As official partner event of the 2022 European vocational skills week, the Ministry of Education inaugurated on 16th of May 2022, the Digital Learning Hub (DLH), a modern training centre that offers a new way to acquire digital skills in response to growing labour market demand.

The new Digital learning hub (DLH) will contribute to increasing the skillset in the IT sector while preparing learners for the labour market. Based on a cooperative approach in a fun environment, the DLH provides creative pedagogy, abstaining from conventional assessment practices. Peer-to-peer learning, project-based work, creativity, entrepreneurship, as well as complex problem solving are core components of the DLH’s learning methods.


The DLH offers modern facilities (open, multi-purpose, modular and multi-functional spaces), allowing learners to feel comfortable and confident, and to foster peer-to-peer learning. The training centre relies on a large network of external experts and training activities while having a core team managing the training offer, which is built on four pillars:

  • Coding: the world-renowned School 42 (E42 / École 42) offers broad and complex training in coding and programming. Designed as a video game (gamification), learners progress by solving challenges. Without formal classes or teachers, students work in groups as well as through peer-to-peer exchanges and can be coached, if necessary. The E42 training takes an average three years and leads to a bachelor equivalent certificate. Besides School 42, DLH offers other courses in coding.
  • Design thinking: D-School is a model from Stanford University that offers a human-centred approach to solving complex problems, finding sustainable solutions, and in designing innovative products. In cooperation with the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam, D-School provides Design thinking training in two- and three-day workshops, bringing together a wide range of learner profiles.
  • Blockchain: the Luxembourg blockchain lab, implemented by five associations and research centres active in the field, offers training courses in the main principles of blockchain, lasting from 5 to 14 weeks. Participants gain knowledge of its legal and financial implications, while being initiated to blockchain programming. They also learn to develop projects in collaboration with the blockchain industry.
  • Cybersecurity: is an agency created by several ministries and unions of municipalities. It offers short (half-day to 1 day) introductory sessions to the challenges of cybersecurity by presenting the risks and good practices related to the protection of computer systems and networks.

Target group

The DLH is open to any adult, regardless of their qualification, or whether they are residents or non-residents. It especially targets:

  • young people who have left secondary school or university, with or without a diploma;
  • jobseekers who wish to retrain or benefit from a professional retraining measure (reskilling);
  • digital professionals, sent by their company to improve their skills in a highly specialised field (upskilling).

DLH also offers the possibility for employers to create customised training courses according to their needs. Hence, DLH experts, in partnership with employers, can specify objectives (learning outcomes), and tailor training courses accordingly.

Access requirements

There are no entry requirements, but the number of learners is limited to allow personal and effective mentoring. For School 42 the maximum is 150 learners; for training in the other four domains – coding, design thinking, cybersecurity and blockchain – the number of learners is limited to between 12 and 20 depending on the classroom size.

Registration is free of charge for the E42 training. Cybersecurity, blockchain and design thinking courses are free up to August 2022. From the winter semester 2022 onwards, learners will have to pay to attend classes.

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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Luxembourg; Cedefop (2022). Luxembourg: Digital Learning Hub. National news on VET


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