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Cedefop’s new series of occupation data insights, a part of the Agency’s work on skills intelligence, is now available online.

One of Cedefop’s key priorities is to provide its users and stakeholders with skills intelligence, which synthetises key findings from the Agency’s research and analysis on skills and labour market trends. Skills intelligence blends insights from various strands of Cedefop’s work and covers different aspects of labour market, including skills, sectors or occupations.

The new series takes advantage of outputs of recently developed or updated products or tools: the European skills and jobs survey, which investigates changing skills and tasks within occupations, and the rising importance of digital technologies and skills development.

Cedefop’s Skills forecast looks ahead to 2035 and estimates  future job creation, qualification needs and the impact of ageing on future skills shortages. The Agency’s pioneering work on analysing online job advertisements, presented in its Skills OVATE tool, enriches the occupation data insights with detailed information on most demanded occupations, supporting the traditional employment statistics.

Data insights go beyond presentation of data and offer a narrative on the drivers of change and expected developments and challenges in employment and skills.

This series will bring 34 occupation data insights, published in several stages. The first batch consists of four insights on managerial occupations and six on professional occupations. Those focusing on managers bring insights on CEOs and legislators, business managers (such as those in finance, marketing, R&D or HR), technical managers (such as manufacturing, construction or ICT managers) and retail and hospitality managers.

The insights on professionals cover science and engineering, but also ICT professionals, health care or teaching professionalsoffice professionals (such as finance, marketing or administration roles) and professionals in legal, social and cultural areas.

Stay tuned for more updates!