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This report analyses the drivers influencing the use of online job vacancy portals in recruitment and job search, the structure of the online job markets, the role of public and private players and the factors shaping the format and content of online job vacancies.

With the project Real-time labour market information on skill requirements: setting up the EU system for online vacancy analysis, Cedefop is using online job vacancies to develop real-time labour market and skills intelligence in the EU.

Drawing meaningful conclusions from these data and turning them into policy-relevant labour market intelligence requires sound understanding of online job markets and their importance in employers’ recruitment strategies. The mapping of the online job portal landscape in all EU Member States presented in this report helps identify the main features of online job markets and signal important trends impacting them.

Detailed reports for all EU Member States can be found here.

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Cedefop (2019). The online job vacancy market in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper, No 72. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/16675


The online job vacancy market in the EU

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The online job vacancy market in the EU

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