Slovenia (2023)

Europass Mobility documents are awarded to most of upper secondary students who undertake training abroad. The documents are issued at the initiative of a teacher-mentor, who must make a request to the National Europass Centre. Mentors can find the information on the Europass Mobility document through Erasmus+ workshops organised by the CMEPIUS, on the website of the National Europass Centre (1) and at various events (fairs, presentations). Since 2018 the on-line platform is available for mentors and individuals to prepare and issue their Europass Mobility documents. The document is used as recommendation letter to report on skills and competences acquires abroad.

Since 2012 it is possible to receive the Europass Certificate Supplement for all programmes of upper secondary VET. Students receive the Certificate Supplement at the end of their education. In 2020/2021 approximately 90% of all Slovenian institutions providing upper secondary VET programmes were issuing the Certificate Supplements(2). In 2017, Amendments to the Vocational Education Act were adopted, making the Certificate Supplement an obligatory part of the school leaving certificate. The Amendments came in effect in the school year 2018/2019. In 2020 the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports in cooperation with Institute of the RS for VET prepared new regulations on template of Certificate Supplement to be used by schools when issuing this document: a slightly modified template was in preparation in 2021 and has been launched in 2022 (3).The Certificate Supplement issued in Slovenia is personalised and can also contain a (non-obligatory) reference to the accomplishment of the mobility programme for those students who have participated in international mobility programmes.

ECVET principles are presented in mobility projects. Mostly organisations, being active in mobility projects in the previous programme, use ECVET principles.
(2) For the educational programmes carried out in the ethnically mixed area, the ECS are also prepared in the Italian and the Hungarian language