Policy developments in Netherlands

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  • Strategy/Action plan
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Displaying 1 - 45 of 45 policy developments
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Goals and objectives of the policy development.

CompetentNL aims to develop a national, connecting skill language that makes transparent which knowledge, skills and competences are relevant to the labour market and which training courses people can take to develop any missing skills. The more parties use the same skills language, the more valuable the insight into skills are for an individual:

  1. companies can recognise the skills of an applicant or worker;
  2. education institutions can make targeted decisions on granting exemptions;
  3. ...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The government is investing in the development of a skills-oriented labour market. This entails describing the required knowledge, skills and behaviours for the performance of activities in terms of skills: a common skills language, called CompetentNL, is being developed for this purpose. CompetentNL is an online skills dictionary in which all possible skills are categorised and described and which is linked to the complete and continuously updated VET qualification structure. CompetentNL...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
  • Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
  • Dutch organisation for applied natural science research (TNO)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The Lifelong learning catalyst (LLO katalysator) aims to achieve an independently functioning lifelong learning ecosystem in which organisations (for example companies) and professionals (adult learners) can adequately respond to the rapidly changing labour market and society. This should lead to higher participation in lifelong learning and thus strengthen economic growth.

The role of the catalyst is to:

  1. initiate and coordinate cooperation between education, business, and government;
  2. ...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Lifelong learning catalyst (LLO katalysator) is an initiative of VET colleges, applied universities and research universities to boost life-long learning nationally and regionally. The LLO katalysator project, from 2022 to 2027, focuses on various objectives, including the demand-oriented development of (modular) training programmes.

The education ministry is responsible for the project. To achieve the project's goals, all educational/knowledge institutions, MBO-HBO-WO, work together...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Universities of the Netherlands (Universiteiten van Nederland)
  • Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal of the action plan and the related set of measures is to improve the quality of citizenship education in VET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Citizenship education plays a vital role in preparing students for full participation and functioning in society. In the Netherlands, this means fostering a culture of mutual respect, upholding democratic principles and the rule of law, and recognising and respecting individual freedoms. It also means empowering people by strengthening their civic and social skills, and enabling them to develop critical thinking and functioning in society. This includes understanding one's rights and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Inspectorate of Education
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal of the programme Npuls is to improve VET and higher education and the agility of education, and make better use of the opportunities of digitalisation. This should lead to several outcomes.

  1. Easier access for learners (aged 16-99) to education that meets their personal needs, knowledge, and skills, both within and outside their educational institution.
  2. Increased opportunities for lecturers to innovate in their teaching.
  3. More efficient and effective response by education...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

This development consists of an eight-year programme in which all 113 education institutions in upper secondary vocational education (MBO, HBO and WO) and higher education (post-secondary and higher education) cooperate. They are joining forces to enable system transformation in education. The programme is led by the education ministry and is funded by the National Growth Fund. It has a budget of EUR 560 million. In the programme four action areas are created.

Transformation hubs


Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Foundation for Education and ICT (Stichting Kennisnet)
  • Cooperation organisation of VET colleges on ICT (MBO digitaal)
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen)
  • Universities of the Netherlands (Universiteiten van Nederland)
  • Cooperative association of Dutch educational and research institutions on IT (SURF)
  • Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. Providing extra attention to the well-being of students, and VET students in particular, is an important assignment for the future.
  2. Providing VET colleges with tools and tips to monitor and improve the well-being of students and prevent the spread of compromising images of students and teachers in order to create a safe environment, both within and outside the boundaries of the school.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

There is increasing attention for the well-being of VET-students, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ministry set up different measures to improve the mental well-being of VET students and to monitor this.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Foundation for Education and ICT (Stichting Kennisnet)
  • School and Safety Foundation (Stichting School en Veiligheid)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The goal of the National education programme is to reduce learning disadvantages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be special attention to the quality of education and the well-being of students. The scope of education delays will be made clear and the understanding of which interventions are most effective will increase. Education equality will also be promoted.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

COVID-19 caused a delay in studies for many students. To recover from these delays, the Dutch government has made EUR 8.5 billion available for a national education support programme for recovery and perspective (Nationaal Programma Onderwijs: steunprogramma voor herstel en perspectief, NPO), of which EUR 2.7 billion has been reserved for measures in upper secondary vocational education programmes. Over the next 2 school years (2020/21 and 2021/22), VET colleges may choose from a menu of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Schools need to evolve from emergency remote teaching to well-considered digitalisation, structurally anchoring flexible and blended learning. This could also improve the connection to the labour market. This programme has three main pillars:

  1. adapting the content of education;
  2. achieving flexibility in education;
  3. facilitating digitalisation of learning


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Further promoting digitalisation in VET is considered fundamental to achieving the ambitions for upper secondary VET (MBO) set in the administrative agreement between the education ministry and the MBO Raad. Well-considered digital education requires a different didactic approach, specific skills and new tools for teachers. For the practical implementation of the agreement, a programme was drawn up called the Continuing digitalising programme (Doorpakken op digitalisering).

The programme...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Cooperation organisation of VET colleges on ICT (saMBO-ICT) (until 2020)
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Cooperation organisation of VET colleges on ICT (MBO digitaal)
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives of this policy development are:

  1. supporting young adults at a distance from the labour market to acquire economic independence;
  2. preventing long-term unemployment among young people as a response to the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In the Cabinet’s response, 14 measures were announced that focus on tackling youth unemployment and preventing early leaving from education and training. The most significant measures that focus on employment are:

  1. making explicit which bodies are responsible at a local and regional level;
  2. supporting life coaching arrangements;
  3. promoting guidance for young people after graduation.

The country’s approach to tackling youth unemployment caused by the pandemic has a regional focus and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the improvement agenda for inclusive education in VET for 2020-25 is to further ease the entry of special needs learners and learners with disabilities to VET and give them the adequate extra guidance they need to complete a VET programme.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In October 2020, the education ministry presented to parliament (in a policy letter) the Improvement agenda for inclusive education in VET for 2020-25.

In this letter, the minister, based on the evaluation of inclusive education in VET (Passend Onderwijs in het MBO) and on advice from the Education Council (Onderwijsraad), both issued in 2020, concluded that although learners are mostly satisfied with the support provided by VET schools, there is still room for improvement. The importance...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The approach, apart from preventing early leaving from education and training, also has the objective of easing the path of young early leavers from education and training back to school or to work.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Since March 2020, the education ministry has issued three policy letters discussing the new approach to further combat early leaving from education and training and support young early leavers achieving sustainable economic independence.

In the first letter (March 2020), the government and various stakeholders from education and the labour market (including employers’ organisations) expressed their joint intention to focus on apprenticeships (dual pathway) to help working, young dropouts to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The teacher portfolio is an online tool developed for teachers to give substance to their professional development. The portfolio enables teachers to keep track of their professional development and competences and record both formal and informal learning. It also features a catalogue functionality with courses, training and other education opportunities. Teachers can build their own portfolio and use the tool as a network to establish contact with other teachers. The portfolio is a...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

One of the priorities of the labour ministry is to stimulate the employability of SME employees. The budget of the Learning and development incentive scheme for SMEs (SLIM-regeling) is dedicated to creating learning environments within companies and to facilitate employees engaging in (parts of) a VET course in working time.

The objective of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is to mitigate shortages of technical staff by stimulating SMEs to engage in retraining and upskilling activities.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The labour ministry took action to stimulate lifelong learning in SMEs by launching the Learning and development incentive scheme for SMEs (SLIM-regeling) in 2020. SME entrepreneurs can apply for a subsidy up to EUR 25 000. The total amount allocated to the scheme is EUR 50 million. Larger companies (non-SMEs) in the hospitality, agriculture and recreation sectors can also apply for a subsidy, as well as partnerships of SMEs, sector organisations, sector training funds, education...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the law is to achieve a better match between the training offer and labour market demands and subsequently a more efficient spatial distribution of the training offer for labour market needs and accessibility for learners (travelling distances).


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Self-regulation is a tradition in the VET sector, but the Act on macro-efficiency in VET gives the Minister for Education the right to deprive a VET college of its rights in case of non-compliance with one of the following obligations:

  1. to allocate learners to courses with a sufficient labour market perspective;
  2. to achieve an efficient regional distribution of VET programmes.

The Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad) and the Cooperation organisation for vocational education,...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Commission on Macro efficiency MBO (CMMBO)
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The education ministry, following the suggestion of the Education Council, will develop a new system of teacher qualifications to make room for career moves within and between the education sectors. The initiative refers to teachers in primary education, secondary education and VET.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The education ministry aims to design compact qualifications, which can be combined in different ways. For example, a teacher will be able to specialise in one subject in primary, secondary and vocational education or in a number of subjects in one education sector, or in a combination of subjects and education sectors. Current and future teachers will be the beneficiaries.

The design of the teacher training courses in a modular system should allow for stacking competences, fitting within...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The government aims to:

  1. improve the links between the demand and supply side of the adult training market;
  2. increase participation in funded lifelong development activities, for instance by replacing the tax training deduction scheme with a subsidy: the STAP budget (Stimulans ArbeidsmarktPositie).

Through the Subsidy scheme for flexible vocational education third pathway VET, the education and labour ministries intend to stimulate public and private VET institutions and emerging new...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Several measures have been developed by the education and labour ministries to stimulate enrolment in lifelong learning. The measures concern both the supply side and the demand side of the adult training market.

On the supply side, the education ministry has introduced three initiatives to stimulate the development of flexible VET and higher professional education courses, responding to the needs of (working) adults.

Through the Subsidy scheme for flexible vocational education third...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Council for private providers of education and training (NRTO)
  • National association of employers (VNO-NCW/MKB Nederland)
  • National umbrella organisation of social partners (Stichting van de Arbeid)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objectives of this action plan are:

  1. the reduction of fragmentation in the field of research;
  2. the alignment of research with development needs at school level;
  3. making scientific knowledge retrievable and accessible to users in schools;
  4. the improvement of education professional’s ability to assess education decisions on the basis of scientific insights;
  5. providing more time and money for research and development (R&D) in education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2019, five associations representing all education sectors launched an action plan to strengthen the knowledge infrastructure in education. A working group will set up an agenda for the near future and will give substance to the aim of strengthening the knowledge infrastructure with the involvement of various parties, such as education researchers, experts and teachers. The working group will advise the sector councils and the education ministry on how to proceed.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Council for Primary Education (PO-Raad)
  • Council for Secondary Education (VO-raad)
  • Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen)
  • Association of Universities (VSNU) (until 2022)
  • Universities of the Netherlands (Universiteiten van Nederland)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO)
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The legislation aims to strengthen the position of upper secondary VET students via six measures.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Although the law focuses on VET students in a vulnerable position, it is also relevant to all VET students.

The legislation introduces VET student funds and a fund at each VET institution for the support of vulnerable students aiming to reduce dropout rates due to financial reasons. Each public VET college (MBO) is responsible for creating its own VET student fund. For this purpose, it may use resources from the general funding it receives from the government (lump sum). The lump sum will...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The reform puts VMBO in a better position to:

  1. respond to changes and needs of upper secondary VET and the regional labour market;
  2. address the decline in student numbers and fragmentation.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

New programmes in pre-vocational secondary education were introduced in August 2016, renovating content (in line with modern occupational practice and curriculum developments in upper secondary VET-MBO) and structure (over 30 programmes will be replaced by 10 flexible profiles).

In February 2017 and May 2018, the education ministry sent a letter to parliament on the subject of Strong VET (Sterk beroepsonderwijs). Following the advice of the Education Council in June 2015 and in response to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2014, a revision of teacher requirements was proposed by the national teacher body Onderwijscoöperatie, which represents the teaching profession. The revised requirements were approved by the education ministry in 2015 and have become effective as of 2017. Formal requirements were divided into three categories:

  1. subject content requirements;
  2. didactical requirements;
  3. pedagogical requirements.

Teachers in primary education, in secondary education and senior secondary vocational...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of these programmes is to ensure new teachers will be better skilled and to allow candidates to make an informed decision on whether teaching is an appropriate career choice. The latter goal was specifically relevant for people considering training for a teaching career in secondary education and senior secondary vocational education. Another aim of the partnerships is to reinforce a learning culture within schools. Finally, it is expected that the teaching profession will become...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

School-higher education partnerships have been encouraged nationally within the policy measure Reinforcement of collaboration between initial teacher training institutes and schools 2013-16. The partnerships aimed at collaboratively designing initial teacher training curricula and coordinating internships. In 2016, six upper secondary vocational education partnerships between initial teacher training institutes and (regional) schools were organised and granted a subsidy. The scheme ended in...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In February 2017, the education ministry published an action plan on teacher shortage. The plan is being implemented to encourage regional stakeholders to stimulate circular careers and hybrid teaching to tackle shortages of (technical) teachers.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Teacher register bill, approved by the Cabinet in 2015, made enrolment of teachers in the register mandatory from 2017 onwards. By being registered, teachers are able to demonstrate that they have the right qualifications, keep their knowledge and skills up to date and keep abreast of the latest developments in their field. The register was an initiative by the teachers' forum (Onderwijscoöperatie), which represents the various bodies for the teaching profession. It has been possible for...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

From 2016 onwards, teacher training colleges (higher professional education) have offered programmes for a VET teaching qualification at bachelor level. More specifically, the vocational education specialisation track has been introduced in teacher training bachelor programmes. The aim of this specialisation is to prepare teachers adequately for pre-vocational secondary education and upper secondary vocational education. Before the implementation of this measure, teacher training focused...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives of this joint action plan are:

  1. increasing the reach out to illiterate people who have Dutch as their native language;
  2. promoting adults' digital skills;
  3. promoting basic skills, including numeracy, via in-company training;
  4. supporting children and young people with a language deficiency;
  5. increasing efficiency through research and monitoring;
  6. promoting decentralisation of the action;
  7. introducing independent points of expertise.

The objectives of this action plan...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Part of the new approach is to reach out to illiterate people who have Dutch as their native language. The new joint action plan to tackle illiteracy also includes more emphasis on digital skills for adults.

The government announced on 18 March 2019 the allocation of EUR 425 million for the period 2020-24 to tackle illiteracy. This is a EUR 35 million increase compared to the budget for 2015-19. Municipalities will receive more money to increase the scope and quality of their (language)...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Count on language action plan 2016-19 (Tel Mee met Taal, EUR 18 million annual budget) introduced a joint action programme of several ministries to improve social and labour market participation, primarily of adults with insufficient literacy skills. In 2016/17, innovative projects supporting adults lacking literacy, numeracy and digital skills were started and research projects on literacy and the promotion of reading were launched. This initiative also supported parents in providing...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the Civic Agenda 2017-21 is to encourage all VET colleges to offer high-quality citizenship education meeting the different education needs of VET learners.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2017, the education ministry and the Association of VET colleges (MBO Raad), representing all VET schools, launched an agenda to strengthen civic competences of VET learners by updating VET curricula. In cooperation with the Knowledge point citizenship in VET, schools are being supported in implementing the Civic Agenda 2017-21.

A self-evaluation tool will be made available to schools by mid-2020. This instrument will enable schools to assess their starting situation and current approach...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The 2016 maths agenda, agreed by the education ministry, education providers and social partners, aims to improve maths education in secondary education and in VET. The agenda has introduced several initiatives to motivate, facilitate and stimulate teachers and learners to improve the quality of teaching, resulting in improvements in basic maths competence and language. In addition to EUR 52 million distributed to VET schools annually, the education ministry has provided extra funding for...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Within the Youth unemployment action plan (Aanpak jeugdwerkloosheid) 2015-16, work agreements (werkakkoorden) have been concluded (75 in 2015; ended in 2017) between employer organisations, trade unions, large employers, and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. In these agreements, employers express their intention to support young people in finding a job by offering them a place to learn. Employers are also invited to open up jobs to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The VPL system has been evaluated and, since 2016, the results have led to developing a new system in which there are two different paths for validating prior learning:

  1. the labour market route;
  2. the education route.

VPL tools are, for example, intake-assessment, e-portfolios, competence tests and ECVET elements. If a formal VPL procedure is followed, it can result in the award of an experience certificate (ervaringscertificaat). Since January 2016, an examination support body...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Examination support body (Servicepunt Examinering) (until 2018)
  • Expertise centre for examination and education (Kennispunt Onderwijs en Examinering)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives are to:

  1. support adult transition to a new job;
  2. support reintegration into the labour market;
  3. update skills and competences in an efficient and cost-effective way.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

A national coordination point for ECVET (NCP ECVET) was set up and became part of the Dutch partnership for lifelong learning on 1 January 2015. The Dutch NCP ECVET promotes the awareness and availability of ECVET principles by providing information and supporting implementation.

ECVET has been piloted in mobility projects where learning outcomes acquired abroad are transferred between the participating countries. In 2015, 10 pilot projects were run with the aim of supporting adult...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2015 and 2016, following letters to parliament on the progress of lifelong learning policy, the Cabinet announced its intention to make upper secondary VET and higher education programmes more flexible and tailor-made. This would be done through voucher experiments (pilots) in higher education and the introduction of certificates (parts of a full diploma/qualification) in upper secondary, non-publicly financed VET. The measures are intended to make VET more accessible for adults.


Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Commission on demand-based funding VET (Commissie vraagfinanciering mbo)
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives are to:

  1. improve the link between VET and the dynamics of the labour market;
  2. ensure a better connection to higher professional education (HBO);
  3. increase the quality of education;
  4. increase student satisfaction and reduce dropout.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In a September 2015 policy letter (Kamerbrief met visie op mbo), the education ministry drew attention to 21st century skills, their relevance for VET and ways to develop them. The letter announced an evaluation of the implementation process of the renewed qualifications framework and its effect on VET courses in the years ahead, and to assess whether further steps were needed to adapt VET qualifications for the future. Qualifications already included key competences such as the Dutch and...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In September 2016, the Secretary of State for Education announced in a letter to parliament measures to improve career orientation and guidance in general and in vocational education. The most important actions implemented were:

  1. in collaboration with stakeholders (e.g. sector councils, teacher associations, education institutions, the Expertise centre for guidance), competence profiles of school-based experts in career orientation and guidance were designed. An overview of career...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.
  1. to tackle problems in the transition from pre-vocational secondary education (VMBO) to upper secondary VET; and
  2. to strengthen the position of learners.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Almost in parallel to the introduction of the Action plan for equal opportunities, new legislation to ensure the right of enrolment in VET for all (Wetsvoorstel aanmelddatum en toelatingsrecht MBO) was adopted in October 2016 and came into force in August 2017. The law paved the way for better guidance before and during transition. It brought forward the registration date (1 April) for all students moving from pre-vocational secondary education to upper secondary VET. This change was...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The objective of this act is to give Ad programmes an independent profile and position.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2016, the education ministry proposed ending the connection with bachelor programmes and giving Ad a stand-alone position. In February 2017, the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, WHW) was amended accordingly.

Since 2018, Ad has become a stand-alone programme. Consequently, these programmes should respond better to labour market and adult learners' needs. A greater variety of Ad programmes will also better suit the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objective of this policy is to combat the problem of high youth unemployment among migrants confronted with difficulties in finding an internship.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In 2015, within the City deals programme, the labour ministry concluded agreements with the Netherlands' five main cities: Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, Leeuwarden, Zaanstad (including: their municipalities, schools, the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), employers and intermediate organisations). Measures already developed include awareness-raising meetings in schools and training courses for internship coordinators, teachers and students. A toolbox with methods to tackle the problem has...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The main objectives of the action plan are to:

  1. support MBO graduates to successfully complete their first year of higher professional education;
  2. develop networks for experience sharing;
  3. strengthen parental involvement;
  4. invest in cultural education in pre-vocational education;
  5. fund initiatives to involve role models (senior students) from higher professional education or universities in supporting young people who, given their socio-economic background, are not familiar with higher...


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In response to a range of surveys showing that students do not always have equal opportunities, and the trend of growing inequality, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science submitted to parliament in October 2016 an action plan for equal opportunities in education. As of October 2017, schools, municipalities and other regional institutes could apply for a grant for the development of interventions, research and knowledge sharing to support equal opportunities. An additional budget of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen)
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The aim of the experiment (pilot) is to investigate whether vocational education based on qualifications with national and regional components:

  1. improves the link between education and the regional labour market;
  2. strengthens teacher and employer ownership of programme development;
  3. strengthens the quality and innovation of education.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The Making room for the region initiative, approved in 2018, will allow VET colleges (MBO schools) to draw up regional elements in national qualifications in cooperation with the (regional) business community. The new qualifications would be based on national qualifications (60% of the teaching time should be based on the national qualification) providing substantial room for addressing regional needs. A secondary aim of the initiative is to strengthen teacher ownership of programme...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Cross-over qualifications combine elements of several qualifications from different domains to create innovative training programmes. The first application period for the experiment (pilot) in cross-over qualifications in MBOs lasted until 15 September 2016. Applications submitted before this date could offer cross-over qualifications in the school year 2017/18.

This initiative offered an alternative route for developing cross-over qualifications. Apart from the regular route where...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Public and private VET providers and the Minister for Education, Culture and Science have agreed on an agenda on examination quality in Dutch VET for 2015-20. The agenda includes the validation of exams by an external body and the independence of the committee that issues VET diplomas. These arrangements will not apply to all exams, only to those that are developed through agreements in which schools do not participate.

In addition, legislative amendments were introduced primarily to ease...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In a 2020 letter to parliament, the education ministry announced that a new inspection framework (2021-25) will be developed. The inspectorate will further implement the principle of proportionate supervision; supervision and its intensity will depend on the quality delivered. Schools are expected to jointly develop and commit to more ambitious benchmark values. CINOP, the EQAVET national reference point, and the Quality network of upper secondary VET schools (kwaliteitsnetwerk mbo) will...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Inspectorate of Education
  • CINOP (EQAVET national reference point)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Regulation/Legislation


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Quality agreements centre on a (partly) performance-based funding scheme introduced in 2015. They were concluded between public upper secondary VET schools (MBO schools) and the education ministry and monitored by account managers (ministry officials). Employer organisations, the student organisation JOB, and the Professional Association of Teachers (BVMBO) have a consultative and supportive role. Based on quality agreements, public VET providers have set goals and make plans to improve...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The statutory duty of SBB and the main objective of the SBB sector chambers' activities is to facilitate and guarantee enough work placements, either internships or apprenticeships.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

In July 2015, the 2009 apprenticeship protocol was updated. In August 2015 the responsibility for accreditation of the quality of work placements in companies was transferred from the 17 sector-based centres of expertise to SBB.

In addition, new public-private partnerships are pursuing stronger cooperation between VET schools and regional and local businesses in innovative sectors. These actions are stimulated and funded by the Regional Investment Fund (RIF).

From 2014 to 2017, the...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The pilot is intended to address the need of VET schools and companies for more flexibility between VET tracks (school-based VET/BOL and dual VET/BBL) and to stimulate cooperation between schools and companies to offer good quality training that suits labour market needs.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

Pilots integrating the school-based (BOL) and dual/apprenticeship track (BBL) are referred to as GLBB (Gecombineerde Leerweg BOL/BBL). They are taking place between May 2015 and July 2021 in upper secondary VET schools (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs at MBO levels 2 to 4). They are being run under the cooperation of the Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad) and the Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB). Students start in the school-based track and switch to...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Cooperation organisation for VET and the labour market (SBB)
  • Council for upper secondary VET schools (MBO Raad)
ID number
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Netherlands Practical measure/Initiative


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

Subsidy schemes for workplace learning are meant to encourage employers to offer apprenticeships and work placements by covering their costs for supervising apprentices and students.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The existing subsidy scheme for companies to cover the costs of offering learning places to apprentices (BBL students, and also applicable to VMBO, MBO and higher professional education - HBO VET programmes) was extended in 2017/18 to cover the costs related to learners enrolled in secondary special needs education (voortgezet speciaal onderwijs), practical education (praktijkonderwijs) and upper secondary VET EQF level 1 programmes. In December 2018, it was decided to extend the duration of...

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
ID number
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Netherlands Strategy/Action plan