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This webinar will discuss the challenges faced by countries (and refugees) when trying to recognize the skills and talents of refugees and integrate them into the labour market as well as the possible ways that different actors have been trying to overcome such obstacles. The objective is to foster a discussion to think of possible solutions already implemented in some countries and that could be replicated in others.

The integration of refugees and migrants into EU labour markets and the associated self-reliance of people concerned is one of the most important challenges in the area of ​​integration. To build on qualifications that were acquired abroad, they must first be recognized. Procedures for recognition of foreign degrees and skills, however, are often complicated and responsibilities not always clear. Although the importance of recognition of competences and qualifications is widely acknowledged most countries still face a tedious, long and inefficient process.

While recognition of skills is a challenge for the integration of migrant workers in general, applicants and beneficiaries of international protection face a number of particular challenges because they are often unable to provide documentation of their level of education, training or skills. Therefore many face challenges making their skills visible and work in jobs below their qualification – often also related to a lack of language skills.

The webinar is organized in the context of two initiatives:

  • First, it emerged from a cooperation established between the Portuguese High Commission for Migration (ACM), and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) as a result of Cedefop’s work on “Complementary Pathways for Adult Refugees – the Role of Skills and Vocational Training”.
  • Secondly, ICMPD is partner of a Horizon 2020 research project “TRAFIG” which looks into the role of mobility and networks to create solutions for displaced people. Both initiatives investigate – among others - the potential of “complementary pathways” or “intra-EU relocation” of refugees based on their skills and the skills in demand in EU countries, such as Portugal.

As the recognition of skills is central in such concepts and also central to regular labour market integration of refugees in Portugal this webinar aims to spot a light on promising practices from EU countries and the challenges in the recognition of qualification of skills.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
Virtual event
Event venue
Virtual Event
Invitation only
Cedefop involvement

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Webinar Agenda - Recognition of Skills



Ramona David
Ioannis Katsikis
Expert - ReferNet coordinator