  • 2021Approved/Agreed
  • 2022Implementation
ID number


A brief overview of the context and rationale of the policy development, explaining why it is implemented or why it is important.

Many adults in Romania have low or no qualifications, and low literacy and numeracy skills. The country ranks last in the EU in terms of the share of people with basic or above basic general digital skills (31% in 2019, compared to the EU average of 56%). The number of employees with low qualifications and basic skills (literacy, numeracy and digital) has remained practically unchanged in recent years. According to the data from the 2021 EU Labour Force Survey, there are over three million low-qualified adults (28.7%) in Romania, which is more than a half of all employees.

Access and participation of low-skilled adults in education and training is still a challenge. In 2019, only 1.3% of adults had a recent learning experience, one of the lowest levels in the EU, significantly below the EU average of 10.8%, according to Eurostat. In 2020, Romania continued to have the lowest adult participation in learning activities in the EU (1.0%, well below the EU average of 9.2%). In 2021, the share of the population aged 25-64 participating in education and training was 4.9% (2021 EU Labour Force Survey). Active labour market policies aim to bring the unemployed into the labour market as quickly as possible, but they do not always offer flexible and personalised opportunities for updating skills.


Goals and objectives of the policy development.

The National strategy for employment 2021-27 outlines, for the next programming period, an integrated vision of relevant labour market policies, from both labour demand and supply perspectives.

It was designed to respond to the European priorities set in the European package of measures for more social cohesion and in the European Green Deal promoting measures to address climate change challenges, and to the national priorities set to diminish and limit the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and labour market.

The general objective of the strategy is to increase employment of 20 to 64-year-olds to 75% through measures to activate inactive people who are able to work -  the unemployed, especially long-term, young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) - , by ensuring rapid and quality job transitions for young graduates, developing human resources, stimulating entrepreneurial culture and entrepreneurship and stimulating the creation of new opportunities and jobs.


What/How/Who/For whom/When of the policy development in detail, explaining its activities and annual progress, main actors and target groups.

The strategy was developed in a challenging economic time. It needs to support the recovery of the labour market after the COVID-19 crisis and continue the previously implemented policies, including Youth Guarantee actions.

It is based on social innovation, models of public and private services and partnerships to offer adapted solutions and comprehensively address the increased societal complexity of contemporary Romania.

The strategy proposes a multi-annual framework plan with measures to be implemented by 2027, with the support from the State budget and EU programmes.

The strategy sets the following governing principles to fund the implementation of the planned measures, including transparency, participation, accountability, effectiveness and coherence.

The strategy is implemented through annual action plans updated within the multi-annual framework and taking into account the evolving challenges to the labour market and the national and European strategic context. The main actions should be inclusive (support the workforce and NEETs), address modernising and strengthening labour market institutions to create a sustainable, flexible, operational and resilient workforce, and strengthen CVET/adult learning for better matching labour market demand.

The labour ministry together with stakeholders involved and the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) implement the strategy.


The strategy was approved in 2021.


In 2022, the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) coordinated the implementation of three dedicated ESF projects supporting the strategy implementation.

The eSPOR project aimed to introduce online services, instruments and simplified procedures for creating a unique platform integrating services for employers in their relationship with ANOFM and its services.

The Case management project aimed to introduce an online digital application for jobseekers (create profile, guide and counsel them and make appointments for services) and reduce bureaucracy.

The ReConect project, jointly implemented by IVET and CVET stakeholders, aimed to create a platform for anticipating and monitoring labour market needs, and evaluating VET policies.

Bodies responsible

This section lists main bodies that are responsible for the implementation of the policy development or for its specific parts or activities, as indicated in the regulatory acts. The responsibilities are usually explained in its description.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (until 2021)
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of National Education (until 2021)
  • National Qualifications Authority (ANC)
  • National Agency for Employment (ANOFM)

Target groups

Those who are positively and directly affected by the measures of the policy development; those on the list are specifically defined in the EU VET policy documents. A policy development can be addressed to one or several target groups.


  • Young people (15-29 years old)
  • Young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs)
  • Learners at risk of early leaving or/and early leavers
  • Adult learners
  • Unemployed and jobseekers
  • Persons in employment, including those at risk of unemployment
  • Low-skilled/qualified persons

Entities providing VET

  • Companies
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • VET providers (all kinds)

Other stakeholders

  • Social partners (employer organisations and trade unions)
  • National, regional and local authorities

Thematic categories

Thematic categories capture main aspects of the decision-making and operation of national VET and LLL systems. These broad areas represent key elements that all VET and LLL systems have to different extents and in different combinations, and which come into focus depending on the EU and national priorities. Thematic categories are further divided into thematic sub-categories. Based on their description, policy developments can be assigned to one or several thematic categories.

Governance of VET and lifelong learning

This thematic category looks at existing legal frameworks providing for strategic, operational – including quality assurance – and financing arrangements for VET and lifelong learning (LLL). It examines how VET and LLL-related policies are placed in broad national socioeconomic contexts and coordinate with other strategies and policies, such as economic, social and employment, growth and innovation, recovery and resilience.

This thematic category covers partnerships and collaboration networks of VET stakeholders – especially the social partners – to shape and implement VET in a country, including looking at how their roles and responsibilities for VET at national, regional and local levels are shared and distributed, ensuring an appropriate degree of autonomy for VET providers to adapt their offer.

The thematic category also includes efforts to create national, regional and sectoral skills intelligence systems (skills anticipation and graduate tracking) and using skills intelligence for making decisions about VET and LLL on quality, inclusiveness and flexibility.

Coordinating VET and other policies

This thematic sub-category refers to the integration of VET into economic, industrial, innovation, social and employment strategies, including those linked to recovery, green and digital transitions, and where VET is seen as a driver for innovation and growth. It includes national, regional, sectoral strategic documents or initiatives that make VET an integral part of broader policies, or applying a mix of policies to address an issue VET is part of, e.g. in addressing youth unemployment measures through VET, social and active labour market policies that are implemented in combination. National skill strategies aiming at quality and inclusive lifelong learning also fall into this sub-category.

Engaging VET stakeholders and strengthening partnerships in VET

This thematic sub-category refers both to formal mechanisms of stakeholder engagement in VET governance and to informal cooperation among stakeholders, which motivate shared responsibility for quality VET. Formal engagement is usually based on legally established institutional procedures that clearly define the role and responsibilities for relevant stakeholders in designing, implementing and improving VET. It also refers to establishing and increasing the degree of autonomy of VET providers for agile and flexible VET provision.

In terms of informal cooperation, the sub-category covers targeted actions by different stakeholders to promote or implement VET. This cooperation often leads to creating sustainable partnerships and making commitments for targeted actions, in line with the national context and regulation, e.g. national alliances for apprenticeships, pacts for youth or partnerships between schools and employers. It can also include initiatives and projects run by the social partners or sectoral organisations or networks of voluntary experts and executives, retired or on sabbatical, to support their peers in the fields of VET and apprenticeships, as part of the EAfA.

Establishing and developing skills intelligence systems

High-quality and timely skills intelligence is a powerful policy tool, helping improve economic competitiveness and fostering social progress and equality through the provision of targeted skills training to all citizens (Cedefop, 2020). Skills intelligence is the outcome of an expert-driven process of identifying, analysing, synthesising and presenting quantitative and/or qualitative skills and labour market information. Skills intelligence draws on data from multiple sources, such as graduate tracking systems, skills anticipation mechanisms, including at sectoral and regional levels. Actions related to establishing and developing such systems fall under this thematic sub-category.

Modernising VET offer and delivery

This thematic category looks at what and how individuals learn, how learning content and learning outcomes in initial and continuing VET are defined, adapted and updated. First and foremost, it examines how VET standards, curricula, programmes and training courses are updated and modernised or new ones created. Updated and renewed VET content ensures that learners acquire a balanced mix of competences that address modern demands, and are more closely aligned with the realities of the labour market, including key competences, digital competences and skills for green transition and sustainability, both sector-specific and across sectors. Using learning outcomes as a basis is important to facilitate this modernisation, including modularisation of VET programmes. Updating and developing teaching and learning materials to support the above is also part of the category.

The thematic category continues to focus on strengthening high-quality and inclusive apprenticeships and work-based learning in real-life work environments and in line with the European framework for quality and effective apprenticeships. It looks at expanding apprenticeship to continuing vocational training and at developing VET programmes at EQF levels 5-8 for better permeability and lifelong learning and to support the need for higher vocational skills.

This thematic category also focuses on VET delivery through a mix of open, digital and participative learning environments, including workplaces conducive to learning, which are flexible, more adaptable to the ways individuals learn, and provide more access and outreach to various groups of learners, diversifying modes of learning and exploiting the potential of digital learning solutions and blended learning to complement face-to-face learning.

Centres of vocational excellence that connect VET to innovation and skill ecosystems and facilitate stronger cooperation with business and research also fall into this category.

Acquiring key competences

This thematic sub-category refers to acquisition of key competences and basic skills for all, from an early age and throughout their life, including those acquired as part of qualifications and curricula. Key competences include knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by all for personal fulfilment and development, employability and lifelong learning, social inclusion, active citizenship and sustainable awareness. Key competences include literacy; multilingual; science, technology, engineering and mathematical (STEM); digital; personal, social and learning to learn; active citizenship, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression (Council of the European Union, 2018).

Integrating digital skills and competences in VET curricula and programmes

This thematic sub-category refers to updating VET curricula and programmes to incorporate skills related and needed for the digital transition, including sector- and occupation-specific ones identified in cooperation with stakeholders.

Supporting lifelong learning culture and increasing participation

Lifelong learning refers to all learning (formal, non-formal or informal) taking place at all stages in life and resulting in an improvement or update in knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes or in participation in society from a personal, civic, cultural, social or employment-related perspective (Erasmus+, Glossary of terms, https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/part-d/glossary-common-terms). A systemic approach to CVET is crucial to ensure adaptability to evolving demands.

This broad thematic category looks at ways of creating opportunities and ensuring access to re-skilling and upskilling pathways, allowing individuals to progress smoothly in their learning throughout their lives with better permeability between general and vocational education and training, and better integration and compatibility between initial and continuing VET and with higher education. Individuals should be supported in acquiring and updating their skills and competences and navigating easily through education and training systems. Strategies and campaigns that promote VET and LLL as an attractive and high-quality pathway, providing quality lifelong guidance and tailored support to design learning and career paths, and various incentives (financial and non-financial) to attract and support participation in VET and LLL fall into this thematic category as well.

This thematic category also includes many initiatives on making VET inclusive and ensuring equal education and training opportunities for various groups of learners, regardless of their personal and economic background and place of residence – especially those at risk of disadvantage or exclusion, such as persons with disabilities, the low-skilled and low-qualified, minorities, migrants, refugees and others.

Providing for individuals' re- and upskilling needs

This thematic sub-category refers to providing the possibility for individuals who are already in the labour market/in employment to reskill and/or acquire higher levels of skills, and to ensuring targeted information resources on the benefits of CVET and lifelong learning. It also covers the availability of CVET programmes adaptable to labour market, sectoral or individual up- and reskilling needs. The sub-category includes working with respective stakeholders to develop digital learning solutions supporting access to CVET opportunities and awarding CVET credentials and certificates.

Lifelong guidance

This thematic sub-category refers to providing high-quality lifelong learning and career guidance services, including making full use of Europass and other digital services and resources.

European priorities in VET

EU priorities in VET and LLL are set in the Council Recommendation for VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, adopted on 24 November 2020 and in the Osnabrück Declaration on VET endorsed on 30 November 2020.

VET Recommendation

  • VET agile in adapting to labour market challenges


Part of the vocational education and training and lifelong learning systems the policy development applies to.

Further reading

Sources for further reading where readers can find more information on policy developments: links to official documents, dedicated websites, project pages. Some sources may only be available in national languages.


Type of development

Policy developments are divided into three types: strategy/action plan; regulation/legislation; and practical measure/initiative.
Strategy/Action plan
Cite as
Cedefop and Refernet (2023). National strategy for employment 2021-27: Romania. Timeline of VET policies in Europe. [online tool] https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/tools/timeline-vet-policies-europe/search/44150