Displaying 1 - 12 of 16 blog articles
  • Blog article

    In this blog article, you will find the following information:

    • VET toolkit team presence at relevant events across Europe
    • New publications in the field of inclusion now available
    • Recent changes in the team and recently published call for tender
    • News from our ambassadors including new network members
  • Blog article

    The end of the year is a great moment to reflect on past achievements and lessons learnt, take stock of activities carried out and set new objectives for the year to come. It is a moment we wish to share with all of you, our Ambassadors, with a compilation of what we, Cedefop VET4Youth team and Ambassadors for tackling early leaving from VET, have achieved together. Our New Year’s resolution is to further strengthen our collaboration in 2024!

  • Blog article

    While celebrating the European Year of Skills and with VET institutions striving to enable individuals to reach their full learning potential, 1 in 10 young people in Europe still does not qualify in upper secondary education (9.6% in 2022). These low-educated young people, known as early leavers from education and training, are more likely to experience lower levels of professional accomplishment, well-being and life satisfaction.

  • Blog article

    With digitalisation accelerating, digital skills are at the core of employability. Vocational education and training (VET) policies rightly emphasise how crucial it is that Europe’s citizens have the possibilities and means to develop, upgrade or update their digital skills. To be fully effective, such policies need to be complemented with maximising teachers’ and trainers’ teaching potential to use technology and developing a positive attitude towards the need for conscious, ethical and inclusive use of digital tools.

  • Blog article

    Taking stock of the latest activities carried out within Cedefop VET4Youth team and the Ambassadors for tackling early leaving from VET, we are sharing a summary of the latest highlights, wishing everyone a restful summer break with this good read!

  • Blog article

    Just as we are about to enter 2023 year of skills, we have a good reason to celebrate: Cedefop VET toolkit for tackling early leaving has reached 20 key intervention approaches!

  • Blog article

    More than 14 million people are thought to have fled their homes since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to UN's International Organisation for Migration (IOM). About eight million people are displaced inside the war-torn country, while six million have left for neighbouring countries. From them, 2 million are school age.

  • Blog article

    Cedefop’s VET toolkit for tackling early leaving has been enriched with a new intervention approach on digital inclusion providing guidelines to integrate technology in VET educational practices in an effective way.

    The use of digital tools opens a wide range of learning opportunities, especially for students with special needs and learning difficulties. ICT can facilitate and complement different teaching methods and lead to positive outcomes if it is well-targeted and certain conditions, such as the provision of digital guidance to VET teachers and practitioners, are met.

  • Blog article

    Supporting policy-makers and practitioners to promote inclusive excellence in VET

  • Blog article

    In order to provide practitioners and policy-makers with practical support, Cedefop launched the VET toolkit for tackling early leaving in May 2017 and its updated edition in 2019.

  • Blog article

    Starting the school year 2020/21 in the midst of a pandemic poses a host of new challenges for schools, teachers and training providers.

  • Blog article

    Cedefop’s ambassadors for tackling early leaving from education and training call for further support to address the needs of learners at risk and ensure their equal access to quality distance learning.