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Ensuring that EU countries develop robust skills anticipation to inform responsive VET systems is a key aim of the Skills agenda for Europe. But, to have impact, skills intelligence requires good skills governance, feeding into VET and employment policies with wide outreach to diverse potential users.

In 2015 Cedefop initiated a country support scheme to assist the EU strategy of improving skills governance in Member States. Cedefop has recently concluded four skills governance country reviews in Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece and Slovakia, following pilots in Iceland and Malta.

This report summarises the key insights and lessons from the review of skills governance in Slovakia. Using input from a wide stakeholder consultation and an online opinion survey among employers and VET providers, it analyses current challenges and bottlenecks, with a view to uncovering the root causes of key skills governance issues. Thoughts on possible progress and examples from other countries aim to inspire policy-makers in shaping ideas for further work.

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Cedefop (2020). Strengthening skills anticipation and matching in Slovakia: intelligence support to policymakers and learners. Luxembourg: Publications Office. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/605011


Strengthening skills anticipation and matching in Slovakia

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