical installations and automation systems; refrigeration and air conditioning installations; culinary arts; design and CNC technology – woodworking industry; and catering services.

In 2024, the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth of Cyprus (MESY) goal is to bridge the transition gap between secondary education and the labour market, upgrading and strengthening the capacities of MIEEK, in place since 2012. The Department of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education of MESY implements a focused policy, aimed at ensuring the continuous growth of public higher VET. The main priority of this policy is to guarantee the quality of the education delivered. The systematic development of new accredited study programmes, alongside the expansion of existing ones into other provinces of Cyprus, tailored to meet the demands of local labour markets, are key in this approach.

Under the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan, all five branches of MIEEK will receive several benefits: development of two new study programmes, new equipment for distance learning infrastructure in existing computer laboratories, and renovation of existing MIEEK infrastructure with state-of-the art technology in 22 workshop laboratories. These actions are an integral part of the ‘Addressing skills mismatch between education and the labour market’ reform. The reform aims primarily to align educational outcomes in Cyprus with the requirements of enterprises and the labour market.

According to national data, while the employment rate of higher education graduates has been rising in the past decade (79% in 2023), approximately one third of graduates are overqualified for the post they occupy. MIEEK programmes offer learners an opportunity to acquire in 2 years the right skills to secure employment in vital sectors of the economy. According to the external evaluation of MIEEK completed in 2023, MIEEK graduates have an overall job placement rate of almost 100% in sectors linked to the relevant job profile/field of studies.

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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Cyprus, & Cedefop (2024, June 27). Cyprus: upgrade of higher VET public schools empowers workforce. National news on VET