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Cite as: Cedefop; Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (2022). Vocational education and training in Europe - Lithuania: system description [From Cedefop; ReferNet. Vocational education and training in Europe database].

General themes

Summary of main elements 1

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is the main body responsible for shaping and implementing vocational education and training (VET) policy. The Ministry of Economy participates in human resources development and VET policy. The Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA) ensures the monitoring framework for VET and higher education, research and innovation, and human resources planning. It also forecasts needs for new qualifications.

VET is offered from lower- to post-secondary education (ISCED levels 2 to 4). To acquire a VET qualification, learners take a specified exam, after which a VET diploma is awarded. Programmes are modularised; the minimum duration is 30 credits acquired in a half year.

Lower secondary level VET programmes (up to 3 years, ISCED 252 and 254) lead to qualifications at EQF level 2. They are open to learners over 14 and training is mandatory until age 16. Those without completed lower secondary education can study VET along with general education.

At upper secondary level:

  • programmes with duration of up to 2 years lead to a VET qualification at EQF level 3 (ISCED 352) and prepare learners for entering working life;
  • 3-year programmes lead to a VET qualification at EQF level 4 (ISCED 354) and a matura diploma giving access to higher education and post-secondary programmes (ISCED 454). To receive a matura diploma a learner must take at least two matura exams. Graduates who apply to higher education ISCED 645 and ISCED 655 programmes in the same field of studies are awarded additional entrance points.

Post-secondary level VET programmes (up to 2 years, ISCED 454) lead to a VET qualification at EQF level 4. Six EQF level 5 VET programmes delivered jointly by VET institutions and colleges are being piloted in 2020 and 2021.

Higher education college studies lead to a professional bachelor degree (ISCED 655) in 3 years. Implementation of EQF level 5 short-cycle programmes is being legislated.

Formal continuing VET (CVET) is for learners who want to improve an existing qualification or acquire a new one. It follows the same curricula as IVET with exception of short (less than 6 months) programmes aimed at acquiring a competence needed to do jobs specified in regulations. Non-formal VET programmes must follow a specified template and be registered in the Register of studies, training programmes and qualifications.

Although VET is school-based, work-based learning (WBL) is a significant part. It takes place in school settings, with at least 110 to 220 hours period (90 to 180 hours for CVET) at the end of programme to be spent in a company. 42 sectoral practical training centres offer quality practical training environments. Progressing implementation of apprenticeship is a national priority and policy initiatives are in process.

Qualification exams are detached from the training process and, from 2022 onwards, following reform of procedure, will be carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Social partners, enterprises and employers' associations may apply for accreditation of their assessors. Social partners participate in developing new qualifications, standards and VET programmes. The 2017 Law on VET boosted the role of sectoral professional committees in shaping VET qualifications and planning future apprentice intake.

Distinctive features 2

Initial VET (IVET) and continuing VET (CVET) are centralised and regulated by the State. IVET and CVET are delivered by training providers, public or private organisations.

Following the 2018 Law on VET, individuals can acquire two VET qualifications free of charge; for others, CVET programmes are offered for a fee, except for the unemployed and those at risk of unemployment whose training is supported by European social fund (ESF) projects. A voucher system allows the unemployed to choose the training provider. The provision of training is based on contracts between the local public employment service, the unemployed and, if applicable, the enterprise (which undertakes to employ the person after the training for at least 6 months).

Due to the demographic decline in the young population, the number of young IVET learners has decreased by 32.27 % over 6 years. The share of adults in formal (C)VET programmes is steadily increasing, especially for ISCED level 4 programmes; in 2021, 36.69 % of all IVET and 69% of CVET learners were adults aged 25 to 64 3 .

From 2002, VET curricula in Lithuania have been competence-based, with clearly defined learning outcomes. Since 2018, sectoral qualification standards have been in development for all economic sectors; by the end of 2021, 24 new or updated qualification standards were in place. Based on these standards, VET programmes have been redesigned into modular programmes consisting of mandatory and optional modules. Modularisation allows learners to acquire a VET qualification by taking individual modules and choosing the most acceptable way and pace of learning.

Skills forecasts up to 2030 predict a significant loss of the labour force in the country, especially among those with medium-level qualifications. At the same time, it is expected that 51% of job openings will require medium-level qualifications. Reviewing the human resources development policy is key to guaranteeing labour force productivity and economic competitiveness.

The challenge remains to encourage participation in VET among young learners. To increase VET flexibility and attractiveness, from 2020 learners in the last 4 years of secondary (general) education (grades 9 to 12) can enrol in individual vocational modules offered in programmes delivered by VET institutions. Learners wishing to continue in the vocational stream may have their acquired competences recognised, thus shortening the duration of studies. This path of education is gradually becoming more popular in Lithuania: in 2021, during the summer admission to VET institutions, 374 gymnasium learners expressed a wish to study VET programme modules.

From 2019, the governance bodies of VET institutions include representatives from municipalities and businesses. Reforming the VET institution network and using their resources more effectively remains a policy priority. The network of VET institutions has gradually been reduced to 57 (73 in 2016) and in mid-2021 national policies focus on aligning the VET offer to labour market needs. The reason behind this change is the need for more effective operation of VET institutions in the context of decreasing number of VET learners and optimised access to VET programmes. The optimisation of the institutional network is aimed at more effective institutional distribution and VET programme offer in regions and municipalities of the country.

Participation in lifelong learning remains low (7.2 % in 2020). The national goal is to increase it to 12% by 2022. The education, labour and economy ministries plan various adult training opportunities for key competences development, with training of the (un)employed jointly funded by ESF. Measures foreseen include VET and lifelong learning promotional campaigns and strengthening career guidance services.

Participation in apprenticeship is low (5.59 % in the academic year 2020-21) and needs better cooperation between VET institutions and companies through apprenticeship pilot projects in VET institutions, plus reimbursement of apprentice salaries. The national goal is to increase participation in apprenticeship to 9 % by the end of 2021 and to 30 % by the end of 2024.

With the adoption of the Law on VET at the end of 2017, reforming VET management, financing schemes, competences evaluation and recognition, and quality assurance mechanisms are included in policy priorities to raise the prestige of VET among all stakeholders 4 . The challenge for the coming years is the consistent application of the legal framework.


Population in 2021: 2 795 680 5 .

Population decreased by 5.85% since 2013, due to negative natural growth and migration 6 .

Population is ageing. It is expected that the old-age-dependency ratio will increase from 28 in 2015 to 61 in 2070.


Population forecast by age group and old-age-dependency ratio

Lithuania - 2021 - 1

Source: Eurostat, proj_19ndbi [extracted 7.5.2021].


Since 2017, emigration increased by 13.8% 7 especially in the age span 15 to 44 (76% of all emigrants). Emigration is higher than immigration, which also increased.

The shrinking population calls for more effective use of the potential of the workforce, especially elderly people involvement in economic activity. Ageing will remain an important concern for the future, as it is likely that the employed population will have to bear a heavier burden to support retirees.

The country is multicultural and has a bilingual community: In August 2021, Lithuanians represented 85.88% of the whole population, Poles 5.69%, Russians 4.54%, Byelorussians 1.91%, Ukrainians 1.46% and other nationalities 0.52%. Most VET institutions teach in Lithuanian, though there are schools where they use both Lithuanian and Russian.


Most companies are micro and small-sized.

Economic sectors with the largest employment (%) in June 2021:

  • manufacturing (17%);
  • wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycle (14.94%);
  • education (8.91%);
  • construction (7.56%);
  • human health and social work activities (7.54%);
  • transportation and storage (6.95%);
  • public administration and defence; compulsory social security (6.34%);
  • agriculture, forestry and fishing (5.34%) 8 .

Since 2013, employment in industry has seen a steady growth. This has been the result of the recovery in export markets and increased tangible investments. The construction and service sectors increased as well. To reflect recent trends in economic activity, VET institutions set themselves to the challenge of developing programmes that take into account the needs of workers and their employment in individual sectors of the economy.

Labour market

The labour market is considered flexible.

Total unemployment 9 (June 2021): 7.4% (7.1% in EU-27). Over the last 13 years, the unemployment rate in the country has fluctuated and is now similar to the 2008 rate 10 .


Unemployment rate (aged 15-24 and 25-64) by education attainment level in 2011-20

Lithuania - 2021 - 2

NB: Data based on ISCED 2011; breaks in time series, low reliability.
ED 0-2 = less than primary, primary and lower secondary education. ED 3-4 = upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education. ED 5-8 = tertiary education.
Source: Eurostat, lfsa_urgaed [extracted 19.8.2021].


As the figure above demonstrates, unemployment correlates with age and level of education. It is higher among people with lower levels of education and - at all analysed levels of education - is higher in the 15-24 age group (compared to the 25-64 age group). Unemployment has been declining substantially over the last 10 years: an exception is 2019, a year in which it increased for all groups as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

The employment rate of 20 to 34-year-old VET graduates increased from 78% in 2016 to 75.3% in 2020 11 .


Employment rate of VET graduates (20 to 34 years old, ISCED levels 3 and 4)

Lithuania - 2021 - 3

NB: Data based on ISCED 2011; breaks in time series.
ISCED 3-4 = upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education.
Source: Eurostat, edat_lfse_24 [extracted 19.8.2021].


Between 2016 and 2020, the employment rate of 20-34 year-old VET graduates decreased by 2.7%; in the same period the respective fall in employment of all 20-34 year-old graduates was 1% (from 81.2% to 80.2%) 12 . This is also because of the measures and restrictions to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, which led most businesses to suspend or slow down significantly, including by laying off or downsizing a significant number of workers.

Share of high, medium and low level qualifications

Lithuania has the lowest rate of people without or with low qualifications in the EU (4.6% against 21.3% in the EU-27 in 2020). Higher education is valued. Lithuania has the sixth highest share of the population aged 25-64 with high level qualifications in the EU (44.1% against 34% in the EU-27). Half of the population (51.3%) in the same age group has medium (ISCED 3 and 4) level qualifications 13 .


Population (aged 25 to 64) by highest education level attained in 2020

Lithuania - 2021 - 4

NB: Data based on ISCED 2011; low reliability for 'no response' for Czechia, Iceland, Latvia and Poland.
ISCED 0-2 = less than primary, primary and lower secondary education.
ISCED 3-4 = upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education.
ISCED 5-8 = tertiary education.
Source: Eurostat, lfsa_pgaed [extracted 6.5.2021].


VET learners by level

Share of learners in VET by level in 2020-21

lower secondary

upper secondary





Source: Lithuanian official statistics portal [extracted 19.8.2021].


Share of initial VET learners from total learners at upper-secondary level (ISCED level 3), 2019

Lithuania - 2021 - 5

NB: Data based on ISCED 2011.
Source: Eurostat, educ_uoe_enrs04 [extracted 6.5.2021].


The figure above shows that VET learners accounted for only 26% (EU-27 48%) of all learners at upper-secondary level (ISCED level 3). This is one of the lowest rates in the EU-27, with fewer people studying in VET programmes only in Cyprus. This is expected gradually to improve. Since the beginning of 2020, the country's gymnasium learners have been provided with opportunities to study in VET programmes, in parallel with their general education programme. This path of education is gradually becoming more popular in Lithuania: in 2021, during the summer admission to VET institutions, 374 gymnasium learners expressed a wish to study VET programme modules.

Female share

Traditionally, there are more males than females in VET. In the academic year 2020-21, 58.42% learners were male and 41.58% were female 14 .

The most popular education area among males in the academic year 2020-21 was engineering. In the engineering sector, the most popular fields are:

  • motor vehicles;
  • aircraft;
  • mechanics (and metalwork in the education subsector).
Early leavers from education and training

The share of early leavers from education and training has decreased from 7.4% in 2011 to 5.6% in 2020. It is above the national target for 2020 of not more than 3% and below the EU-27 average of 10.1%.

In 2020, at 5.6%, early leaving from education and training was among the six lowest rates in the EU-27 area 15 .


Early leavers from education and training in 2011-20

Lithuania - 2021 - 6

NB: Share of the population aged 18 to 24 with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training.
Source: Eurostat, edat_lfse_14 [extracted 6.5.2021].


The Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) is implementing activities to increase the efficiency of the network of initial and continuing VET providers to attract more learners to VET. One of these is the ESF project Promotion of vocational training and lifelong learning in Lithuania (No 09.4.1-ESFA-V-713-01-0001) which aims to increase the attractiveness of vocational training and popularise the concept of lifelong learning. The target groups are learners, teachers, parents and other adults. In 2017, new professional empowerment programmes were launched; these provide information and guidance services to learners on available education and training programmes and career choices to help them make informed decisions about their future.

Participation in lifelong learning

Lifelong learning offers training opportunities for adults, including early leavers from education.


Participation in lifelong learning in 2009-20

Lithuania - 2021 - 7

NB: Share of adult population aged 25 to 64 participating in education and training.
Source: Eurostat, trng_lfse_01 [extracted 6.5.2021].


Participation in lifelong learning (7.2%) is lower than the EU-27 average (10.8%) and below the EU 2020 benchmark (15%) but has been growing steadily.

According to national statistics, a large share of the population aged 25-64 has completed general or special general education programmes (29,25% in 2020). Increasing access to lifelong learning and VET for adults is still challenging.

The 18th Government programme implementation plan aims to increase employment for people aged 15-64 to - at least - 73% by 2024 16 . The programme aims to achieve employment for the entire population, to reduce social exclusion and strengthen social cohesion.

The purpose of supporting learning is to help unemployed and employed individuals to acquire qualifications, improve their qualifications, acquire competences under formal VET programmes or under non-formal adult education programmes. Measures that support learning include vocational training, apprenticeship employment, traineeships, and recognition of non-formal and informal learning.

VET learners by age


Number of learners in vocational training institutions in 2020-21 by age

Lithuania - 2021 - 8

NB: Learners from VET programmes at all levels are displayed.
Source: Lithuanian official statistics portal [extracted 20.8.2021].


The figure above shows that the majority of VET learners are aged 19 (22%), 18 (16%) and 17 (15%). Those aged 20-21 years-old make up 16% of all learners, and as many as 67.48% (2951) of them are 20-year-olds. Thus, learners aged 17-20 years-old make up as much as 63.43% of all those studying in VET institutions. This trend has been evident over the last 10 years, so it is likely that this proportion will remain similar over the coming years.

However, there is also a clear downward trend in the number of older learners in VET. For example, in the 2018-19 academic year, 3 135 people aged 40 and over studied in VET institutions. In 2019-20, this number was 2 721, and in 2020-21 even lower at 2 360 learners. Over the last 3 years, a significant fall is also observed in the 30-34 and 35-39 age groups.

In 2020, VET institutions admitted 49.29% (compared with 41.6% in 2019) of the total of those who have completed or left basic education (dropouts) and who wish to continue training or studies 17 .

The Lithuanian education and training system comprises:

  • general education at primary (ISCED 100), lower (ISCED 244) and upper secondary (ISCED 344) levels;
  • initial VET at lower (ISCED 252,254), upper (ISCED 351, 352,354) and post-secondary (ISCED 454) levels;
  • tertiary level academic/university education (ISCED 645, 746, 747) and college-based higher VET programmes (ISCED 655);
  • continuing VET programmes providing formal qualifications at EQF levels 2-4 (ISCED 2-4) and other non-formal training courses.

Learners have the obligation to continue education and training until age 16. Basic education, confirmed by a lower secondary school leaving certificate, is necessary to access upper secondary programmes.

Compulsory (basic) education is completion of lower secondary education (ISCED level 2) and receiving a basic school certificate at EQF level 2. After completing basic education, learners can choose upper secondary general education or VET programmes at ISCED level 3 (leading to an EQF level 3 vocational qualification) or to an EQF level 4 vocational qualification and an upper secondary leaving certificate, also known as matura, which allows higher education access. Programmes at ISCED level 351 combining VET with social skills development programmes are in place for learners with special education needs.

A consensus has been reached on two routes for acquiring EQF level 5 qualifications: through VET programmes and short-cycle higher education programmes. The Law on Science and Higher Education stipulates that sectoral professional committees are consulted in deciding on the areas / sectors and the Minister for Education confirms a list of qualifications and study areas relevant for short-cycle study programmes. The implementation of both schemes is behind schedule. Six VET programmes have been piloted by VET institutions and higher education colleges and legal documents and procedures for rolling out short-cycle programmes are being prepared. It is planned to open up these routes in 2022.

Access to VET programmes is possible for learners aged 14 or older. Those who fail to graduate from lower secondary education may enter VET programmes or youth schools at ISCED level 2 (respectively 254, 252) leading to EQF level 2 qualifications. At ISCED level 254, graduates also receive the basic school certificate and may move on to upper secondary programmes, either in the general or vocational streams.

Graduates of upper secondary programmes leading to a matura certificate (either vocational ISCED 354 or general education-oriented ISCED 344) may enter either post-secondary vocational training (ISCED 454), leading to EQF level 4, or higher VET programmes to acquire a professional bachelor (ISCED 655/EQF 6) or higher education (ISCED level 6 or 7) programmes leading to EQF level 6 or 7 respectively 18 . After launching VET and short-cycle higher education programmes at EQF level 5, graduates of ISCED 454 programmes will have the opportunity to enrol in them. Work experience may be required if this is a prerequisite in the qualification standard.

As stipulated in the Law on Vocational Education and Training (1997, amended in 2007 and 2017), the VET system covers IVET 19 , CVET and vocational guidance 20 .

At the beginning of 2020, the education ministry introduced the possibility for gymnasium learners to study in freely chosen modules of VET programmes in VET institutions in parallel with the secondary education programme. In accordance with the established procedure, admission to these modules should take place during the centralised admissions to VET institutions.

Formal initial vocational education and training (IVET) and continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programmes

Most IVET in Lithuania is school-based. The main aim of training is to prepare learners for work. In lower and upper secondary, VET programmes (ISCED 252 and 352) prepare learners for a VET qualification and access the labour market. In parallel, there are VET (ISCED 254 and 354) programmes that, in addition to the VET diploma, deliver a general education certificate allowing progression to the upper-level studies. VET programmes combining vocational education with social skills development programmes (ISCED 351) are available for learners with special education needs to acquire a VET qualification. Access to post-secondary (ISCED 454) and college-based higher VET (ISCED 655) progression is possible for learners with the matura (end of upper secondary) certificate.

Formal CVET programmes are provided to learners over 18 who already have a qualification to refresh existing knowledge or acquire new skills leading to qualifications at EQF levels 2-4. Formal CVET is designed for people with different education attainment levels, from primary to post-secondary.

Learning forms in formal VET programmes (offered in both IVET and CVET) include:

  • school-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • apprenticeships, which may be organised under a formal VET programme or its module(s) or a non-formal VET programme or its module(s). Vocational training in the form of an apprenticeship, depending on the capacity of the provider, may cover at least one module of a formal or non-formal VET programme or 2 months or more. The form of organisation of vocational training from school-based to apprenticeship and vice versa may be changed under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure established in the vocational training contract. Vocational training in the form of an apprenticeship under a formal VET programme or its module can be organised in two ways: 1) the provider holding a licence entitling to complete the relevant formal VET programme or its module provides no more than 30% of the formal VET programme or its module training time, and the employer carries out the rest of the training time; 2) the entire formal VET programme or its module is carried out by an employer who has a licence entitling him to carry out the relevant formal VET programme or its module;
  • work-based learning 21 comprises 70% of the total time allocated to teaching vocational subjects. The final module Introduction to the labour market (5 credits, 3 weeks in total) is organised in a company or school-based workshop simulating working conditions.

After the end of a VET programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded.

In September 2020, the education minister approved a new version of the Description of the procedure for assessment of competences acquired by a person 22 . This description envisages a new two-stage structure of competence assessment: the theoretical part (knowledge) assessment test and the practical part (skills) assessment. According to this description, the essential emphasis of the organisation of competence assessment is that the theoretical (knowledge) assessment test is considered successful if a person scores at least 50/100, and considered unsuccessful if a person scores less than 50/100. A person who has not passed the theoretical part (knowledge) assessment test may not undertake practical part assessment and needs to repeat the theoretical part assessment test.

Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions: different types of accredited institutions exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers' associations.

Non-formal VET programmes

Non-formal VET programmes exist alongside formal VET, for the unemployed and the (self‑) employed. They must follow a specified template and be registered in the Register of studies, training programmes and qualifications. According to legislation, the requirements for non-formal VET programmes are to assist the learner to achieve the learning outcomes which may be recognised as competences specified in the qualification standards. The admission criteria are different and mostly depend on the target group. Non-formal VET programmes may be offered by an education provider, freelance teachers, and agencies, as well as companies or organisations licensed to offer training for a specific VET programme or its module.

Non-formal VET is widely applied in continuing vocational training and is carried out in various forms: learning at the workplace, attending non-formal training courses, distance learning, etc. In most cases, the following three forms are used:

  • non-formal courses for the (self-) employed. These are organised in various settings, using forms and programmes chosen by the employer. Some companies apply internationally recognised sectoral qualifications and programmes;
  • State-funded training programmes for employees (such as civil servants and employees in certain economic sectors including healthcare and agriculture);
  • training courses for the unemployed and people notified of dismissal; this type of training is funded through a voucher system introduced in 2012 to finance training in formal and non-formal education programmes.

Non-formal adult education

Non-formal adult education may be offered by any education provider, freelance teachers, and agencies, as well as companies or organisations that are authorised to provide training (even though training provision may not be their main activity). According to legislation, the requirements for non-formal adult education programmes and their implementation can be set by the organisation or person who requested to be trained in these programmes or funds such training. The objectives of these programmes, their duration and admission criteria vary and mainly depend on the target group. The courses may be oriented both at occupational and more generic competences development. Upon completion, a certificate is usually issued. Decisions on tuition fees are made by providers.

The Law on VET (2017) provides a legal basis for apprenticeship. It clarifies the provisions for apprenticeship organisation based on an apprenticeship labour contract (between the employer and the VET student) and a VET (learning) contract between the apprentice and the VET provider.

The Law on VET also states that sectoral professional committees should participate in planning the intake of apprentices. However, apprenticeship has still not gained its position as a clear VET pathway and receives little attention from VET providers and companies.

The Labour Code 23 and accompanying legislation, which entered into force on 1 July 2017, introduced two types of apprenticeship contract: with and without learning agreements.

For apprenticeships that are part of formal VET, the regulation stipulates employers' responsibility to ensure that apprentices acquire the learning outcomes defined in the VET programme. The law specifies also the main conditions for apprenticeship delivery: work and learning time should not exceed 48 hours per week in total; apprentices' salaries should not be less than the minimum wage; and learning time spent in VET institutions would not be paid by the employer and should not exceed one third of the contract duration.

After the Government of the Republic of Lithuania approved the Description of the procedure for organising vocational training in the form of apprenticeship at the end of 2019 24 today in Lithuania it is legally defined:

  • the form, initiation, preparation and implementation of VET organised in the form of apprenticeship;
  • rights and obligations of VET providers and employers who organise VET in the form of apprenticeship as well as the rights and obligations of a person seeking to acquire a qualification or competence (competences) in VET organised in the form of an apprenticeship;
  • requirements for quality assurance in VET organised in the form of apprenticeship.

This description states that vocational training organised in the form of an apprenticeship may be initiated by:

  • an employer wishing to train an apprentice in the workplace;
  • a VET provider wishing to increase practical skills for individual learners or groups of learners in the workplace;
  • an employee;
  • a VET learner;
  • social partners.

It is recommended that the VET provider and the employer sign a cooperation agreement. The cooperation agreement may be long-term or signed on a case-by-case basis.

The VET provider, alone or together with the employer, may select apprentices in accordance with the requirements published in advance on its website. During the selection, the employer(s) selects apprentices from among the learners wishing to participate in the selection, if they are admitted to VET school. It is recommended that such a selection be organised no earlier than 2 months after the start of the school-based training process. The employer may independently organise the selection of apprentices from non-VET learners and apply to the VET provider for the training of selected apprentices under the VET programme at the employer's preferred time schedule, according to the dates of the employer's contract with the VET provider 25 .

Learn more about apprenticeships in the national context from the European database on apprenticeship schemes by Cedefop:

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is the main body responsible for shaping and implementing vocational education and training (VET) policy. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation 26 participates in human resources development and VET policy. Other ministries and government bodies are involved in VET policy in the remit of their responsibilities (planning VET funding, managing enrolments in CVET upskilling programmes, etc.).

Following the Law on VET 27 , in force since February 2018, the Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA), which was established following the reorganisation of the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) ensures the monitoring framework for VET and higher education, research and innovation. It plans human resources and forecasts needs for new qualifications 28 .

The main tasks of the education ministry on VET delivery include:

  • human resources planning, continuing professional development of VET school teachers and tutors and vocational guidance for VET learners;
  • managing the list of accredited/licenced VET providers and accredited competence assessment bodies;
  • implementing formal initial VET/continuing VET programmes; guaranteeing quality of formal qualifications based on qualification standards; and monitoring the national register of qualifications 29 ;
  • drawing up investment programmes for IVET and other retraining programmes; running the funding system of VET schools (per capita financing) and approving student enrolment in State-funding VET programmes 30 ;

The Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) organises the development of qualifications standards and training programmes. It organises assessment and recognition of competences acquired in formal, non-formal and informal learning through nominated VET providers and competence assessment centres 31 . It supervises and coordinates the work of sectoral professional committees.

The Law on VET strengthened the role of sectoral professional committees (SPCs) 32 , advisory bodies that ensure cooperation on VET delivery between all VET stakeholders in a particular sector. They are actively involved in discussions on qualifications standards (used to design new VET content) and endorse them, participate in assessment of VET programmes and accreditation of competence assessment institutions, are consulted on the planning of apprenticeships and short-cycle higher education programmes.

Reforming VET management, financing schemes and quality assurance mechanisms is part of policy priorities and developments in progress to raise the prestige of VET and its attractiveness among all VET stakeholders (learners, VET teachers and trainers, companies).

Funding for formal IVET

Funding for formal IVET, as well as CVET, is allocated from the State budget. Training costs are calculated per student (per capita financing of vocational schools). The methodology determines the level of direct funding needed for training per learner enrolled in a formal training programme for one VET credit. The unit costs (the so-called 'student basket') include allocations for staff salaries and social insurance, in-service training of teachers and funding for the acquisition of various training resources, including practical training. The last category is calculated using a coefficient that varies depending on the programme area.

Funding is allocated to the VET provider based on the actual number of learners multiplied by the number of hours for implementing the programme and costs of a training hour. Unit costs for learners with special needs are defined separately.

The 2021 action plan of the education ministry allocates EUR 122 542 for the provision of vocational training for learners. Compared to the allocation of EUR 112 182 in 2020, the annual planned funding for 2021 increased by 9.23 percentage points 33 .

The share of funding from international organisations depends on the availability of European funds. In addition, VET providers may receive funding from the State budget (annual investment programme) for infrastructure, updating training facilities, etc. Such developments could also be supported from other funds, including EU structural funds. VET providers may receive income from physical and legal entities for services provided (such as training courses, rent of premises). This income is used for education and training purposes.

The Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) implements actions to increase the efficiency of the network of initial and continuing VET providers and to attract more learners to VET. One of these is the ESF-funded project Promotion of vocational training and lifelong learning in Lithuania (No 09.4.1-ESFA-V-713-01-0001), which started at the end of 2016 and will be in place until May 2023. The aim of the project is to increase the attractiveness of vocational training and popularise the concept of lifelong learning. The target groups are learners, teachers, parents and other adults. The project aims to contribute to increasing the attractiveness of vocational education, the positive attitudes of parents towards VET, and to raise the prestige of learning in vocational schools.

Non-formal vocational programmes for the self-employed and employees are funded by the enterprise or learner. According to national legislation, in certain cases training can be sponsored by the State 34 .

EU and enterprise funds are used to finance training of employees in the private sector. The ministry of economy and innovation is managing ESF funds for this purpose. Measures include workplace-based training to upskill company employees and managers (ESF funds 2007-13); and two new projects being implemented in the period 2017-23 (ESF funds 2014-20): the competence voucher programme to train 42 000 private sector employees and the HR invest LT project to train employees of foreign companies based in Lithuania. Company contributions vary from 30% (small-sized) or 40% (medium-sized companies) to 50% (large companies) of the total training cost.

Formal and non-formal VET for the unemployed is mainly covered from ESF support through the 'training voucher' scheme managed by local public employment services. A training voucher issued by the public employment service (PES) to the unemployed may be used, within the limits of its value, to fund an agreed training action; the beneficiary of the voucher may select a provider from those listed in the dedicated PES online website. CVET training of the unemployed is provided on the basis of two types of training contract:

  • a bipartite VET contract between the unemployed person and the local PES: the unemployed person selects from a list of available VET programmes established based on labour market forecasts and employer surveys. After completion of the training programme, the unemployed person undertakes to work in the position offered by the local PES for at least 6 months or start a business;
  • or a tripartite VET and employment contract (between the unemployed person, local PES and employer): a training programme and its provider are agreed with the employer. After the end of the training programme, the employer undertakes to employ the unemployed person for at least 6 months. If the actual costs of training exceed the limits established by the government, the difference is covered by the learner or the employer. The same procedure is applied to training persons notified of dismissal.

In 2020, EUR 14.3 million were spent to support training of the unemployed. The support covered VET (EUR 13.2 million), apprenticeship (EUR 0.5 million), traineeships (EUR 0.5 million), and recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning (EUR 0.08 million). 73% of the total support for training of the unemployed was ESF funding.

The funding system for general education schools and VET institutions depends on the number of learners, which leads to competition between these two networks in attracting and keeping learners. The Law on VET (2017) 35 set the requirements for a new funding model for the entire VET system; implementing provisions are being developed. The new funding for VET combined with new VET programmes tailored on the basis of skills forecasts is expected to raise the attractiveness of VET.

VET teacher types

Teaching personnel in IVET institutions

School year

Teaching personnel, total (*)

Of which, vocational teachers




3 507

2 011



3 481

1 958



3 263

1 822



3 269

1 826



3 035

1 811



3 052

1 811


(*) At the beginning of the school year.
Source: Lithuanian official statistics portal [extracted on 20.8.2021].

In VET institutions there are two main types of teacher (see table above):

  • general education subject teachers;
  • vocational teachers. On average, vocational teachers represent more than half of all teaching personnel in VET institutions.

VET institutions that focus on training the (un)employed, such as labour market training centres, may introduce in-company trainers (nationally referred to as apprenticeship tutors or practical training instructors).

General requirements for all VET teachers are set by the 2011 Law on Education 36 . VET teacher training follows a consecutive model whereby a vocational qualification is studied first, followed by studies on pedagogy.

VET teachers without a pedagogical qualification, irrespective of their educational attainment level, are offered a 120-hour course on pedagogy and psychology. These courses are organised by accredited institutions and companies.

Universities also provide programmes for the pedagogical education of vocational teachers 37 .

Since September 2018, a teachers' remuneration system has been put in place with a view to introducing more favourable payment conditions for (VET) teachers. Salaries are calculated not only for actual lessons but for all the time spent working. The job consists of three components: contact hours (lessons, after-school activities, counselling, supervising learners' final projects), non-contact hours (preparation for lessons, assessment of achievements) and non-contact hours for the school community 38 (work with parents, guiding student pedagogical practical training and other efforts relevant to the school community).

Continuing professional development of teachers/trainers

Continuing professional development (CPD) training courses for VET teachers in schools include topics such as creativity, distance-learning methods, digitalisation of curricula, VET for special needs learners, as well as on training resources, mentorship, teaching methodologies and differentiation of learning.

In October 2016, a national level project 39 Development of the system for the development of vocational and adult teachers' qualifications was launched (No 09.4.2-ESFA-V-715-01-0001; project planned completion is September 2021). It is coordinated by the Qualifications and VET Development Centre 40 , under the responsibility of the education ministry 41 . Since 2017, more than 3 000 VET teachers and VET institution managers attended training courses on topics such as empowerment of sectoral practical training centres, VET didactics, adult education methodology, evaluation of learning outcomes, application of research in VET practice and other topics.

A joint EU-funded Baltic project Testing new approaches to training VET and workplace tutors for work-based learning (TTT4WBL) has designed a pilot training programme which ran during 2017-20, with 312 VET schools and apprenticeship tutors trained 42 .

More information is available in the Cedefop ReferNet thematic perspective on teachers and trainers 43 .

Anticipating skill needs

Following the Law on VET (in force since Feb 2018), the Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA) monitors VET and human resources and performs the forecasting for qualifications needs; it also prepares strategic insights, provides strategic recommendations regarding the training of specialists in VET institutions, and conducts studies in education, science and innovation. Its first report (September 2018) presents trends in human resources development and a detailed analysis of skill needs per region; it also examines the integration of skilled workforce into the labour market at the beginning of their career, and correspondence of higher education (HE) and VET qualifications to labour market needs 44 . It also prepares annual reports on the state of the VET system and regular reports on human capital in Lithuania 45 .

In 2021 STRATA presented the updated methodology for monitoring and forecasting human resources and the updated results on the human resources monitoring and on the forecasting system, descriptions of scenarios and forecasting results by 2025 46 .

See also Cedefop's skills forecast 47 and European Skills Index 48 .

Designing qualifications

From 2002, VET curricula in Lithuania have been competence-based, with clearly defined learning outcomes.

VET programmes were gradually redesigned into modular programmes consisting of mandatory and optional units. The duration of programmes ranges from 30 credits acquired in a half year to 110 credits acquired in 2 years.

Sectoral qualifications standards

To improve Lithuanian qualification development, qualifications standards were given a legal basis in 2007. They are developed for a particular economic sector and are used to describe the most important qualifications in the specific sector at different national qualifications (LTQF) levels. For each qualification the qualifications standard describes competences that are grouped into qualification units 49 .

Since 2018, the education ministry (in charge of national qualification system policy) has delegated the development of sectoral qualifications standards to the Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) 50 through its 18 sectoral professional committees (SPCs), which have been set up to ensure effective social dialogue. SPCs operate in specific sectors of the economy. When relevant, other ministries and government institutions participate in developing qualifications standards. By 2021, 24 sectoral qualification standards have been approved 51 .

Sectoral qualifications standards are also used to assess the learning outcomes of a vocational qualification. Identifying qualifications standards in all sectors and at all qualification levels is necessary to improve permeability between different education levels 52 and flexibility in skills acquisition.

VET curricula design

Since 2010, KPMPC is responsible for designing or updating national modular VET programmes on the basis of sectoral qualifications standards.

VET providers and enterprises can initiate and design modular training programmes, but for this to happen qualification profiles must first be developed and included into a sectoral qualification standard. From 2018 to 2021, 159 modular VET programmes have been developed.

As the Law on VET stipulated, all VET must be only modular: admission to non-modular VET programmes has not occurred since the 2018-19 academic year. There was an exception for those who enrolled in non-modular VET programmes before the beginning of 2018, who can complete them. Another legal provision is that learners can be admitted to non-modular programmes if there are no relevant modular programmes. In the academic year 2020-21 learners were admitted to modular VET programmes only. By July 2022, at the latest, it is anticipated that all learners will be enrolled in modular VET programmes.

The national quality assurance approach for VET is set out in the VET quality assurance (QA) system concept (2008). The approach includes licensing and supervision of training providers, mandatory self-assessment by all VET providers, external evaluation of the quality of training programmes, support to VET providers (related training and counselling), and a national regulation on developing standards for learning outcomes. The 2017 Law on VET 53 sets the rules for quality assurance in line with the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).

Internal quality management systems

The same QA arrangements apply for IVET providers and for CVET providers offering formal CVET programmes which are under the responsibility of the education ministry. VET providers are free to choose their quality management model and to define periodicity and criteria for self-assessment. Most VET schools have introduced an ISO evaluation system adapted to education. No specific requirements are in place for non-formal VET providers 54 .

The plan-do-check-adjust (PDCA) method is embedded into VET provision and is regarded as the backbone of VET quality assurance.

External evaluation and accreditation of VET providers

VET programmes have to follow qualifications standards. Training programme design is coordinated by the Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC). A licence to carry out a registered VET programme is issued to a VET provider if it has sufficient resources to implement the VET programme, and vocational teachers or candidates for vocational teachers meet the requirements prescribed in VET programmes and the Law on Education 55 .

The Description of the procedure for external evaluation of the activities of VET institutions and other VET providers implementing formal VET was approved in March 2020 by an order of the education minister. This description defines the concept of the external evaluation of VET institutions and other VET providers performing formal VET, regulates the organisation of the external evaluation of their activities, sets the external evaluation indicators and regulates their evaluation, defines the synthesis, formation and operation of the external evaluation expert group, the preparation of the external evaluation report of the provider, the coordination publication and external re-evaluation of the provider's activities. The procedure is in line with the Council Recommendation on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience 56 .

The description 57 states that the external evaluation of a VET provider's activities is based on external performance evaluation indicators, VET provider self-assessment and VET monitoring data, as well as information on the implementation of a VET provider's recommendations following external evaluation (if the VET provider's external evaluation report contains recommendations for improvement).

The indicators for the external evaluation of the VET provider's activities are the following:

  • the share of filled State-funded VET places (applies only to providers offfering State-funded places);
  • the share of apprentices;
  • the share of leaners who have not completed a formal VET programme;
  • the proportion of assessed learners whose assessments of the theoretical and practical part of the acquired competences are 'good' (8 points) or 'very good' (9 points) or 'excellent' (10 points);
  • the share of graduates who worked in the sixth month after completing a formal VET programme.

During the visit of the external evaluation expert group to the VET provider, its activities are evaluated in the following areas:

  • leadership and management;
  • implementation of formal vocational training programmes;
  • staff;
  • teaching and learning resources;
  • teaching and learning outcomes.

Monitoring framework for VET and HE (State level)

Following the 2017 Law on VET, the Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA), which was established following the reorganisation of the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA), ensures the monitoring framework for VET and higher education (HE), research and innovation. It plans human resources and forecasts needs for new qualifications in line with national policies and the needs of the economy.

A unified electronic system for admissions to HE and VET institutions is in place (2017). It is run by the Lithuanian Higher Institutions Association for Organising Joint Admission (LAMA BPO) 58 .

Design and approval of sectoral qualifications standards - which are the basis of VET programmes - and assessment of learner achievements are under the sole responsibility of the KPMPC 59 .

Several EQAVET indicators are used, including those on the destination of VET learners, the share of employed learners on completion of their training, and the mechanisms to identify training needs in the labour market 60 .

Relevant divisions of the education ministry supervise the teaching process and activities, and audit activities, while the State audit office performs random checks of VET institutions, during which the rationale of their activities is also analysed.

Reforming the network of IVET and CVET providers

Funding for State schools (general or vocational ones) is calculated based on the number of learners, which leads to competition between the two types of school in attracting and keeping learners. Since 2015, a network of 42 sectoral practical training centres (SPTCs) was established in 35 selected VET institutions to offer quality practical training in simulated environments using state-of-the-art technologies and equipment. The aim is to provide learners with skills valued in the (local) economy. These centres are open to VET and HE students, employees in enterprises, vocational teachers, etc. 61 . A study commissioned by the education ministry suggested that selected SPTCs should become 'competence centres' with extended responsibilities, including piloting new training methods, VET programmes and supporting the continuing professional development of VET teachers and training. To this end, 22 SPTC continue to receive funding from the EU structural funds (financial framework 2014-20). Most of these projects are scheduled for completion by July 2023 at the latest.

Individuals, with at least 1 year of work experience and older than 18, can apply to VET institutions for recognition of their competences. The skills and knowledge of an applicant are defined on the basis of sectoral qualifications standards and relevant VET programmes. The applicant and the school then agree on a timetable of courses as necessary and a final qualification exam. Individuals who pass the exam organised by a nominated VET provider are awarded a VET diploma. Candidates wishing to recognise non-formal and informal learning can receive all necessary information about the process and the responsible institutions online 62 .

When pursuing VET studies at a higher level, prior learning (or VET programme) is recognised as part of their training programme, affecting the duration of the programme.

Since 2018, the Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) is coordinating a 4-year ESF-funded project 63 for the development of the national system for assessing and recognising competences and qualifications. Within this project, several VET providers with sectoral practical training centres (SPTCs) 64 have been selected and nominated to become competences assessment centres for the assessment of acquired competences. The project activities include the creation of reference material for validation of prior learning (such as a bank of competence assessment tasks), methodologies and methodological tools (with model tasks) for the assessment of competences.

For more information about arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning please visit Cedefop's European database 65 .

Bringing general education (GE) and VET closer together

Raising the attractiveness of VET is a policy priority. In the upper secondary general education path (11th and 12th grades) learners may choose from optional technological modules in textile and clothing; applied art, crafts and design; tourism and nutrition technologies; construction and wood processing; business, management and retail trade; mechanics and repair. Also, some general upper secondary curricula include VET programmes modules. When learners continue their studies in VET, these fields and VET modules are recognised as part of their VET programmes.

Since 2010, a technology subject can be part (on an optional base) of the matura exams at the end of upper secondary general education. It is possible for learners in either general or vocational streams to replace one general education subject with the technology subject.

Measures to improve mobility between VET and higher education

VET graduates who have finished upper secondary education programmes and who choose to continue in higher education have a few advantages over learners coming from general education. Selection criteria and procedures for ranking graduates who apply for higher education studies are defined annually in a specific regulation. This regulation awards an additional enrolment point for graduates from VET in the same field of studies who performed exceptionally, or who have at least 1 year of work experience in this field. This additional point increases their chances of being admitted to a State-funded study place in colleges (professional bachelor programmes) and universities (from 2018).

To enter a higher education institution, at least three matura exams have to be taken. For example, from 2016, Lithuanian language and mathematics exams are compulsory for those willing to receive State funding for their studies. For upper secondary VET graduates who want to enrol in technological higher education programmes (ISCED 655), the final qualification exam may be recognised as a third matura exam.

Many initial VET institutions have agreements on continuation of studies for their graduates in higher education institutions. They also cooperate with higher education institutions (colleges, universities) in drafting programmes that ensure continuity of VET programmes at tertiary level.

Incentives for the young

VET to acquire a first qualification is free of charge. Initial VET learners may receive a student grant (EUR 10-29) and other material support. Based on data from the Lithuanian official statistics portal, around 51% of IVET learners received such a student grant in 2021. Socially disadvantaged learners who do not receive the grant are provided free meals and other material support.

Learners who do not live near the learning institution are provided with hostel accommodation. Based on data from the Centre for Information Technologies in Education, around 99% of those who need hostel accommodation receive it.

Training leave for employees

The Labour Code 66 sets out training leave conditions for employees participating in a VET programme, to prepare and take exams and tests, for consultations, etc. All employees who join a continuing VET course in formal continuing VET programmes at a VET provider are entitled educational leave while retaining their average salary. Since 2015, according to the Labour Code, employees may be granted training leave for up to 5 working days per year to participate in non-formal adult education.

To support participation in continuing VET, tax incentives, grant schemes, paid and unpaid training leave and payback clauses are applied.

Tax incentives for individuals

Tax incentives for individuals for both formal and non-formal VET were introduced in 2008. Persons paying income tax may claim training expenditure in their annual tax return. Up to 25% of training expenditure can be deducted. When a studying resident of Lithuania is not an income tax payer or has no possibility to exercise the right to deduct expenditure for VET or studies from their own income, such expenses may be deducted from their parents' or other family members' income.

Tax incentives for legal entities

Tax incentives for legal entities have been in place since 2005. The Law on Corporate Income Tax (Parliament, 2002) allows deductions for continuing training courses for employees that are linked to their present occupation.

Financial incentives to finance continuing VET

Enterprises and organisations may use the grant schemes available from EU structural funds.

Payback clauses for individuals and future employers were both introduced in 2005. The provisions of the Labour Code allow employers to claim compensation from an employee for the costs of training over the past year if they quit their job before a previously agreed time.

Guidance services and providers

The National education strategy (2013-22) 67 defines career guidance as one of the four strategic priorities for further development in education. Measures aimed at development and provision of face-to-face and online career guidance services are an integral part of strategic action plans dedicated to related policy areas such as employment and social inclusion. The main horizontal policy issues that are linked to and addressed by career guidance are related to labour market relevance of education and training and adult participation in lifelong learning.

The system of lifelong career guidance in Lithuania has changed significantly over the past few years. Career guidance services exist mainly in education institutions and public employment services. Career guidance services for adults are underdeveloped.

Challenges that the career guidance system faces are:

  • improving access to quality career guidance services;
  • developing training and improving professional development opportunities for career counsellors;
  • ensuring the quality of career guidance services;
  • ensuring sustainable funding for career guidance services are some of the challenges that the career guidance system faces.

As defined by the Vocational Guidance Act 68 the main education institutions that provide guidance services (career education, information and counselling) to their learners are general education schools and VET institutions.

Municipalities are responsible for organising and coordinating guidance services within their territory.

Nationwide guidance and counselling is coordinated by the Lithuanian Centre of Non-formal Youth Education. The centre is responsible for methodological assistance and advice to schools and educational support agencies and is involved in training career guidance staff. It ensures accessibility to modern guidance and counselling tools and takes part in nationwide monitoring of guidance services for learners.

The Lithuanian Centre of Non-formal Youth Education, together with the National Education Agency, are responsible for providing quality information on learning opportunities and career planning on the main national web portal on learning opportunities, AIKOS 69 . This is an open information, guidance and counselling system, which addresses students, employees and guidance and counselling personnel. It informs on education and training programmes, providers, qualifications, occupations, admission rules, education and employment statistics. Other education institutions (pedagogical and psychological services, education support agencies, etc.) are involved in providing guidance services to the extent this is related to their functions and the actual guidance needs of the learners.

In the employment sector, the labour ministry is responsible for the career guidance policy related to the provision of quality career information and counselling services for job-seekers (youths and adults) including NEETs. The mandate for the coordination of career guidance services at national level is given to the Public Employment Service (PES). Career guidance (i.e. information and counselling) services for jobseekers (adults and youths) in addition to employment mediation are provided by territorial branches of PES and its structural divisions, youth job centres. They organise info-days on career issues, job fairs, Youth Guarantee promotion events and help students and graduates with finding a job or a traineeship.

The Education Exchange Support Foundation manages the Euroguidance project and disseminates information on good practice examples and guidance and counselling tools in Lithuania and other European countries. It creates various guidance and counselling tools and organises training seminars for guidance practitioners.

Organisation and funding

The education ministry is responsible for career guidance policy related to the provision of quality career education, information and counselling services for pupils, students, adult learners, etc. Organisation and monitoring of career guidance services in general education schools is managed by 60 local municipalities. The mandate for coordination of career guidance services at national level is with the Lithuanian Centre of Non-Formal Youth Education (Career Education Unit).

General education and VET institutions appoint a coordinator who manages guidance-related activities of career guidance staff, class or group tutors, teachers/vocational teachers, social pedagogues, psychologists, and other support staff. They choose their approach to career management skills development: it can be organised as a targeted subject, integrated into other subjects or modules or implemented as extracurricular activity.

Vocational guidance is funded from the 'student basket' and other national and local budgets and sponsors.

Learners can acquire career-related information on learning and job opportunities through information systems and various other activities such as study visits, excursions, meetings with representatives of educational institutions, employers and other people and other events. Vocational activation (profesinis veiklinimas), during which visits to enterprises and lectures are organised, is regarded as one of the most important aspects. Learners are encouraged to experience and learn about different types of work, employment areas, specific characteristics of occupations and career paths.

Please see also:

  • guidance and outreach Lithuania national report 70 ;
  • Cedefop's labour market intelligence toolkit 71 .

Vocational education and training system chart

Programme Types

ECVET or other credits

60 credits/year.

The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 72 ; it may not be more than 110 credits.

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021 formal IVET programmes were carried out by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training at school (labs, school workshops)
  • on-the-job practice / apprenticeships

Work-based learning in the national context is referred to as 'practical training' either at a VET institution or an enterprise. In ISCED 252 programmes it covers 70% of the programme. The last training module (providing 5 to 10 credits, equivalent to 110 to 220 hours) is spent at the workplace.

Main target groups

School-age learners and adults.

Up to 2-year ISCED 252 VET programmes are designed to attract early leavers from education and training back into education or training to acquire a basic VET qualification. Programmes do not lead to a basic education 73 certificate. The main target groups are adults and young people, including special needs students.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

There are no minimum entry requirements, but learners must be at least 14 to enrol. ISCED 252 VET programmes are intended for learners without a basic education 74 certificate, either young people over 14 or adults.

Assessment of learning outcomes

After the end of a VET training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Diplomas/certificates provided

ISCED 252 programmes are accessible to learners without a basic education 75 certificate.

VET learners receive a VET diploma at EQF level 2 (Profesinio mokymo diplomas) giving access to the labour market.

Formal qualifications are recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Room cleaner, bread and cake maker, cook 76 .

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

ISCED 252 programmes do not deliver a basic education certificate. Learners acquire a basic VET diploma giving access to the labour market.

Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 77 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019; new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 78 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

7.22% 79 of VET learners are enrolled in lower secondary VET (ISCED 252 and 254 programmes) compared to the total number of learners enrolled in IVET programmes (lower, upper and post- secondary VET programmes).

No separate statistics are available for EQF level 2/ISCED 252 programmes.

ECVET or other credits

60 credits /year

The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 81 ; it may not be more than 110 credits.

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021 formal IVET programmes were carried out by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training at school (labs, school workshops)
  • on-the-job practice / apprenticeships

Work-based learning in the national context is referred to as 'practical training' either at a VET institution or an enterprise. In ISCED 254 programmes it covers 30% of the programme. The last training module (providing 5 to 10 credits, equivalent to 110 to 220 hours) is spent at the workplace.

Main target groups

The main target groups are school-age learners and adults.

VET ISCED 254 programmes are designed to attract early leavers from education and training back into education or training to acquire a VET qualification and a basic education 82 certificate.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

There are no minimum entry requirements but learners must be at least 14 years old to enrol.

ISCED 254 VET programmes are intended for learners without a basic education 83 certificate, either young people over 14 or adults.

Assessment of learning outcomes

VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

After the end of a training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Learners also received a basic education certificate 84 upon completion of the programme.

Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

The VET qualification obtained allows holders to perform a job or work function 85 .

Diplomas/certificates provided

In ISCED 254 VET programme learners receive a basic vocational qualification (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas) giving access to the labour market and a basic education 86 certificate allowing them to pursue upper secondary studies.

The VET diploma is recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Waiter, bricklayer, plumber 87 .

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

Graduates from ISCED 254 programmes may:

  • enter the labour market;
  • or continue their studies at upper secondary general or VET programmes (prior VET knowledge may be recognised affecting the duration of the programme).
Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 88 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Programme learners receive a basic vocational qualification (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas) and a basic education certificate.

Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019, new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 89 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

7.22% 90 of VET learners are enrolled in lower secondary VET (ISCED 252 and 254 programmes) compared to the total number of learners enrolled in IVET programmes (lower, upper and post- secondary VET programmes).

No separate statistics are available for EQF level 2/ISCED 254 programmes.

ECVET or other credits

ISCED 351 programmes duration is strictly 3375 hours (3 years) irrespective of VET programme volume in ECVET credits 91

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • school-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

Programmes are provided by VET institutions, whose main activity is VET. In 2021, formal IVET programmes were carried out by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies

17-34 % 92

Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)

Usually work-based learning is implemented in practical training workshops in schools.

Main target groups

School-age learners and adults (until 21 years).

ISCED 351 training programmes are intended to provide a VET diploma at EQF level 2 for those with special education needs related to intellectual disabilities who have completed an individualised basic education programme and a social skills programme.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

There are no minimum entry requirements, programmes are open for those who completed 10 years of learning in basic (lower secondary school).

Assessment of learning outcomes

After the end of a VET training programme, learners take an adjusted exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Exam tasks are adjusted as necessary according to learner characteristics. Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Diplomas/certificates provided

ISCED 351 programmes are accessible to learners without a basic education 93 certificate.

VET learners receive a VET diploma at EQF level 2 (Profesinio mokymo diplomas) giving access to the labour market.

Formal qualifications are recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Brick-layer, room cleaner, bread and cake maker, cook 94 .

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

ISCED 351 programmes do not deliver a matura certificate. Learners acquire a VET diploma giving access to the labour market. They may also continue learning in other VET programmes leading to EQF 2 level qualifications.

Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification, may have their prior learning 95 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019; new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 96 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

No separate statistics are available for ISCED 351 programmes.

ECVET or other credits

30 to 110 credits depending on the complexity of the programme. The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 97 .

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021 formal IVET programmes were carried out by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training at school (labs, school workshops)
  • on-the-job practice / apprenticeships

Work-based learning in the national context is referred to as 'practical training' either at a VET institution or an enterprise. In ISCED 352 programmes it covers 70% of the programme. The last training module (providing 5 to 10 credits, equivalent to 110 to 220 hours) is spent at the workplace.

Main target groups

Upper secondary school-based VET programmes (ISCED 352) are accessible to learners having completed basic education 98 . They do not lead to an upper secondary general education matura certificate 99 .

The 2-year training programme is accessible to both young people (including those with special educational needs related to hearing impairment) and adults.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

Only holders of a basic education 100 certificate may enter these programmes.

Assessment of learning outcomes

VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

After the end of a training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out at nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Diplomas/certificates provided

In ISCED 352 VET programme learners receive a vocational qualification at EQF level 3 (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas) giving access to the labour market.

The VET diploma is recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Railroad builder, road worker, metal construction assembler

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

Graduates from ISCED 352 programmes may:

  • enter the labour market.
Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 101 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019, new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 102 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

56.04% 103 of VET learners in upper secondary VET (ISCED 352 and 354 programmes) compared with the total number of learners enrolled in IVET programmes (lower, upper and post- secondary VET programmes).

No separate statistics are available for EQF level 3/ISCED 352 programmes.

ECVET or other credits

30 to 110 credits depending on the complexity of the programme.

The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 104 .

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021 formal IVET programmes were provided by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training at school (labs, school workshops)
  • on-the-job practice / apprenticeships

Work-based learning in the national context is referred to as 'practical training' either at a VET institution or an enterprise. In ISCED 354 programmes it covers 33% of the programme. The last training module (providing 5 to 10 credits, equivalent to 110 to 220 hours) is spent at the workplace.

Main target groups

ISCED 354 programmes are accessible to learners (including those with special educational needs related to hearing impairment) having completed basic education 106 .

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

Only holders of a basic education 107 certificate may enter these programmes.

Assessment of learning outcomes

VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

After the end of a training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out at nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Learners pass an exam to obtain also the general education matura certificate giving access to higher education.

Diplomas/certificates provided

VET learners receive a vocational qualification at EQF level 4 (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas) and the matura (Brandos atestatas) general education certificate at EQF level 4 giving access to higher education.

In exceptional cases, programmes which are registered at ISCED 354 level may lead also to a vocational qualification at EQF level 3 (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas). Examples of such qualifications: waiter-barman, cook, etc.

The VET diploma is recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Guest service worker, barmen, confectioner 108

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

Graduates from ISCED 354 programmes may:

  • enter the labour market; or
  • enter post-secondary ISCED 454 VET programmes (prior VET knowledge may be recognised affecting the duration of the programme);
  • enter higher VET non-academic programmes delivered in colleges (a type of higher education institution (EQF 6/ISCED 655);
  • enter higher education academic programmes (EQF 6/ISCED 645, EQF 7/ISCED 746).
Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 109 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019; new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 110 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

56.04% 111 of VET learners in upper secondary VET (ISCED 352 and 354 programmes) compared with the total number of learners enrolled in IVET programmes (lower, upper and post- secondary VET programmes).

No separate statistics are available for EQF level 3/ISCED 354 programmes.

ECVET or other credits

30 to 110 credits depending on the programme complexity. The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 112 .

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021 formal IVET programmes were provided by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training at school (labs, school workshops)
  • on-the-job practice / apprenticeships

Work-based learning in the national context is referred to as 'practical training' either at a VET institution or an enterprise. In ISCED 454 programmes it covers 70% of the programme. The last training module (providing 5 to 10 credits, equivalent to 110 to 220 hours) is spent at the workplace.

Main target groups

ISCED 454 programmes are accessible to learners over 18.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

Post-secondary VET is available to those having completed upper secondary education (awarded the matura certificate) or completed individualised or adapted secondary education programmes (for those who have special educational needs).

Assessment of learning outcomes

VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

After the end of a training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded.

Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Diplomas/certificates provided

VET learners receive a vocational qualification (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas at EQF level 4.

The VET diploma is recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Electronic equipment adjuster, landscaper, scaffold builder, installer of pipelines 114

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

Graduates from post-secondary ISCED 454 programmes may

  • enter the labour market;
  • enter higher VET non-academic programmes delivered in colleges (a type of higher education institution (EQF 6/ISCED 655);
  • enter higher education academic programmes (EQF 6/ISCED 645, EQF 7/ISCED 746).
Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 115 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was completed by the end of 2019; new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 116 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

36.74% 117 VET learners in post- secondary VET compared with the total number of learners enrolled in IVET programmes (lower, upper and post- secondary VET programmes).

ECVET or other credits

3-year programme - 180 credits. One national credit corresponds to one ECTS credit.

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • classroom-based learning
  • in-company learning

In terms of credits allocation:

  • compulsory subjects (141 credits),
  • specialisation subjects (15 credits),
  • general subjects of college studies (15 credits), and
  • optional subjects (9 credits).
Main providers

Higher education colleges (Universities of applied science) (Kolegija)

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies

Work-based learning (in colleges or companies) covers at least one-third of the study programme; from this (30 ECTS credits points) the practical placement in companies might last up to 6 months.

Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training in colleges (labs, workshops)
  • practical training placements / apprenticeships
Main target groups

ISCED 655 programmes are accessible to learners over 18 (including those with special educational needs related to hearing impairment) having completed upper secondary education 118 .

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

HE VET is available to those having completed upper secondary education (awarded the matura certificate, or completed individualised or adapted secondary education programmes, for those who have special educational needs).

Assessment of learning outcomes

After the end of the programme, learners must take an exam after which a professional bachelor diploma is awarded. The higher education institution organises its own examinations according to the study outcomes set out in the study description.

Diplomas/certificates provided

Learners receive a Professional bachelor degree studies (Professional bachelor diploma - Profesinio bakalauro diplomas) at EQF level 6.

The diploma is recognised by the HE institutions and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Software engineering (professional bachelor in informatics); tourism management (professional bachelor in business); management of cultural activity (professional bachelor in business).

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

Graduates from post-secondary ISCED 655 programmes may:

  • enter the labour market;
  • enter higher education academic programmes (EQF 6/ISCED 645, EQF 7/ISCED 746).
Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning

A higher education institution may include the results of student partial studies, formal, non-formal and informal learning in the scope of the study programme.

General education subjects


Key competences


  • communication in the mother tongue (Lithuanian)
  • foreign languages
  • social/civic competences
  • entrepreneurship
Application of learning outcomes approach


All HE VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 119 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

34.25% 120

ECVET or other credits

20 to 90 credits depending on the programme.

The scope of a formal VET programme was set by ministerial order in November 2018 121 .

The volume of 1 year of formal vocational training is 60 learning credits. The scope of the formal vocational training programme may not be less than 30 learning credits (20 for CVET) and more than 110 learning credits (90 for CVET).

Learning forms (e.g. dual, part-time, distance)
  • School-based group learning, where a teacher-led group (class, joint class, VET group, subgroup, temporary group, special medical physical fitness group or other) is set up for a certain period. It can be implemented part-time or remotely;
  • individual learning, where, for a certain period, a student gets individual tuition, or s/he individually and periodically attends a group and/or individual teacher consultations. It can be implemented individually, independently or remotely.
Main providers

Main providers of formal CVET programmes are labour market training centres and IVET institutions. Formal CVET is designed for people with different education attainment levels, from primary to post-secondary.

The Law on VET stipulates that a VET provider may be any VET institution, a freelance teacher or any other provider (general education school, enterprise, organisation whose main activity is other than VET) authorised to develop and implement VET programmes. VET providers may accept learners and provide formal VET programmes after receiving a licence from the education ministry. VET providers may have licences for both IVET and CVET.

In 2021, formal IVET programmes were provided by 57 State VET institutions and three private ones. 226 institutions, whose main activity is other than VET, specialise just in CVET.

Share of work-based learning provided by schools and companies


Formal CVET programmes (accessible to learners over 18) lead to recognised vocational qualifications EQF levels 2-4. In CVET, practical training covers 60-80% of the programme.

Work-based learning type (workshops at schools, in-company training / apprenticeships)
  • practical training in labour market training centres
  • on-the-job practice / in-company training (apprenticeships)
Main target groups
  • programmes for the unemployed
  • programmes for those notified of dismissal
  • programmes for adults willing to change qualification or improve particular competences.

Training for the unemployed and for those who have been notified of dismissal is organised via formal CVET programmes listed in the national register of qualifications 122 . The local public employment service 123 is responsible for training the unemployed. The unemployed and those notified of dismissal are referred to training providers, which they have chosen from the list published on the public employment service website.

Training programmes are organised taking into account the specific needs of employers. Most unemployed individuals follow programmes agreed with employers; these are obliged to hire the unemployed individuals for a period of at least 6 months after training. Where it is agreed with the employer, practical training is organised at the workplace.

Entry requirements for learners (qualification/education level, age)

Entry requirements are included in the programme (the basic education requirement is linked to EQF/ LTQF level 3, and secondary education requirement to EQF/ LTQF level 4).

Assessment of learning outcomes

VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

After the end of a training programme, learners must take an exam after which a VET diploma is awarded. Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions (different types of accredited assessment centres exist, including those established by social partners, enterprises and employers’ associations).

Diplomas/certificates provided

VET learners receive a vocational qualification (VET diploma - Profesinio mokymo diplomas).

The VET diploma is recognised by the education and training and labour authorities.

Examples of qualifications

Water treatment plant operator, building insulator, confectioner 124

Progression opportunities for learners after graduation

After completing a formal CVET programme learners may enter the labour market.

Destination of graduates

Information not available

Awards through validation of prior learning


Qualification exams are detached from the training process and are carried out by nominated VET institutions together with assessors from accredited institutions. Applicants participating in the exam to acquire a formal VET qualification may have their prior learning 125 assessed and certified (credits) based on the VET standards set for the given qualification.

General education subjects


Key competences


The ESF-funded programme to develop key competences curricula in all VET programmes was implemented by the end of 2019; new sectoral qualification standards/modular programmes on key competences were developed by 2021.

Application of learning outcomes approach


All VET programmes are based on learning outcomes.

The national qualification system (LTQF) is based on learning outcomes / level descriptors defined according to two parameters: focusing on activity characteristics (complexity, autonomy and variability) and on types of competences (functional, cognitive and general) 126 .

Share of learners in this programme type compared with the total number of VET learners

Information not available