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Over the period 2017-20, Cedefop will continue to respond to changing needs.

Policy developments bring new needs and Cedefop is adapting to meet them. Stakeholders want to know how labour market and vocational education and training (VET) developments interact. Various groups of Member States want support to implement aspects of European VET policy and opportunities to share experience.

Reflecting these needs, Cedefop’s programming document 2017-20 outlines a medium-term plan on how to help the European Commission, Member States and social partners develop and implement policies to improve VET.

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Berufsbildungspolitik gestalten, nutzbar machen und erklären

DE 812.83 KB

Berufsbildungspolitik gestalten, nutzbar machen und erklären

DE 409.69 KB

Διαμορφώνοντας, αξιοποιώντας και ενημερώνοντας την πολιτική της επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης


Διαμορφώνοντας, αξιοποιώντας και ενημερώνοντας την πολιτική της επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης

EL 427.32 KB

Shaping, valuing and informing vocational education and training policy

EN 729.11 KB

Shaping, valuing and informing vocational education and training policy

EN 404.97 KB

Dar forma, valorar e informar sobre la política de formación profesional

ES 792.19 KB

Dar forma, valorar e informar sobre la política de formación profesional

ES 405.21 KB

Définir, valoriser et éclairer la politique de formation professionnelle

FR 936.68 KB

Définir, valoriser et éclairer la politique de formation professionnelle

FR 391.81 KB

Definire, valorizzare e informare le politiche di istruzione e formazione professionale

IT 874.25 KB

Definire, valorizzare e informare le politiche di istruzione e formazione professionale

IT 401.85 KB

Kształtowanie, zwiększanie wartości i dostarczanie informacji dla polityk z zakresu edukacji i szkoleń zawodowych

PL 894.18 KB

Kształtowanie, zwiększanie wartości i dostarczanie informacji dla polityk z zakresu edukacji i szkoleń zawodowych

PL 429.12 KB

Desenvolver, valorizar e informar a política de ensino e formação profissional

PT 854.11 KB

Desenvolver, valorizar e informar a política de ensino e formação profissional

PT 408.34 KB