Cedefop, together with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU, is organising the 14th Cedefop Brussels seminar as a virtual event.

Organised in cooperation with the rotating EU Presidency, these seminars build on Cedefop’s research and analyses to address issues relevant to current European debates on vocational education and training (VET) and employment.

The 14th Brussels seminar will address the skills necessary to boost innovation, the role of vocational education and training (VET) and skills anticipation approaches to meet the goals of the European Green Deal (EGD) and of the Green Deal Industrial Plan.

The 14th Cedefop Brussels Seminar aims at addressing the two following questions:

  1. What are the expected skill needs relevant to green technological and social innovation and how can VET best address them?
  2. What is the role of skills governance and innovative skills anticipation in supporting policy-making to make the green transition happen?

The 14th Brussels seminar will present Cedefop research on trends and developments in skills and jobs for the green transition, and its work on skills anticipation approaches that facilitate the transition to the new ‘green’ paradigm in European economies and societies.

Cedefop experts and external experts will present, discuss and debate the interaction between VET and skills in the context of technological and social innovation, and the contribution of innovative skills anticipation and governance approaches.

The concept note and agenda are available here.


Monday 19 June 2023
Moderator: Antonio Ranieri, Cedefop
10.00 - 10.10 Welcome and scene setting
  • Åsa Petri, Chair of the Education Committee, Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Jürgen Siebel, Executive Director, Cedefop
Moderator: Jiri Branka, Cedefop
10.10 - 11.00 Skills for boosting ‘greenovation’
  • Skills for the green transition – realising VET’s potential, Stelina Chatzichristou, Expert, Cedefop
  • Simone Schirru, RREUSE
  • Anders Norberg and Jakub Stolfa, ERASMUS+ ALBATTS and Automotive Skills Alliance
  • Q&A
11.00 - 12.00 Anticipating and matching skills: promising practices
  • Stelina Chatzichristou, Expert, Cedefop
  • Joanna Sabat, Reboost – a Boost for Rural Lignite Regions initiative, EIT-KIC
  • Iván Pineda, Director of Innovation, WindEurope
  • Aoife O'Sullivan, Skillnet Ireland
  • Q&A
12.00 - 12.10 ------- Break -------
12.10 - 12.55
Panel discussion
Moderator: Jasper van Loo, Cedefop

A panel discussion followed by Q&A and discussion involving the audience

  • Alfonso Alcolea, Policy officer, European Commission, DG ENV
  • Tim Schreiber, Policy officer, European Commission, DG EMPL
  • Daniel Wetzel, Head of Tracking Sustainable Transitions Unit, International Energy Agency
  • Christer Bergqvist, Deputy Director General, Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education
12.55 - 13.00
Cedefop closing remarks
Mara Brugia, Cedefop Deputy Director


Alfonso Alcolea is a Policy Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment (DG ENV), Unit C3 at the Directorate for Zero Pollution.

He is member of the team in charge of urban environmental policy, running the Green City Accord and the European Green Capital / Green Leaf awards.

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Previously, he worked in the Unit in charge of sustainable freshwater management (Water Framework Directive).

Before, he developed different tasks related to environment and regional policy at the European Committee of the Regions, the Regional Office of Valencia in Brussels and the European Parliament.

Alfonso is a lawyer and holds a master degree from the College of Europe in Bruges.

Christer Bergqvist is the Deputy Director General of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education.

He holds academic degrees in Business Administration and Behavioural Science from Lund University and is a member of the governing boards of Kristianstad University and the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid.

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Mr Bergqvist has extensive experience, working since 2000, with the Swedish system for higher vocational education.

His current responsibilities also include the development and implementation of the Swedish qualifications framework (SeQF) and the Swedish NCP for the EQF.

In cooperation with social partners and labour market stakeholders and representatives from the education system as well as regions, he is leading the work on developing structures for validation of prior learning.

Mr Bergqvist has also overseen several EU-funded projects in the areas of qualifications, validation, microcredentials, and lifelong learning.

Mara Brugia is the Deputy Director of Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.

She has been involved in vocational education and training (VET) since 1994. As Head of Department from 2004 to 2014, she managed teams of European experts working in research and policy analysis to support the development and implementation of the Union policy in the field of VET, skills and qualifications.

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She holds a university degree in Economics and a Master in Economics, politics and law of the European Union. Her mother tongue is Italian (born in Perugia) and she is fluent in English, French, Greek and Spanish.

Stelina Chatzichristou is an expert in the Department for VET and skills at Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.

She is leading Cedefop’s research on jobs, skills and vocational education and training (VET) for the green transition and sectoral skills developments.

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Stelina coordinates the skills intelligence and foresight team, and contributes to the Centre’s research on skills anticipation and skills governance.

Before joining Cedefop, Stelina worked for almost a decade as a researcher and policy analyst in the private sector.

In that capacity, she has worked on and managed projects on national and EU comparative analysis on VET, skills and entrepreneurship.

Dr Anders Norberg is an educational researcher and developer at Campus Skellefteå, a multi-institutional campus in Northern Sweden.

Skellefteå is the site of Northvolt Ett, Europe’s first homegrown battery gigafactory.

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Anders has extensive experience in EC projects, and is currently coordinator of the ERASMUS+ blueprint project ALBATTS, with 21 partners in 11 countries 2019-23, working in education development in the field of batteries and electromobility at the EU level.

His well-cited research specialises in blended learning/ICT integration, educational justice and education logistics. Anders is also Vice President of the Automotive Skills Alliance, a large-scale European Pact-for-Skills partnership.

Aoife O’Sullivan is the Head of Network Development and Innovation with Skillnet Ireland where she oversees the management of 70 Skillnet Business Networks across a range of industry sectors and regions.

With over 15 years management experience, Aoife has a strong track record in relationship management and strategic communications.

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As a senior manager in the public and private sector, Aoife has gained a solid understanding of the development and learning needs of companies at various stages of their growth lifecycle.

Aoife holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Multimedia and an MA in Communications & Cultural Studies.

Åsa Petri Education Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU.

Åsa Petri is the Chair of the Education Committee of the Council of the European Union during the Swedish Presidency of 2023.

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She has worked for the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research for 13 years, of which 5 as Education Counsellor at the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU.

Åsa Petri is currently on leave from her post of Head of Unit of the International Office at Stockholm University.

She has previously worked for the Swedish National Agency for Erasmus and other funding programmes, for the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the Stockholm School of Economics and for CEMS, a global alliance of management schools.

Iván Pineda is the Director of Innovation for WindEurope, the European trade association representing wind energy based in Brussels, Belgium.

He has worked there for 12 years, holding the positions of Head of Policy Analysis and policy officer on wind power integration into electricity grids and markets.

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Before joining WindEurope, he worked for 6 years as a technical project manager on large-scale mechanical and electrical installations across Europe for Procter & Gamble.

His professional experience includes working as freelance management consultant and as finance manager at French retailer Carrefour.

He studied in Mexico and Canada, where he graduated with a BSc in Industrial Engineering, and in the UK, where he obtained an MSc in Sustainable Energy Technology at Imperial College London as a Chevening Scholar.

Antonio Ranieri is Head of Department for VET and Skills at Cedefop.

He manages a team of European experts investigating skills trends and changes in the worlds of work and support the development and implementation of the Union policy in the field of vocational education and training.

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The Department work encompasses a wide range of research and policy analysis in two Cedefop strategic areas of operation, namely skills and labour market and learning and employability.

An economist by training, Antonio has taught regional economics at the University of Rome since 2002. He also lectured at the National High School of Public Administration on cost-benefit analysis and public expenditure.

Prior to joining Cedefop, in 2010, he was Head of Research and Studies at the public services authority of the Municipality of Rome. Until 2007, he was Head of Area at CLES, an independent centre of studies on labour market and economic development based in Rome.

Photo Joanna SabatJoanna Sabat, EIT Climate-KIC CEE Ecosystem Developer.

Working with EIT Climate-KIC since 2013, supporting innovative ideas, cities, and start-ups in central & eastern Europe aiming at C02 emission reduction and saving our planet and people from the climate crisis.

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Involved in a number of initiatives focused on transformation of coal-dependent regions and just transition – among them the CEE Community Lab, the Post Coal Future Lab, and Reboost – a Boost for Rural Lignite Regions.

Simone Schirru is a Policy Officer in Social and Economic Policies at RREUSE, the European network for reuse, repair, and recycling, representing social enterprises active in the circular economy.

Simone follows policy files which include the EU Action Plan on the Social Economy, public procurement, State aid, and skills-related initiatives.

Tim Schreiber is a Policy Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

He works in Unit B3, which is in charge of vocational education and training (VET).

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Tim works on skills needed for the green transition on the labour market, internationalisation of VET, as well as higher VET.

Currently, Tim is also closely involved in the organisation of the European Year of Skills.

Previously, he worked in DG EMPL’s geographical desk for Austria and Germany, in a Brussels-based public sector consultancy and in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN).

He holds a bachelor degree in Political Science and a master degree in International Relations.

Jürgen Siebel joined Cedefop from the private sector in September 2019 as Executive Director.

Out of Thessaloniki, Cedefop supports the development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies, skills policies, and qualifications policies, and contributes to their implementation.

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As Executive Director, Jürgen is responsible for managing the Agency’s operations in accordance with the strategic direction of its tripartite Management Board.

Before joining Cedefop, Jürgen served for more than 20 years as an HR manager with global governance and business-partner responsibilities at Siemens.

Jürgen earned his MSc in Economics at the University of Hamburg, and a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Vienna.

Jakub Stolfa is the programme manager and an academic staff member at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, where he also received his PhD.

At VSB – TUO he is responsible for the skills agenda in the automotive-mobility ecosystem, where – among other activities and projects in the field – he and his team coordinated the DRIVES project and the Blueprint project for the automotive sector.

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Jakub is also leading the WP in ALBATTS project, the Blueprint project for batteries for the electromobility sector.

His recent activities are strongly focused on a sustainable and pragmatic approach towards the skills agenda in the automotive ecosystem, establishing the Automotive Skills Alliance, a Pact for Skills partnership in the automotive-mobility ecosystem.

He has experience in project/programme management, development of training and education programmes, and a technical background in informatics and mechatronics in the automotive ecosystem.

Jasper Van Loo is coordinator of Cedefop’s department for VET and Skills.

He currently coordinates the labour market and skills analysis work of the agency. He is also part of the team investigating EU skills trends using online job vacancies.

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He has a master degree in quantitative and general economics and holds a Ph.d. in social sciences.

As a researcher and project manager at the Dutch research centre for education and the labour market (ROA) Jasper led research projects on labour market issues, skills, employability and obsolescence of knowledge.

He also worked on HRD and HRM, taking an economic perspective to human resources issues. Jasper started working for Cedefop in 2007. He led the centre’s early work on skill mismatch, coordinated the centre’s work on national VET systems and policies for several years, and led the centre’s skills governance work.

Daniel Wetzel Head of Unit: Tracking Sustainable Transitions International Energy Agency.

Dan leads the newly created Tracking Sustainable Transitions Unit within the World Energy Outlook, which tracks how policy measures are moving the needle on clean energy transitions, energy access, and energy employment.

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He was one of the lead authors of the IEA Sustainable Recovery report and the IEA Sustainable Recovery Tracker, and coordinated IEA’s co-custodianship of Tracking Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 7.1: Universal Access.

Dan also oversees the employment and parts of the demand analysis in the annual World Energy Outlook.

Prior to joining the IEA, Dan worked at the Rocky Mountain Institute in their Beijing office, leading their Power Market Reform programme, and in Colorado, working on regional energy transition plans.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
Virtual event
Virtual event
Invitation only
Cedefop involvement


Privacy Statement - Brussels Seminar with the Swedish Presidency


Concept note and agenda - 14th Cedefop Brussels seminar


Presentation: ALBATTS ASA - Norberg, Stolfa


Presentation: Cedefop skills green transition - Chatzichristou


Presentation: Cedefop skills anticipation - Chatzichristou


Presentation: RREUSE - Schirru


Presentation: Coal regions - Sabat


Presentation: Wind Energy - Pineda



Stelina Chatzichristou
Cosmin Roman
Cedefop Liaison Officer
Sylvie Bousquet
Project manager