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This report provides insight into likely employment and skills implications of the European Green Deal (EGD) based on a Cedefop skills forecast scenario.

Implementing the EGD has a positive net employment impact. Employment effects appear to be concentrated in sectors directly targeted, such as extraction industries, construction and waste management. Employment increases are forecast in service sectors such as engineering and administration. In most other sectors, a possible redirection of employment towards cleaner production rather than an employment change is forecast. Policy needs to focus on extensive accelerating of up- and reskilling and providing guidance and support to workers who will need to change occupation, sector or geographic location. As well as targeted investment, developing transition-oriented skills matching approaches should also be a policy priority.

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Cedefop (2021). The green employment and skills transformation: insights from a European Green Deal skills forecast scenario. Luxembourg: Publications Office. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/112540


The green employment and skills transformation

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