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Cedefop, together with its CareersNet partners in EU Member States and beyond, has collected examples of lifelong guidance policies and practices that support the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. This briefing note showcases some of these initiatives in EU Member States and beyond, and presents policy pointers for further action.

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Cedefop (2023). Lifelong guidance for persons with disabilities. Cedefop briefing note, July 2023.

Na prevzatie

Lebensbegleitende Beratung für Menschen mit Behinderungen

DE 106.97 KB

Lebensbegleitende Beratung für Menschen mit Behinderungen

DE 294.26 KB

Δια βίου προσανατολισμός για τα άτομα με αναπηρία

EL 124.99 KB

Δια βίου προσανατολισμός για τα άτομα με αναπηρία

EL 278.47 KB

Lifelong guidance for persons with disabilities

EN 153.95 KB

Lifelong guidance for persons with disabilities

EN 277.19 KB

Orientación permanente para las personas con discapacidad

ES 111.56 KB

Orientación permanente para las personas con discapacidad

ES 295.77 KB

L’orientation tout au long de la vie des personnes handicapées

FR 156.29 KB

L’orientation tout au long de la vie des personnes handicapées

FR 299.1 KB

Orientamento lungo tutto l’arco della vita per le persone con disabilità

IT 139.93 KB

Orientamento lungo tutto l’arco della vita per le persone con disabilità

IT 297.33 KB

Poradnictwo przez całe życie dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami

PL 123.79 KB

Poradnictwo przez całe życie dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami

PL 290.12 KB

Orientação ao longo da vida para pessoas com deficiência

PT 140.53 KB

Orientação ao longo da vida para pessoas com deficiência

PT 295.84 KB