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Microcredentials are not new. They have been in use in various countries and education and training sectors; they have played a role, among others, in the certification of IT courses or health workers’ professional development.

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Cedefop (2022). Are microcredentials becoming a big deal? Cedefop briefing note, June 2022. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/017199


Werden Mikrozertifikate zu einem Renner?

DE 261.43 KB

Werden Mikrozertifikate zu einem Renner?

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Μικρο-διαπιστευτήρια με μεγάλη σημασία

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Μικρο-διαπιστευτήρια με μεγάλη σημασία

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Are microcredentials becoming a big deal?

EN 146.87 KB

Are microcredentials becoming a big deal?

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¿Se están haciendo imprescindibles las microcredenciales?

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¿Se están haciendo imprescindibles las microcredenciales?

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Les microcertifications: désormais un enjeu de taille?

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Les microcertifications: désormais un enjeu de taille?

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Le microcredenziali stanno diventando importanti?

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Mikropoświadczenia – wielka sprawa?

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Mikropoświadczenia – wielka sprawa?

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As microcredenciais estão a ganhar importância?

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As microcredenciais estão a ganhar importância?

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