Why aren’t apprenticeships offered in high-tech industries such as video gaming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality in education? What is the modern role of a teacher?

Two practitioners, representing education and business, exchange views and agree that they must work together to serve learners in the digital era better.

Dan McCabe works in the gaming industry and is a WorldSkills’ Champions Trust regional representative for Europe, and Carlos de Olagüe Smithson is a teacher, director of a vocational school in Madrid and a member of the European forum for vocational training.

They both took part in the joint symposium on Apprenticeships and the digital transition, organised by Cedefop and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The event was part of the European Year of Skills.

Dan Mc Cabe and Carlos Olague Smithson
Left to right: Rosy Voudouri, Dan McCabe and Carlos de Olagüe Smithson

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