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The September 2021 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download.

Our main story is on how to shape next generation skills intelligence in Europe to make it fit for the future of work.

Also, in this issue:

  • European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides speaks exclusively on the importance of upskilling for the EU health sector and on health policies following the coronavirus pandemic;
  • Portugal’s Deputy Minister for Education João Costa talks about education and training as ‘a major shared value’ in the European Union and the Member States’ commitment to reach a 60% annual enrolment rate in lifelong learning by 2030;
  • Hospitality and retail managers are the ‘Occupation in focus’ as the pandemic has taken a heavy toll on their employment and job prospects;
  • The Member States page showcases ‘responsive and inclusive vocational education and training’ in Slovenia, the current EU Presidency holder;
  • And a feature on adult learning and training in Europe outlines the perceptions of respondents to a Cedefop opinion survey.

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Cedefop (2021). Skillset and match: Cedefop's magazine promoting learning at work, No 23, September 2021. Luxembourg: Publications office. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/9160_en.pdf


Skillset and match – September 2021 issue 23

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