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This publication has been prepared by the interagency technical vocational education and training (TVET) group on skill mismatch in digitised labour markets, to support experts and policy-makers who wish to engage in discussion on the potential of web-based big data for skills policy.

It outlines how such data can be used to mitigate labour market challenges, reduce skills mismatches and strengthen the links between the labour market and education and training.

The focus is on overcoming conceptual and practical challenges and limitations, system development and using big data for skills policy in practice. Examples of big data initiatives from around the globe illustrate its potential and provide insight into how big data are already supporting policy-makers in shaping the futures of work and education.

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Cedefop; European Commission; ETF et al. (2021). Perspectives on policy and practice: tapping into the potential of big data for skills policy. Luxembourg: Publications Office. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/25160


Perspectives on policy and practice

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