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In 2019, Cedefop launched a pan-European opinion survey on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training (CVET).

The findings show that adults of all ages and across all occupations and qualifications recognise the need for new skills. This need, however, seems insufficient to motivate adults to participate in learning and CVET at the desired levels. Raising adult participation may require new, more learner-centric, policy approaches.

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Cite as

Cedefop (2022). High esteem but low participation. Cedefop briefing note, March 2022. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/407410


Hohe Wertschätzung, doch geringe Beteiligung

DE 141.84 KB

Hohe Wertschätzung, doch geringe Beteiligung

DE 65.43 KB

Υψηλή εκτίμηση αλλά χαμηλό ποσοστό συμμετοχής

EL 149.38 KB

Υψηλή εκτίμηση αλλά χαμηλό ποσοστό συμμετοχής

EL 68.36 KB

High esteem but low participation

EN 92.25 KB

High esteem but low participation

EN 60.78 KB

Alta valoración pero baja participación

ES 144.34 KB

Alta valoración pero baja participación

ES 62.8 KB

Une grande estime mais une faible participation

FR 137.85 KB

Une grande estime mais une faible participation

FR 66.35 KB

Alta stima ma scarsa partecipazione

IT 135.14 KB

Alta stima ma scarsa partecipazione

IT 62.17 KB

Wysokie uznanie, ale niski poziom zaangażowania

PL 138.47 KB

Wysokie uznanie, ale niski poziom zaangażowania

PL 65.39 KB

Elevada estima, mas baixa participação

PT 144.38 KB

Elevada estima, mas baixa participação

PT 63.69 KB